I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 296 Forbidden Technology

The electronic screen was sent away by Mo Ling.

That somewhat meaningful summary made him feel very awkward and full of doubts.

"How did these robots that should have been banned end up in the abyss, and they seem to have obtained official permission. Is this news outdated?"

Have we already entered the era of intelligent machines?

Mo Ling was not from this era, so he could only rely on imagination as to the development of these technologies, and had no idea of ​​the current specific level.

Outside the cube, holding an electronic screen, Li Luo also slowly explained the inside story of this report to Mo Ling:

"This is not official news. This is written by opponents of Yuanxin Technology. They have always opposed Yuanxin Technology's use of things obtained from the abyss to develop human civilization."

"Even if this is not an intelligent machine, but just some kind of children's toy, they will object. You should also notice that this report is very subjective and inflammatory."

Hearing Li Luo's words, Mo Ling in the cube also nodded.

No wonder he always felt that this news was strange. Both the words and the photos were deliberately processed and very instructive.

Anyone who clicks on this report will easily be misled by the very "immersive" photos and subtitles.

To be honest, Mo Ling didn't know the authenticity of this news.

Are sixth-generation intelligent machines not banned?

The official only investigated the technical rationality of Yuanxin Technology, but was it taken out of context by these opponents?

In this way, it is not incomprehensible that sixth-generation intelligent machines appear on the Paradise.

But Li Luo's next words denied such speculation.

"The sixth generation of intelligent machinery has indeed been officially banned, and the ban is very strict."

Not long after the official stationed in Yuanxin Technology, the sixth-generation intelligent machinery was completely banned, the entire project was completely disbanded, and the existing robots were also destroyed.

Even more serious than the opponents say.

Moreover, all information has been blocked, prohibiting anyone from learning about the sixth-generation intelligent machinery through any channels.

This press conference of Yuanxin Technology did not cause any waves at all, and there was not much news. If the opponents had not been watching, they would not have known about it.

It is precisely for this reason that the articles written by these opponents have become the only surviving information.

It was actually like this, Mo Ling suddenly realized.

However, Mo Ling was also curious about what the official personnel found after they stationed at Yuanxin Technology, which made them react so violently.

"Is it another dangerous relic?"

Mo Ling thought of that news article. Some of the opinions in it could not be said to be completely biased. In some respects, they were quite reasonable.

Perhaps, the official believes that human beings cannot bear the cost of sixth-generation intelligent machines, so they prohibit it.

"But why does Li Luo know these blocked messages?"

As soon as this question arose, Mo Ling suddenly recalled the building in those photos.

"Isn't this the building where Li Luo lives?"

When he entered the dreamland before, Mo Ling had seen this building and even climbed up it. However, he had messed with too many buildings at that time and his memory was a little blurry.

However, he would definitely remember this building correctly.

This is the building where Li Luo lives.

"Li Luo is from Yuanxin Technology?"

In this way, everything can be explained, so she will know the information that is very hidden to outsiders, and can find this surviving report among the blocked materials.

Sure enough, Li Luo then revealed more insider information:

"Those that were uniformly destroyed were complete units, but Yuanxin Technology still has some experimental body parts. These parts are mixed in the product warehouse of the previous generation and have survived."

At that time, the official took a big action, not only destroying the machine body, but also completely destroying all information about the sixth-generation intelligent machinery, and the entire Yuanxin Technology database was reviewed.

However, because these parts are not very different from the previous generation, they have not been officially identified as objects for destruction.

At that time, Yuanxin Technology even took the initiative to inform the officials of the existence of these components. However, after testing, the officials determined that these bodies were no different from the previous generation and retained them.

No one knows the official testing methods, but as long as they think there are no hidden dangers, Yuanxin Technology will certainly not ask any more questions.

After that, Yuanxin Technology collected these experimental body parts and did not continue the research. It just applied some of the technologies to other sections.

These large companies will not confront the authorities head-on. Banned projects have no value and should be abandoned when necessary.

Anyway, these developed technologies will not be lost. They can be put into other product projects and renamed, and they can be sold at a good price.

The data on the "digital brain" technology has been destroyed, but other linkage technologies can still be used. The pieced together product is a new product, but it is missing one gimmick.

The turmoil of the sixth-generation intelligent machinery ends here, and Yuanxin Technology did not let this matter affect the company's reputation.

Not long after, the "new Robot Home Gold Edition Plus" was re-released, triggering another rush of buying.

The sixth generation of intelligent machinery has also become a dust of the past that no one cares about.

After Li Luo finished talking about these past events, he sighed helplessly.

"Such things happen often. Officials do not ban research on the Abyss, so many companies will do such things. This is not the first time that Yuanxin Technology has dealt with this kind of technical ban, so it is very experienced."

"But these technologies disappeared forever and were completely forgotten..."

No one can bear such a price. What the company wants is to make money, the market, and develop safely and steadily. It is not to go against the authorities, and it will not be stupid enough to gamble on unknown costs.

When the risk is too high, the best way is to stop losses in time.

Mo Ling also understood their approach. Although it was a pity, it avoided greater risks.

However, there is still no way to explain the robot on this ship.

Why did the sixth-generation intelligent machine that should have been forgotten appear on the Paradise and become the "captain"?

When Mo Ling wrote his question on the electronic screen and asked Li Luo, Li Luo also had a problem.

"I don't know what happened next, and I don't know the whereabouts of those experimental body parts. Who would take such a big risk to continue to study banned technology?"

A confused expression appeared on her face as well.

"But I can't mistake those robots. They are the sixth-generation intelligent machines of Yuanxin Technology. Their appearance is absolutely correct, but I can't tell the difference in their cores."

"In the next few days, I will slowly get in touch with them. You must also be careful and don't run around."

Li Luo patted the square and said very seriously.

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