I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 302 Identity

During the past few days on the ship, Li Luodu and Fang Quan ran around on the Paradise and began to understand the various robots on the ship.

There are many robots on the ship, each with their own responsibilities. These responsibilities are divided very carefully. Even some very small facilities have dedicated robots in charge. They even stand there and do nothing.

Not only that, these robots also have their own unique personalities.

The only thing they have in common is that they all have definite and accurate identities.

Every time Li Luo met a robot on the ship these days, she would ask about their identity, and the robots would answer her seriously.

"What is your identity?" Li Luo came to the bar and asked a robot wiping a wine glass.

"As you can probably tell, I'm the bartender."

It bowed gracefully to Li Luo and replied in a gentle tone.

"Would you like anything to drink? Madam, there have been no customers here for a long time."

Li Luo nodded: "I want to drink Coke."

"I'm very sorry, there is only wine here, no Coke." The bartender pointed to the wine displayed behind the bar and replied seriously.

"It's okay, I brought it myself."

Li Luo looked at Cube, and Mo Ling also threw out two bottles of Coke.

"Pour it into a glass for me and add some ice cubes." Li Luo pointed to the two bottles of Coke that appeared out of thin air on the bar and said to the bartender.

The bartender stared blankly at the coke, then turned to look at the cube.

"Sorry, I can't mix Coke."

"Just like you would mix a drink, pour it into a glass, add some ice, same thing."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I really don't know how. I only have wine here, and I don't know how to do anything else."

The bartender pleaded to Li Luo.

Obviously it has a cup in its hand, a Coke on the bar, and an ice machine behind it, but it still insists on its identity as a bartender.

Li Luo stared at it for a long time. The bartenders all had apologetic expressions on their faces, unable to tell whether it really didn't know how to do it.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Li Luo walked to the bar and started to pick up the ice and pour the Coke. The bartender just stood there, indifferent, until Li Luo finished everything.

"Are you really not good at it?" Li Luo asked doubtfully again while drinking Coke.

"Really sorry."

"Then you just watched me do it. Did you learn it?"

"No, I can only bartend wine..."

It still maintains its identity...

Li Luo and Mo Ling encountered this kind of thing many times on the ship.

In front of the restaurant's door, there is a robot that has been standing still. Every time Li Luo passes by, it will open the door for Li Luo and shout "Welcome".

Later, after getting familiar with Li Luo, it will also say hello to Li Luo.

"Ms. Li Luo, you came to eat very early today. This time happens to be when the human body's digestion is most active. I wish you a pleasant meal..."

"Ms. Li Luo, the Paradise entered a storm last night, but the captain turned on the lightning soundproofing in advance. I don't know if you slept well. I have some soothing desserts after the meal. Remember to try them..."

"Ms. Li Luo, today the Paradise entered the sea of ​​stickleback fish. The weather has been good recently. You can eat delicious braised stickleback fish these days. Remember not to eat the meat. Those delicious fish bones will definitely make you intoxicated... "

It seemed to know everything about the ship.

After Li Luo asked, the enthusiastic robot also told her his identity as a doorman.

It knows almost everything on the boat, sailing, fishing, cooking, sweeping the floor...the doorman knows everything. Every time Li Luo chats with it, it can talk freely, and even the details and principles are clear. .

However, just like the "teacher", it clearly knows everything, but it will not do those things.

It fulfilled the responsibility of the doorman to the extreme and could meet all Li Luo's needs. However, once it touched on matters beyond the boundaries of the doorman's identity, it would shake its head and say to Li Luo: "Sorry, I can't, I just A doorman."

These robots are very sensitive to the boundaries of identity responsibilities and will not easily cross the boundaries. Every time Li Luo wants to try to break through the boundaries, it will transfer the request to other robots.

After trying to no avail, Li Luo stopped pestering the doorman who seemed to know everything.

However, through constant contact, Li Luo also found a way to bypass the identification of these robots.

The breakthrough point was the lonely robot in the gym...

"What is your identity?"

"Fitness coach, madam, you can ask me any fitness questions or worries you have." The coach replied proudly.

"Then can you come over and help me do a few sets of movements?" Li Luo asked tentatively.

"Of course, it's my honor." The coach was obviously very happy that he was taken seriously. He hurried forward and helped Li Luo complete the fitness exercises.

Li Luo started to test at this time.

"Coach, tell me, does fishing count as fitness?"

"Of course, fishing can not only exercise the body, but also make people feel happy. Although the intensity is not high, it can also be regarded as a kind of exercise. Exercise can certainly be regarded as fitness."

When it came to knowledge related to identity, the coach began to talk eloquently: "Normal fishing behavior, the intensity of exercise is not high, and you can also breathe fresh air for a long time, especially long-term sunshine, which can enhance the blood circulation of the human body... …”

After listening to the coach's words, Li Luo nodded.

"I heard from the doorman at the restaurant that the Paradise has entered the sea area of ​​thorn fish. Is it feasible for me to go fishing?"

"Of course! The sun is shining brightly on the deck now, which is a very suitable time for fishing." The coach replied affirmatively.

"Then you come with me now and teach me how to fish." Li Luotu said.

"But...I..." The coach obviously didn't expect Li Luo to make such a request.

"What's the point? Doesn't fishing count as exercise? Don't you know how to exercise?"

This question obviously irritated the coach.

"Of course I will! Don't worry, madam, I will try my best to teach you everything related to fitness..."

Just like that, Li Luo and his coach came to the deck and started fishing.

Sure enough, when it comes to responsibilities, these robots will appear extremely professional.

The coach kept pulling up the fish and explaining various fishing knowledge to Li Luo.

"Spikes like turbulent water, and the water stirred up by the Paradise will attract a lot of sticklebacks. They will follow the Paradise, chasing all kinds of fallen debris. We chose to be at the stern of the boat, and we can easily catch sticklebacks. fish……"

"You don't need to deliberately choose any bait. Stickleback fish will eat anything, even garbage. If the hook floats backward along the current, they will bite it. It's very simple. You can try it..."

Unconsciously, the bucket behind them was filled to the brim with strange-looking sticklebacks.

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