I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 300 Digital Brain

The shadow is hard.

Tang Su himself didn't think of it.

"I had nothing else around me at the time, and the demand for materials was increasing. I had no choice but to see the shadow on the ground..."

Tang Su only used his shadow to sew a small wound at first, but he was surprised to find that the patched wound healed very well. Although the patch was a dark mess, it was very hard.

Not only that, by using the shadow as a patch, he doesn't have to worry about consumption.

His shadow keeps disappearing and reappearing in the sunlight. Even if the final repair consumption reaches an extremely terrifying level, the shadow can be repaired in an instant.

And his most injured thigh was completely healed by the shadow's repair.

Even though the shadow patch made his entire thigh black, his legs worked just as well as before, no different from before.

Tang Su also didn't expect that these conceptual things he used as patches would actually work.

After listening to the review, the reviewers on the side were also shocked by his actions and were stunned for a long time.

"You stand up, I'll record it."

Tang Su stood up as requested by the censors, and the censors began to take photos and records of him.

The examiner then put on gloves and tried to touch the patch on Tang Su's body.

The steel patch is the touch of metal.

Feather patches are soft to the touch.

When touching the shadow patch, the examiner's finger actually went directly into it without touching anything, and Tang Su didn't react at all.

"What does it feel like?"

"Ordinary pressing feeling." Tang Su replied.

The examiner did not dare to reach too deep, so he quickly took his hand out, returned to his chair and started recording.

"Do you know what the price is? Do you feel anything unusual?"

Tang Su shook his head: "Everything is normal."

"Then you may need to continue observing for a while. You should stay at the monitoring station first and report any abnormalities immediately."


However, just when the reviewers finished recording all the information and were about to let Tang Su go back, they found that Tang Su stood stiffly on the spot, staring straight at the table in front of him and swallowing.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I was looking at this table and it seems to be very suitable for patching."

Tang Su said in a daze.

Then, he raised his head and looked directly at the examiner.

That look was also full of desire...

In the end, Tang Su was brought under control, and the relic was officially sealed in a warehouse.

After continuous research, the researchers finally figured out the principle of this relic.

[Relic: Patch]

[Price: With the use of this relic, the user will have an extreme desire for all hard materials and want to turn everything into patches]

[Ability: Use any material to patch any object, including conceptual materials]

[Discovered: Level 1 of the Abyss]

[Discovered by: Tang Su]

After the patches are made, they will completely comply with the properties of the object being repaired. For example, if they are used to mend clothes, no matter what material is used, they will eventually become clothes.

This is why the patch can be completely integrated with the object.

But for others, these patches still have the properties of the original materials. Stone is stone, steel is steel, it is what it looks like, and the touch follows the original physical properties.

This very strange way of determination has also puzzled researchers for a long time.

After figuring out all this, many people are flocking to this relic. They want to obtain this relic, not because of its strong combat effectiveness, but because of its very high research value.

"Yuanxin Technology submitted a research application to the government at that time. Because the official manpower was limited, they would often rent relics. While obtaining funds, they also asked the private sector to help with research. This relic was in the hands of Yuanxin Technology and was under supervision. Conduct research below.”

Li Luo said slowly.

But what I didn't expect was that the first thing Yuanxin Technology did was to use conceptual "data" to patch the brains of mice, and they succeeded.

This kind of mouse brain patched with "data" can actually achieve "mouse-machine communication."

"In fact, at this time, the officials had already noticed Yuanxin Technology's behavior and warned them not to use this relic on living things, but on synthetic materials."

But the temptation of intelligent machinery was too great, and Yuanxin Technology unknowingly went further and further until it developed "digital brain" technology and applied it to the sixth generation of intelligent machinery.

At the same time, the official iron fist struck down just right.

"Actually, at that time, the top management of Yuanxin Technology also suggested using this relic for the research of synthetic materials, but the research department really didn't want to give up and secretly conducted two-hand experiments..."

Li Luo said helplessly.

"This is the origin of the digital brain. No one expected that the research department would actually come up with such a thing. It is a genius idea to use data to patch the brain."

"Those patches are completely integrated with the brain. With constant patching, the data will even completely replace the body, turning the brain into a complete 'fiction' and becoming a channel connecting reality and data."

After listening to Li Luo's introduction, Mo Ling was so shocked that he was speechless.

Yuanxin Technology can actually make derivative products of a relic subject to official ban, not even the relic itself.

Sure enough, there are no useless relics in the abyss, it just depends on whether the depth of the excavation is enough.

It's no wonder that human science and technology has developed so rapidly. The knowledge and technology brought by the abyss are so rich.

"I just don't know how the people on Paradise Island obtained the technology that has been destroyed." Li Luo said in confusion: "Maybe they have never obtained it."

"However, even if it is not a digital brain, they must have found other ways to replace databases to allow these machines to generate sufficient intelligence."

After Li Luo finished speaking, he stood there for a long time, seeming to be thinking about something, until the cleaning robot in the distance came slowly.

"Hello, could you please move to another place? This place needs cleaning." The robot's voice came gently.

The four robotic arms hold various cleaning utensils, and some detergents and rags are neatly hung on their bodies. They look very professional.

"Do you only know how to clean? Nothing else?" Li Luo did not step aside, but raised his head and looked at the tall robot and asked.

"Yes, I only know how to clean." The robot didn't urge it, and it wasn't impatient at all.

"When you were born, did you only know how to clean, or did you learn it later?" Li Luo asked.

"After I was born, there was just a blank space. My teacher taught me how to clean it."

"Teacher?" Li Luo noticed a strange title.

"Yes, teacher."

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