I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 303 Identity Shift

"You have good control. It is really rare to catch so many sticklebacks for the first time. Have you ever tried fishing before?"

The coach praised Li Luo's fishing skills while hanging the bait.

"I used to fish a lot, but I always fished at home and never on a boat." Li Luo answered seriously.

She turned to look at the piles of stickleback fish behind her.

“Can I send these fish to the cafeteria?”

"Of course, these are your trophies."

"Wouldn't that be too wasteful? I'm the only human on the Paradise."

"No, don't worry." The coach replied affirmatively.

However, when Li Luo turned around, he found that not far behind him, there were several robots looking at them.

After seeing Li Luo noticing them, the robots quickly ran away.

Li Luo stared for a long time in confusion. None of the robots appeared again, and the coach on the side didn't seem to notice and was still talking to Li Luo.

Finally, it discovered something strange about Li Luo.

"What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?" It also followed Li Luo's gaze, but of course it saw nothing.

"There is someone watching us from behind. No, it's not a human, it's a robot." Li Luo replied.

"Huh?" The coach was also confused.

Not long after, just when both of them thought it was just some patrolling robot, an accident happened.

The machine booth suddenly appeared on the deck, followed by several robots.

It walked up to Li Luo, bowed to Li Luo, and then waved his hand. The robots behind him immediately surrounded him, surrounding the coach who was still sitting beside him, and pulled him up.

The coach looked horrified and didn't know what was happening, but he didn't resist and allowed the robots to take him to the rear.

Ji Ting looked down at Li Luo, and gentle words came from its body: "Sorry, it affects your rest. There may be something wrong with it. I will ask other robots to accompany you fishing."

Jiting waved his hand, and several more robots came up behind him.

"These are all 'fishermen' and they know better how to fish."

And these robots are the same ones that were peeking behind the scenes before.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Ting looked at the pile of catches next to Li Luo: "Or, if you are tired, I can find someone to take you back."

Li Luo did not answer Ji Ting's words, but raised his head and asked: "What's wrong with it? I don't think there's anything wrong with it."

Jiting did not respond immediately like before, but stood silently, raised his hand and asked all the robots around him to retreat, facing Li Luo's question alone.

After all the other robots left, Ji Ting slowly spoke:

"Sorry, machine faults are often not visible from the outside. It just hasn't gone wrong yet. Please trust our judgment."

"What kind of fault is it? Is it a procedural problem?" Li Luo asked.

"There is no problem with your understanding. Although it seems normal now, it will collapse soon and may even hurt you. This is our fault and we will compensate you later."

Ji Ting said and bowed deeply to Li Luo again.

"But it hasn't malfunctioned yet..." Li Luo looked at the coach who was being carried away and said with some concern.

Ji Ting seemed to have noticed Li Luo's worry, and his tone softened a bit.

"It's malfunctioned...it's doing things it's not supposed to do."

"What's going on? It was just fishing with me. Isn't that what a robot should do? It just told me some fishing knowledge. Isn't this normal behavior?"

Under Li Luo's repeated questioning, Ji Ting finally gave the reason:

"It did something beyond its responsibilities, which is a very serious matter. It violated the identity of other robots, so that other robots have nothing to do. The meaning of robots is to have something to do. This will make other robots lose their meaning."

Li Luo was stunned for a long time when he heard this reason.

After thinking for a moment, she finally connected the strange phenomenon on the ship with Ji Ting's words.

"That's why you have different identities?"


"Is this your rule as the captain? Giving each robot something to do is equivalent to giving each robot its own meaning?" Li Luo asked in surprise.

"No, this is a human rule. Robots have to obey humans. The reason why I am a 'captain' is because of the identity humans gave me, so I have to do what I should do according to my identity. This way It makes sense to me.”

Ji Ting patiently answered Li Luo's questions.

"Then as the captain, what will you do with it? What kind of punishment will the malfunctioning robot receive?"

Hearing Li Luo's question, Jiting shook his head helplessly: "I'm not punishing it, I'm saving it, and I'm also saving other robots. You have to know that identity and responsibility are everything to a robot."

"In fact, I know everything you did on the ship during this period, and you have seen it yourself. The robots on this ship all have their own meanings, and no one is superfluous."

"When a robot transcends its identity, other robots will lose their original meaning..."

Ji Ting looked at Li Luo seriously: "If one robot can do everything, why do we need other robots?"

These words left Li Luo speechless.

For humans, robots are indeed just tools. If one tool can replace the functions of all other tools, then other tools will be unnecessary and lose their meaning.

Li Luo has indeed never considered this direction.

She has been considering the rationality of this identity division, but has not considered the "human nature" of this division.

Seeing that Li Luo was already deep in thought, Ji Ting turned his head and looked behind him. After confirming that the other robots had left, he looked at Li Luo again.

"I have said enough to you. This is what I should say as a captain. If I say more, I will go overboard. I hope you understand. I'm sorry."

Ji Ting glanced at Li Luo meaningfully and bowed to her again.

It turned sideways and made way for Li Luo.

"You can go to Paradise Island the day after tomorrow. You can prepare in advance and pack your things. I hope you can understand the trouble this voyage has caused you."

"Machines always have problems and cannot be as perfect as humans..."

Ji Ting looked at the direction of the Paradise and said calmly:

"You are the first person to do this on the ship. If you still want to find the answer, please go to the island to find it."

"Don't worry, machines will always protect humans."

"It's like 'The Captain' is always guarding the Paradise."

"This is who we are."

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