I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 312 Changing memories

Firestealer Studio?

"What is she doing?"

Li Luo's behavior made Mo Ling confused.

The boat to the next direction was about to leave soon, but Li Luo was still sitting at his desk, doing nothing.

She fiddled with the small white objects on the table from time to time, tidied her clothes from time to time, and seemed not at all anxious about the boat ride.

Lin Nian did not appear again, and Li Luo sat steadily at the desk for a long time.

Except for Li Luo, there was no one here, and the entire white hemispherical building was empty.

People were coming and going outside the house. Some people looked at the sign curiously and then left doubtfully. It seemed that no one knew what the "Fire Stealer Studio" did.

An electronic screen was photographed on the desk in front of Li Luo.

"Aren't you leaving?"

Mo Ling was confused, what was she doing sitting here?

Li Luo's face was confused.

"Where to go?" she asked, looking at the cube.

"Go take a boat and go in the other direction."

Looking at the words on the electronic screen, Li Luo's expression became more and more confused.

"Why should I take a boat? Isn't it nice that I'm here?"

Not taking a boat?

Mo Ling became anxious and started asking questions on the electronic screen: "How do you get to the end of the route without taking a boat? How do you get to the fourth level of the abyss? How do you get to the bottom of the abyss?"

It was getting late. Li Luo and Lin Nian had spent a long time eating and shopping. It was almost noon, and they didn't know if the ship going in the other direction had left.

Li Luo stared at the questions on the electronic screen for a long time and frowned.

Seeing Li Luo's expression, Mo Ling also realized something was wrong.

Sure enough, after a while, Li Luo looked at Cube again and asked a question that shocked Mo Ling:

"Why should I go to the bottom of the abyss?"

At this moment, Mo Ling was also stunned.

Mo Ling didn't know the answer to this question, but he knew that Li Luo would never be able to ask such a question in the past.

Li Luo wanted to go to the bottom of the abyss more than anyone else, no matter what the reason.

Right now, something must have gone wrong with Li Luo.

"Is the Li Luo in front of me fake?"

Mo Ling quickly asked some questions, and Li Luo was able to answer them fluently.

He suspected that Li Luo was twisted by something, so he took out the red turban again, but after putting it on, Li Luo still looked confused.

The Li Luo in front of him looks extremely normal. Apart from forgetting the purpose of "going to the bottom of the abyss", nothing has changed, there is no distortion, and there are no other problems.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly asking so many questions today?" Li Luo was confused when he saw Cube reacting so fiercely.

She didn't realize the changes in herself at all.

After Mo Ling told her everything, Li Luo's face showed a shocked expression.

"I've always thought like this before? I want to go to the bottom of the abyss?"

She couldn't believe it.

"In my memory, I just wanted to come to the paradise island, find a job, and live a good life. Now there are people I know on the island, and I am quite happy. Although there are many rules on the island, people are very strict. Friendly, I am gradually getting familiar with the rules of the island and slowly adapting to my new job..."

Li Luo muttered and told Mo Ling what he was thinking.

"What new job?" Mo Ling asked quickly.

"The Fire Thief..."

Li Luo replied with some confusion: "But I don't know what my job is. I only know that I am a fire thief. This is my identity on the island. I work during the day and rest at night..."

The more she spoke, the more she felt there was something wrong with her logic, and her expression gradually became serious.

"I remember that the identity of 'Fire Thief' was mentioned casually when I landed on the island. If I want to live a good life on the island, I should register it properly and not just make up an identity. From this point of view, it does exist. Big question.”

Li Luo pondered, stood up again, and walked around the building a few times.

"It's my first time to come to this place, so it should be very unfamiliar, but I seem to subconsciously think that I should come here, and I don't feel any discomfort. I am very relaxed."

Li Luo felt something was wrong more and more, and turned around to ask Fang Fang.

"When did I change like this?"

Mo Ling also began to think carefully about it.

Was it after coming to this building?

No, when Lin Nian led the way, if Li Luo realized that the route was wrong, she should have raised it long ago, but she did not raise any questions at that time.

That was before, when buying clothes or eating breakfast.

Is there something wrong with the food?

Mo Ling thought about it carefully. Li Luo didn't seem to be in a hurry at that time, as if he knew he didn't have to take the boat, otherwise he wouldn't let Lin Nian lead him around.

Further forward?

"last night!"

Something must have happened in his sleep last night to cause Li Luo's current change.

Before Li Luo checked into the hotel, he still remembered to take the boat, but in the morning he was not in a hurry. Something must have happened last night.

Mo Ling told Li Luo his guess.

"last night?"

Li Luo thought for a moment and replied: "I just remember sleeping very hard last night, as if I just fell asleep, and it was morning immediately, and all the fatigue in my body disappeared completely."

"Do you still remember that before checking into the hotel, Lin Nian said he would take you on a boat ride the next morning?" Mo Ling asked.

"Can not remember."

Li Luo shook his head: "I only remember that she said she would take me to work the next morning."

She also began to think back carefully: "Other than that, she didn't seem to tell me anything about work, but after I came here, I was able to get into work very familiarly..."

Suddenly, Li Luo seemed to think of something.

"I seem to know how to tell whether these memories are fake. You are not included in these fake memories!"

Li Luo looked at Cube and said seriously.

Then, she reached out and patted her head: "But now I clearly realize that something is wrong, but I can't remember the correct memory."

Mo Ling looked at Li Luo with a troubled expression and had no choice.

This seems to be a very low-level memory tampering. With a little reminder, logical errors can be discovered, but even if the memory is discovered to have been tampered with, the original memory cannot be retrieved.

Li Luo is in such a dilemma now.

Mo Ling had no choice but to control the cube to land and bumped Li Luo gently, waking her up from her confused state.

Afterwards, Li Luo stopped worrying about his memory confusion, and his eyes slowly became firmer.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, I would still be immersed in this false memory."

She patted the square and said seriously.

"But that's okay. Since this island wants to keep us, let's turn it upside down and see what secrets this island has."

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