I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 298 Database

Li Luo came to the gym not for fitness. She got off the treadmill not long after.

"Do you want to try other projects? I can introduce it to you." The robot approached Li Luo and asked very enthusiastically.

"I think today is not a good time for fitness." Li Luo pretended to sigh.

"Then you can do some simple stretching..." The robot seemed to be still thinking of ways to keep Li Luo in the gym.

"No need." Li Luo refused decisively.


Seeing Li Luo's tough attitude, the robot stopped trying to persuade him and stepped aside in frustration, standing there blankly just like when he first saw it.

Mo Ling looked at the robot and felt something strange.

It's obviously just a machine in appearance, but its behavior is very anthropomorphic, with many small movements that only humans can do.

For example, when it feels lost, it will droop its arms, become dejected, and its pace will change according to its emotions. Some of its expressions are even richer than those of humans.

"Very smart." Mo Ling sighed.

Li Luo didn't seem to want to stay here for long. After packing his things, he hurriedly left the gym with the cube, leaving only the robot standing motionless.

After turning a few corners in the corridor, Li Luo came to a relatively open fork, took out the electronic screen, and started writing quickly on it.

“Have you noticed a big difference with the robots in the gym?”

Mo Ling looked at the words on the electronic screen and began to express his own views: "Emotional expressions are very rich and have their own thoughts. The reaction to the outside world is not a mechanical response, it is subjective..."

After finishing writing, he passed the electronic screen to Li Luo.

Li Luo looked at Mo Ling's evaluation and nodded frequently.

But not long after, she shook her head again.

"This doesn't mean anything. The emotion of the robot is just a means of anthropomorphism, and it can be done without using digital brain technology."

"As long as the database is large enough and can respond to any actions from the outside world, it can completely deceive human feelings."

Li Luo gave an example.

In the beginning, when humans first built robots, the robots would repeatedly answer a certain question.

"Can you play chess?"

The robot will answer: "Yes."

Then no matter how many times the human asks, the robot will answer: "Yes."

But not long after, someone set up a program for the robot. After asking the same question multiple times, the robot would start asking back:

"Why are you asking the same question so many times?"

At this moment, the robot has what humans think of as an "emotion", similar to a kind of "impatience." However, this is not actually a real emotion that the robot has, it's just because humans have triggered its questioning mechanism.

Therefore, as long as there are enough settings, the robot can completely fool humans and even achieve complete anthropomorphism.

"As far as I know, Yuanxin Technology has invested a lot in anthropomorphic databases. Not only that, the previous generations of intelligent machines also collected a lot of user information after they were put into use. By the fifth generation, the robots can already start to become emotional."

“These emotional robots don’t mean anything, they can only mean that their level of anthropomorphism is high enough and the number of iterations is enough.”

"However, this can also prove that the robots on the Paradise have existed for a long time, or have been upgraded many times. They are not the first generation at all as they said!"

Mo Ling was very surprised that Li Luo could analyze so much through just this, but he still had a little doubt.

"Is it possible that Paradise Island used other companies' databases, so the first generation can reach such a level?"

"It's impossible. The machine data of those companies are all treasures and they would rather be hidden underground. It is impossible to make them public. Moreover, the amount of data that can support anthropomorphic calculations is simply not something that an island can bear."

Speaking of this, Li Luo suddenly thought of something and his eyes widened suddenly.

"I should have thought of it a long time ago! It is impossible for an island to build such a large database. They must have used other means to independently develop such an intelligent robot!"

She patted the cube excitedly.

"It must have used a digital brain, otherwise it wouldn't have such a large data capacity."

Mo Ling still didn't react.

"Does the robot database really need to be so big? It can't fit on an island?" He couldn't believe it.

"Yes, this is the case with current databases. Many companies build databases in mountains or seas because they can be continuously expanded. The storage equipment of new and old batches is divided by region and continues to expand outward."

Li Luo explained to Mo Ling: "Yuanxin Technology is responsible for the database of robot data, which is as big as dozens of football fields and has a three-dimensional structure."

As soon as Li Luo finished speaking, Mo Ling simulated it in his mind. The scene was really scary.

“I didn’t expect that the development of data storage could not keep up with the infinite expansion of data.”

Now, Mo Ling finally understood why Li Luo concluded that Paradise Island did not have such a large database.

But why can digital brain technology replace databases?

Mo Ling wrote down his questions on the electronic screen.

He didn't expect Li Luo to give him an accurate answer. He just wanted to briefly talk about the reasons why this technology could replace the database. Even if he couldn't answer, it wouldn't be surprising.

However, what Mo Ling didn't expect was that Li Luo actually knew the principles of the digital brain.

“That’s a very clever use of relics.”

Li Luo stood there and slowly introduced himself to Mo Ling.

Digital brain is not a concept that existed at the beginning.

This is a name that Yuanxin Technology chose later, in order to be more consistent with the concept of intelligent machinery.

From the beginning to the end, the relic of making a digital brain has nothing to do with the concepts of "mechanical", "digital" and "artificial intelligence". It is just an ordinary relic.

This relic was first discovered when a lone hunter strayed into the Blade Forest on the first level of the abyss.

The trees in this forest look exactly like other normal trees, but their leaves never stop falling. Although the leaves have fallen, there are still leaves on the treetops.

These leaves will not fall to the ground, but will hang lightly in the air, maintaining a certain height, and gradually becoming transparent and very hidden. When a creature enters this forest, the leaves in mid-air will shake violently. stand up.

This is an extremely terrifying shaking that can make those leaves as sharp as razor blades. The sharp leaves will cut directly into the body without the creature even reacting, turning the creature into nutrients for the forest.

Although humans will be injured by these leaves, most of them will not die. If they can realize that they have mistakenly entered the blade forest and exit in time, they can save their lives.

Although these leaves can cut the human body or even cut bones, these are not fatal injuries to humans. Most hunters who accidentally enter the blade forest from the edge will carefully exit after discovering that they are inexplicably injured.

As long as the brain, heart and other important parts are not injured, humans will not die immediately. Only those small creatures will die directly.

But the hunter was not so lucky.

He entered this forest from heaven.

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