I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 306 Rules of Heaven

There is still no name, only an "identity".

Li Luo looked at the electronic screen, a little confused.


"Yes, this is my identity, researcher." Lin Nian said with a smile: "This is a very good identity on Paradise Island. This identity has great power and wide boundaries, and will not be restricted. ”

"Boundary..." Li Luo heard a familiar word. She had only heard this word on the Paradise, and it was said to her by a robot.

"People on Paradise Island must also live according to their status and cannot cross the boundaries?" Li Luo immediately realized the meaning of Lin Nian's words.

"Of course, this is a rule. Don't you think it's good? Everyone has their own things to do and their own meanings. It won't be like in Dawn City, where some people are too busy and others are busy. Nothing to do.”

Lin Nian still smiled softly, but the joy on Li Luo's face to see his old friend had completely disappeared.

Lin Nian was very sensitive to Li Luo's changes. Seeing that she was suspicious, he quickly held her hand.

"Let me take you to see it. You will understand the importance of identity later."

She directly picked up Li Luo and walked towards the white buildings on Paradise Island.

Soon, she brought Li Luo to a restaurant-like building.

Still pure white.

The tables, chairs, tableware, counters... were all white. Even the crowds coming and going were all wearing the same white clothes. Li Luo, who was wearing combat uniform, looked out of place among them.

But those people in white didn't look at him strangely. They were all busy with their own things and focusing on their food. When they accidentally met Li Luo's eyes, they just smiled and nodded, very friendly.

"Everyone is very nice, Paradise Island is really a place where people can feel calm." Lin Nian was still saying proudly.

Li Luo could only nod his head.

Lin Nian took Li Luo to the counter and chatted enthusiastically with a naive fat man.

"Chef, how is today's dish? Is it the same as before? Take it out and let me study it."

The fat man was not angry when Lin Nianyi teased him. Instead, he smiled and shook his head and took out a menu.

"Noodles, dumplings, rice...these are the same as before, but today we have steamed fish, which was brought back from the boat. It tastes pretty good. You should study it carefully and don't live up to your reputation as a researcher."


The two of them teased each other like this, and Lin Nian also introduced Li Luo to the chef.

As a result, there was one more name in Li Luo's friend list——


"You guys sit down first and I'll serve you the food." After chatting for a while, the chef said to the two of them with a smile.

"go quickly……"

Afterwards, Li Luo and Lin Nian sat at the white table, waiting for the food to be served.

Lin Nian looked at the counter and whispered, "The people here are quite friendly."

Li Luo nodded.

"This is the benefit of status. Look at that chef, he looks ordinary. Do you know what he did before?"

"what for?"

"He is the leader of a group of hunters on the fifth level of the abyss. His relic can lower the ignition point of any object. Unless it is a completely non-combustible object, it will quickly catch fire under the influence of this relic."

"So that relic is called 'Randian'. It is an extremely powerful battle relic, but the cost is also terrible. Every time it is used, the user's 'anger point' will be lowered, making the user more and more irritable. , it will explode upon contact.”

"But look at him now. No matter how much I tease him, he never gets angry. Instead, he is very kind. This is because he stays on Paradise Island."

"The 'status' of Paradise Island is a rule. The status of 'chef' means that he has to accept criticism from guests and cannot get angry and turn over the table. This status even suppresses his anger, so if you tease his food, he will not do it at all. not going to be mad."

Li Luo was a little surprised when he heard Lin Nian's introduction.

"Can the rules of this status suppress the price of relics?"

"Yes, above the cost, you may think that the identity division on this island is like playing house. Everyone puts a label and lives their own life, but it is not as simple as it seems on the surface."

“From the moment the identity is defined, there is a layer of restrictions that can even limit the impact of the price of the relic.”

"Being able to suppress such a powerful relic only requires abiding by an 'identity'. Who wouldn't be willing to bear such a price? This is why the chef stayed on Paradise Island."

As Lin Nian spoke, he glanced in the direction of the kitchen.

The chubby chef was looking at the steamer intently while instructing the robot around him to cut vegetables. He didn't look like the leader of a hunter group on a global expedition.

Li Luo also looked over there, but her face was still full of confusion.

"Then doesn't this definition of identity have distorted the chef's self-awareness? He can't even get angry with the guests."

"Of course. If he wants to, he can poison the food. But the influence of the relic is limited. It's like there is a protective shield covering all the relics. Of course, he can no longer use this relic. "

Lin Nian asked Li Luo to look at a man riding a bicycle in the restaurant.

Even when he was serving food, he was riding a bicycle, which looked very strange.

"That's 'Cyclist'. He used a very powerful relic because he wanted to protect the monitoring station. The price would make him unable to move for life. But after coming to Paradise Island, his identity covered that powerful relic. price, so he can move this way."

"For the people on Paradise Island, identity is just a kind of protection. Most people who come to Paradise Island are seeking protection."

Hearing this, Li Luo immediately looked at Lin Nian.

Noticing Li Luo's probing gaze, Lin Nian quickly waved his hand.

"I'm not, I just think Paradise Island is very peaceful, that's why I stay on this island, and I have defined an identity for myself according to the rules of the island. As a researcher, I can research anything and be a little more free..."

Li Luo was listening and thinking deeply.

"So, the identity on this island is just a relic phenomenon?"


"What relic is it from?"

Lin Nian shook his head: "I don't know yet. I have been on Paradise Island for a long time and have studied the origin of this relic phenomenon, but I have not found the answer. Even the records of the exploration team that first came to this island are None, the rules seem to have formed spontaneously..."

As she spoke, she also showed a confused expression.

"However, I have a guess now..."

"I suspect that this island is just a relic."

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