I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 307 Relic: Paradise Island

"The function is to suppress the influence of other relics. The price is to define an 'identity' and to abide by the identity. I guess so."

"Not only that, I looked up the record of the initial exploration team coming to this island, and there is no record of how the island got its name."

"It seems like it was called Paradise Island from the beginning."

Lin Nian tapped his fingertips on the table, thoughtfully.

"But why is it called Paradise Island? Could it be that this relic originally had a name?"

While she was thinking, the fat chef had already brought the dishes.

"Give way……"

Lin Nian looked at the chef carrying the dishes and asked in confusion: "Why are you serving the dishes yourself, where is the 'waiter'?"

"She's on leave today."

"Then why don't you ask the robot to help?"

The chef smiled bitterly: "There are no 'waiters' among those robots, they are all 'cooks'."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Both of them seemed to have acquiesced to the status rules on Paradise Island.

Li Luo listened curiously to the end of the conversation between the two.

After the chef left and looked at the food on the table, she spoke again.

"Is the waiter also an identity?"

"Of course." Lin Nian affirmed.

"Then the chef violated the boundaries of the waiter's duties. Won't he be punished?"

Hearing Li Luo's question, Lin Nian was stunned for a long time with his chopsticks, and then suddenly laughed.

She knocked Li Luo on the head: "What are you thinking in your little head? How can the boundaries of identity be so strict? Who said that chefs can't serve food?"

Li Luo was speechless and could only nod his head blankly.

"Eat quickly."

"Okay." Li Luo also picked up the chopsticks.

However, looking at the dishes on the table, she did not take her chopsticks.

The table is white, and so are the bowls and chopsticks, which is understandable.

But the noodles in the bowl, the dumplings on the plate, and the neatly arranged steamed fish were all white.

The steamed fish that was supposed to be topped with sauce was now covered in a layer of white oil foam, making the steamed fish look even paler.

Even the original black fish skin has been removed and the fish meat has been cleaned, but this makes people unappetizing.

"What is this?" Li Luo pointed at the unknown white oil foam with his chopsticks and asked in confusion.

Lin Nian took a sip and replied: "Cream."


"Yes, cream, it tastes delicious."

Li Luo silently put down the chopsticks she held up. She looked at the table of dishes in front of her, feeling a little confused.

"Why don't you eat?" Lin Nian asked strangely.

"I'm a little full from the food on the boat and haven't digested it yet," Li Luo replied.

"Okay, let's have some soup. This soup is not bad."

Lin Nian pointed to the soup in the bowl beside him.

The soup was also white, very thick, and even a little shiny, like a bowl of white paint. I couldn't tell what it was made of. It smelled pretty good, but Li Luo just swallowed, what? Didn't do anything.

"Aren't there any vegetables here?"

"Of course there is, isn't it? Diced white radish, lotus root slices, and winter melon are also included in this soup. Don't worry, the combination of meat and vegetables will definitely be no problem."

Lin Nian didn't find the table of pure white dishes in front of him strange, so he ate it without any inhibitions while explaining it to Li Luo.

Li Luo moved her hands, but still froze. She did not force herself.

These strangely white foods are really unappetizing.

Fortunately, the portions of these dishes were not large, and Lin Nian didn't eat much.

After eating, she wiped her mouth with a white tissue, packed the remaining dumplings in a white paper box, and left the restaurant with Li Luo.

"Are you still not used to it?" She asked with concern as she walked.

"Yes." Li Luo nodded.

"There's no need to force it. Everyone has their own areas of adaptation and discomfort. Look over there." She pointed to a strange man resting against the wall next to a building in the distance.

That man was also wearing clean white clothes, but he was as skinny as a stick and his eyes were straight.

After realizing that Lin Nian was pointing at him, he walked up tremblingly and came to the two of them.

"Okay." He stretched out his hand and shook it at Lin Nian, but kept staring at the dumpling in Lin Nian's hand.

After Lin Nian gave him the dumplings, he immediately thanked him profusely, and also said auspicious words to Lin Nian and Li Luo, praising them as angels in heaven, with extremely pure goodwill, etc. How can you exaggerate? .

Both of them were embarrassed and waved their hands. The weirdo left wisely, returned to the wall, opened the box and started eating. While eating, he gave them a thumbs up.

Lin Nian quickly pulled Li Luo away. After turning a few corners, she stopped again and sighed.

"He is a beggar."


"Yes, I am a beggar."

"How could someone define such an identity for themselves?" Li Luo asked in disbelief.

"I don't know, but you should know him."

Lin Nian took out the electronic screen and found a piece of news on it.

"The most "evil" relic criminal in Dawn City was arrested today - the past and present life of Master Liang Guo."

At the beginning of the news, there was a mugshot of the beggar just now.

"Is he a criminal? Master Guo?"

"Yes, it seems that you don't pay attention to the news often. After he was released from prison, he came to Paradise Island for some reason, defined himself as a 'beggar', and then begged on the island."

"I also asked him why, and he said that this kind of life is very happy, there is no need to worry, and it is carefree. The other people on the island are also very nice. He thinks this suits him very well."

Speaking of this, Lin Nian shook his head and said that he didn't quite understand.

"Did he also come to Paradise Island to pay for suppressing the relics?" Li Luo asked: "To be a famous relic criminal, he must have a very powerful relic, right?"

"I don't know. No one will know about the beggar's past. He has not committed any crime on Paradise Island. If something happens, the police will naturally look for him."

Lin Nian sighed: "The beggar also has his own meaning. He often goes to the restaurant to deal with the leftover food. There are a lot of waste items on this island. Because the cleaning robot cannot determine whether it is 'garbage', it will stay there. The beggar just He would pick them up and move them to exchange for money, and he would never tire of making a little money.”

"Every identity on this island is meaningful. There is no identity that is completely useless. Even if robots can meet almost all the needs on the island, everyone still has something to do and life is very fulfilling."

She looked at Li Luo and said very seriously: "It is undeniable that the rules on this island are strange, but they can indeed make people's lives more meaningful."

"You will feel it too..."

As he spoke, Lin Nian's lips raised happily again.

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