I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 297 Machine Testing

In the next few days, Li Luo took the cube and began to wander around the Paradise, experiencing various facilities, looking for robots on the ship, and doing some tests within his ability.

"At that time, the officials went to Yuanxin Technology. It was said that they did not use any relics to identify the sixth-generation intelligent machines. They only used some questions to completely distinguish them from normal machines. But those questions were kept confidential. I do not know either."

Li Luo said helplessly.

"But we can still do some simple tests on the robots on the Paradise first."

She first targeted cleaning robots that often passed by the door.

This robot holds various cleaning tools on its four mechanical arms and is squeezed into the small corridor. Although it is inconvenient to move, it can clean every corner.

There was a lot of garbage in Li Luo's backpack. When the robot was away, she piled the garbage into a pile and put it directly at the door.

Not long after, the sound of cleaning came from outside the house. At the same time, Li Luo opened the door and watched the robot carefully clean up the garbage she threw.

A normal person would be able to tell at a glance that Li Luo lost it because she was the only passenger on the ship, but the cleaning robot just said hello to Li Luo and then continued cleaning.

"I lost this." Li Luo said directly to the robot.

"I know."

After the robot answered Li Luo calmly, it continued cleaning.

"I remember in the fifth generation, robots would verbally advise humans who threw away garbage. Why didn't you advise me?"

This is both a question and a test, insinuating the identity of this robot.

The robot did not stop what it was doing, but still answered Li Luo patiently. However, his reply was a bit unexpected:

"Do you want my advice?"

This question immediately stopped Li Luo.

"You probably threw the garbage on purpose and wanted to test my reaction, so I don't think you need my advice, but if you need my advice, I can do it, but I don't recommend it, because Advice is of no use to you.”

In the robot's calm voice, he stated the reason why he did not advise.

It makes perfect sense, but it's also weird.

Li Luo was stunned for a long time. This robot was a little too smart, and its intelligence far exceeded her imagination.

"You are not the fifth generation." Li Luo directly gave a positive judgment.

The cleaning robot also nodded: "Yes, we are not the fifth generation."

There’s no hiding it, the cleaning robot admits it directly.

"Is that the sixth generation?"

"It's not the sixth generation." The cleaning robot gave a surprising reply: "We are just an island defense robot independently developed by Paradise Island. It is the first generation and only one generation."

"You probably want to ask about our relationship with Yuanxin Technology, right? Many people have asked us this, because the appearance is very close, but in fact it is just an imitation. Our manufacturer thought that appearance was very handsome, so he used it coming."

The cleaning robot’s answer was quite surprising.

Li Luo also had an expression of disbelief: "Just because he's handsome?"

"Yes...handsome, isn't that enough?" the robot asked.

While the two were chatting, the cleaning robot had quickly cleaned up all the garbage in the corridor and even rinsed it.

After doing these things, it didn't stay long.

"I'm going to do other things first. If you have any questions, you can ask me directly. You don't have to use such a tactful way. Except for some confidential questions, we will answer them seriously, including our origins."

After saying that, the cleaning robot bowed to Li Luo in the narrow corridor and walked towards the other side of the corridor.

Li Luo stared blankly at the robot's retreating figure, with a look of surprise on his face.

Although she knew the origin of these robots, she didn't seem very happy, but still very suspicious.

"Their intelligence is too high. I don't believe that a machine independently developed on an island can achieve this level."

Mo Ling didn't understand the current level of intelligent machinery, but he could also see that this cleaning robot had high intelligence. Although its thinking angle was different from that of humans, its logic was very rigorous and no mistakes were made.

With greater doubts, Li Luo also began to take the cube with him to look for other robots on the ship.

There is indeed everything on the Paradise, and Li Luo even found a gym.

There is also a robot here, standing quietly in the corner of the gym, like a decoration. It wasn't until Li Luo walked into the gym that it quickly came over.

The mechanical body creaked, and it seemed that it had not moved for a long time. It hurriedly came to Li Luo.

"I heard that a guest finally arrived on the ship. Is it you?"

As strange as it sounds, Moring did feel an "eager" emotion in the robot.

It seems that even its voice is a little faster.

Of course, Li Luo also felt something strange, and nodded towards the robot with a puzzled look on his face.

What was unexpected was that after Li Luo responded to it, the robot actually complained to Li Luo: "There have been no guests on this ship for a long time, and there are even fewer people who come to the gym. I'm almost rusty."

"Can't you go do something else?"

"I don't know how to do other things." The gym robot replied seriously.


"Yes, the machines on this ship have specific positions and can only do specific things. I can only teach people to exercise, so they can only be here."

As it spoke, its arms even drooped.

I actually felt a sense of grievance in one of the robots.

Li Luo looked at it and said calmly: "I'll run first."

"Okay." Hearing that Li Luo really wanted to use the gym, the robot immediately cheered up and led Li Luo to a very huge treadmill.

"This is a holographic projection treadmill that can simulate country roads, sunny beaches, jungle wooden trails...it can also simulate confrontational environments in the abyss, including insect swarms, ruins survival, and collapsed sand dunes."

The robot actively introduced Li Luo and handed her a handle.

"You can choose weapons. All weapons are available. Of course, you can also choose some relics. However, it is recommended not to use these powerful relics. It will make the running experience very bad..."

The robot wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Li Luo: "Thank you, no introduction is needed. I know how to use it. I have many machines at home."

After saying that, she walked onto the treadmill calmly.

Only the robot standing there at a loss was left.

Mo Ling once again felt "emotion" from him.

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