I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 311 The Bent Man

"Identity again."

Mo Ling was a little helpless. There were so many strange things on the island, but they all had "reasonable" explanations.

Identity, strange lighting... The entire paradise island seems to be operating in a strange way. Various rules are strictly adhered to. People on the island also follow these rules, and no one objects.

"Isn't anyone questioning these rules?"

More and more, Mo Ling felt that this defined identity was just a restriction, restricting people's freedom.

How can there be a place where people only work during the day and have to sleep at night, or vice versa?

"This is ridiculous."

However, when Mo Ling thought that this might be the function of the relic "Paradise Island", everything became reasonable again:

"People on the island just bear the cost of using the relics. Although it is sometimes awkward, it is not unacceptable."

Mo Ling didn't know the consequences of violating the definition of identity, and he didn't see anyone crossing the boundaries of identity, except for the fitness instructor on the Paradise.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling had a new question: "Why does Paradise Island give the robot an identity?"

It just doesn't make sense to explain it with relics.

So the key point still lies in those robots.

Just as he was thinking about it, the hotel owner had already brought Lin Nian to the door of the room.

The boss resigned first, and Lin Nian walked into the room generously.

"It seems you slept well." She walked to Li Luo and pinched her face.

"how do you know."

"Of course I know. When you first came to the island, you still had dark circles. It looked like you had been tired for a long time. They are gone now. It seems that sleep on the island still played a big role."

Li Luo nodded: "I slept soundly, the fragrance was a bit too much."

"People who have just arrived on the island will feel this way. Some people think that the island has encountered some kind of distortion and they have been hypnotized. This is normal." Lin Nian said with a smile.

"There are many places in the abyss where you must abide by the rules, otherwise it will cause great danger. The further you go down, the more obvious this phenomenon becomes. Have you heard a story?"

Lin Nian suddenly asked Li Luo.

"what story?"

Lin Nian thought for a while and said, "It's probably like this..."

A hunter came to a very remote monitoring station. There were not many people inside the station. The station manager even came to the station in person and received him warmly.

But he found that everyone at the monitoring station was walking bent over, which looked very funny. The stationmaster also reminded him seriously that this was the rule of the monitoring station and he must bend down.

However, this hunter did not believe in evil. He believed that the people at the monitoring station were distorted by some kind of relic. He did not investigate the reason for this rule. Instead, he stood up straight not long after entering the monitoring station.

As a result, when he stood up straight, his head fell to the ground as if it had been cut by a wire.

Before the stationmaster could explain the reason to him, the hunter was left with only a headless body...

"It's probably a story like this."

"So why do you get your head cut off when you stand up?" Li Luo asked in confusion.

Hearing this question, Lin Nian smiled and knocked on Li Luo's head: "The beheaded hunter's thoughts before he died were the same as yours."

"Before you know the answer, please abide by the rules. When you see others bending down, it is best to bend down too. Others are not fools and will not bend down for no reason."

"The prerequisite for getting to the bottom of things is to understand all this first, otherwise any action will be reckless."

Listening to Lin Nian's words, Li Luo nodded in understanding.

She didn't ask any more questions.

Only Mo Ling in the square still didn't understand.

"So why are you bending over?"

"Shouldn't we finish the story?"

Mo Ling was still thinking about why the hunter bent down, and he didn't listen carefully to what Lin Nian said next.

But now it seems that Lin Nian has no intention of finishing the story.

She directly pulled Li Luo and walked towards the corridor.

"I haven't finished cleaning up yet..."

"Go and eat first, then clean up when you come back."

The two of them came to the restaurant where they were yesterday. The breakfast was still the same, pure white.

White milk, white steamed buns, white noodles, white dumplings...

Li Luo finally ate some, but judging from her reaction, although the food didn't look great, it still tasted good.

Seeing that Li Luo finally ate, Lin Nian also smiled with satisfaction.

After eating, Li Luo was dragged to the clothing store by Lin Nian.

"Boss, give her some clothes!" Lin Nian said to the boss.

"No need, I have..." Li Luo was about to refuse, but Lin Nian gently blocked his mouth with his fingers.

"Your clothes are in such tatters. Your pockets are full of sand. Also, look at these places. They are all black. Don't you feel uncomfortable wearing them every day? I know you have never paid attention to your personal image, but you also want to be comfortable. Consider it."

Lin Nian pointed at Li Luo's clothes and called the boss over.

Li Luo had no choice but to let Lin Nian and the clothing store owner surround her, discussing the clothes on her body.

The boss measured Li Luo a few times with a white ruler, then walked aside and took out some white clothes. There was even a set of pure white combat uniforms, which made Li Luo look a little dazed.

"Is it all white?"

"There are only white ones here." The clothing store owner replied calmly.

"You want it all, I'll pay for it." Lin Nian pulled the boss aside and paid directly.

In this way, Li Luo returned to the hotel with a pile of clothes.

Lin Nian on the side was still chattering.

"Your backpack is so big, why do you bring all the food? Can you eat so much? You should also bring some clothes, and use storage capsules to store them, so they don't take up much space..."

Li Luo could only nod his head.

After returning to the hotel, Li Luo quickly packed up his luggage and changed into pure white clothes.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing Li Luo's clean appearance, Lin Nian nodded with satisfaction.

"It looks much better this way."

After bidding farewell to the hotel owner, the two set foot on the pure white street again.

People were coming and going on the street, and Li Luo, who was dressed in pure white, blended in with the crowd. If it weren't for the square behind her, she would have looked no different from the islanders.

The people on the island were as kind as ever. They greeted Li Luo warmly and praised her beautiful new clothes.

"The people on this island are really familiar with each other."

Although a bit abrupt, the friendly atmosphere is still very nice.

However, Mo Ling, who was floating in the sky, gradually discovered that the direction the two were heading seemed not quite right.

"Shouldn't we go to the dock?"

Isn't it the same pier as yesterday, but another pier?

The surrounding buildings became unfamiliar.

Lin Nian didn't seem to take Li Luo to the slightly remote dock, but instead came to a very densely populated commercial area.

The buildings here are obviously much more gorgeous. Although the shape is still the familiar streamlined curved surface building, compared to the houses I saw before, the height of the buildings in this area is obviously much higher, and the area is several times larger.

"Is it getting more and more lively?"

Mo Ling was not familiar with the roads on the island, so he could only watch.

They didn't stop until they came to a small hemispherical building.

"It's time for me to go to work. You can go in by yourself. I'll come find you after get off work." Lin Nian said apologetically.

Li Luo also nodded.

"After get off work?" Mo Ling felt something was wrong more and more: "Isn't Li Luo about to board the ship? Shouldn't they say goodbye at this time?"

But what Mo Ling didn't expect was that Li Luo actually walked into the hemispherical building without hesitation.

"What is she doing, not going to take the boat?"

Mo Ling was anxious, but had no choice but to watch Li Luo walk through the corridor and arrive in front of an office.

She opened the door skillfully, put her luggage aside, and then sat down on the white desk in a daze.

As if she thought of something, she took out the electronic screen and started to connect to the building's control system.

Outside the door, a burst of white light flashed, and the sign at the door slowly lit up.

"Fire Thief Studio."

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