I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 299 Patch

He had a hand-to-hand fight with a giant rainforest eagle, grabbed the giant rainforest eagle and climbed into the sky. Then, after killing the eagle, he landed in the center of the Blade Forest with its body.

Just after landing, the hunter noticed something was wrong. Some wounds appeared on his body for some reason.

It wasn't until blood oozed from the wound that he realized that he had been injured by something invisible.

"Forest of Blades."

After estimating the location, the hunter quickly understood that he had entered the Blade Forest by mistake.

There are many blade forests in the abyss, because this kind of tree is not unique to a certain area, and the place where the hunter landed happens to be a blade forest that has been discovered.

After realizing this, the hunter stopped acting rashly. Instead, he lay on the ground and used the body of the giant rainforest eagle to test the surroundings.

Fortunately, there weren't many blades and leaves around him. The trees where he was were relatively sparse, which happened to be a relatively safe area.

The hunter breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly thought of a way. He wanted to use the body of the giant rainforest eagle as a cover to walk out of the blade forest step by step.

But such thoughts were quickly interrupted by the pain in his legs.

His legs were injured, and now it was difficult for him to stand still, let alone carry a giant rainforest eagle and accurately maneuver around the invisible blades and leaves.

The adrenaline gradually faded, and the pain in the body began to slowly come back. The injuries sustained while fighting the giant eagle in the rainforest, the injuries caused when falling, and the cuts caused by leaves all began to torment the hunter at the same time.

Those bleeding wounds couldn't wait any longer. The hunter wanted to find the needle and thread to suture the wounds, but only then did he realize that his backpack had been lost somewhere while fighting the giant rainforest eagle.

He had no choice but to rummage for branches on the ground, trying to make a wooden needle himself.

But just then, he found a needle on the ground.

"Where did you get the needle?"

As if God knew his needs, a needle emitting metallic light lay quietly on the ground. It must have been lying there for a long time, but there was no sign of rust on this needle.

"This is a relic." The hunter realized this instantly.

Many relics will suddenly appear when humans need them, like gifts from God, but these gifts often come with unbearable costs.

But the hunter did not hesitate, picked up the needle, and began to tear open his own clothes. This kind of combat uniform was difficult to tear. The hunter had to borrow the talons of the giant rainforest eagle to pull out a long enough silk thread.

Wrapping the silk thread around the needle, the hunter quickly began to sew, one after another, until the lacerations on his body finally stopped leaking blood.

"The effect is so good?" The hunter tried to move and found that the badly stitched wound actually stopped bleeding, and even the pain was slowly disappearing.

"It seems to be the function of the relic, but I don't know what the price is." This needle solved his urgent need and prevented him from going into shock due to blood loss. It was already a lucky thing.

The hunter didn't think any more and started looking for branches again to tie up his injured leg. However, as he moved, he found that his body became more and more flexible.

Realizing something was wrong, he immediately looked at the previous wound, and what he saw in front of him surprised him extremely.

The tough silk threads of those combat uniforms automatically formed a patch, completely covering the wounds on his body!

Not only the cut wounds that he had sutured, but also the place that was originally injured by the giant rainforest eagle, a "patch" was automatically generated, sealing the wound tightly.

The hunter looked at the combat uniforms growing on his body and touched them gently.

A clear feeling came, as if these patches were originally my own skin.

Although the materials and colors are different, these patches are exactly the same as the hunter's original body, there is no difference at all!

At the same time, he was also surprised to find that the patch could not only repair the surface, but also the inside of the wound had completely healed. Those penetrating blade wounds no longer had any stinging sensation inside.

"Can this needle patch my body?"

The hunter was shocked. He held the needle carefully and was stunned for a long time.

The style of this patch seems to depend on the material he chooses.

He silently looked at the giant rainforest eagle beside him, and a wonderful idea came to him.

"What if I use it as material?"

Once this idea arises, it is out of control.

The hunter wrapped the eagle's feathers around the end of a needle and inserted it into his own wound.

Soon after, a strange-looking man walked out of the nearby monitoring station, and the guards at the monitoring station immediately surrounded him.

The clothes on this man were in tatters, with only a few rags left, and his exposed skin was even more strange, with many areas of different colors, like pieces of a puzzle.

Some look like combat uniforms, some look like feathers on birds, some look like some kind of bone, and some even look like steel...

Especially this man's left leg, which had no normal skin at all and was just a dark shadow, which looked extremely weird.

"I am a first-level hunter, Tang Su. This is my nameplate."

The weirdo took off a blood-stained nameplate from his strangely colored neck and threw it to the guard.

The guard carefully checked the authenticity of the nameplate, and then quickly led the weirdo to the monitoring station...

"Your name is Tang Su, right?" In the interrogation room, an examiner looked at the face that was completely different from the one in the document and asked suspiciously.


"What happened?" the examiner asked seriously.

Afterwards, Tang Su told everything about his experience.

Including the discovery of the needle and his subsequent self-rescue...

"The more patches there are, the harder it is to make and the more materials are needed."

Tang Su counted the patches on his body.

"These are feathers, these are claws, and these are bones. The bones of birds are very fragile. I don't dare to use them too much. I just pick some harder parts. And here..."

"I used the entire rainforest giant eagle as a patch, leaving only the parts that didn't fit."

He pointed to the steel patch on his waist again.

"This is all the metal material on my body. I can only sew a little bit at this time. The demand for materials is increasing."

"It was only then that I discovered that as long as I hold the needle and think about the materials around me, it can be used automatically, so I started looking for patch materials around me."

"The branches are too brittle and the soil is too soft, so they are not suitable. The hard materials around me are slowly running out. The range of materials it can use is limited. It is only about one meter near me. I really can't find so many materials. .”

The examiner looked at him and asked curiously: "Have you ever tried stones?"

"Of course." Tang Su turned around and saw a small stone patch on his back.

"There aren't many stones, just enough."

"Okay." The reviewer picked up the electronic screen, took a photo of the patch, and recorded it carefully.

Then, he raised his head again and looked at Tang Su's left leg.

The dark patch was indeed very conspicuous and immediately caught the reviewer's attention.

"Is your left leg also a patch? What kind of material is it?"

Upon hearing the examiner's question, Tang Su quickly turned around and sat on the chair.

He looked into the examiner's eyes and said extremely seriously:

"This is a shadow, my own shadow."

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