I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 313 Investigation on the Island

Li Luo left the Fire Thief Studio directly with the cube.

"The most important thing now is not my memory, but what happened on this island..."

"We have to find someone to ask. There are so many islanders on this island. Someone must have had the same experience as me. Maybe there are many people who stayed on this island after their memories were tampered with."

Mo Ling also agreed with Li Luo's idea, but who should he look for?

"Lin Nian?"

"We can't look for her. She must know something, otherwise she wouldn't have been deliberately guiding me. Instead, we would have to hide it from her."

Li Luo became very suspicious of Lin Nian.

"There is no need to search deliberately. Anyone on this island can be our clue. Since the people on Paradise Island are very friendly, we can just take advantage of this."

With that said, Li Luo walked towards a familiar person with the cube.

It was a man riding a bicycle who was drinking water on the roadside.

Wearing a white cyclist's uniform, a white helmet, and a pure white bicycle, this strange-looking man was exactly the "cyclist" he had seen in the restaurant before.

Because of this unique costume, both Li Luo and Mo Ling still remember him vividly.

"Hello, excuse me, I just came to this island, can I ask you a few questions?" Li Luo walked up to the cyclist and asked politely.

The cyclist looked at Li Luo, then at the square behind her, tightened his white water glass and placed it on the shelf.

"You're welcome. You can ask whatever you want. I'm not in a hurry."

He replied calmly before taking off his white goggles and mask.

At this moment, the appearance of the cyclist appeared in front of Li Luo.

When I first saw that muscular body, I thought he was some burly man. Unexpectedly, under the goggles and mask, he actually had an old face.

However, although his face is full of wrinkles, the cyclist's eyes are extremely clear and bright.

His beard and hair were neatly trimmed, and his whole person exuded an irrepressible vitality. If he hadn't looked closely, it would have been hard to tell that he was actually an old man.

Seeing Li Luo's shocked eyes, the cyclist smiled: "I didn't expect that I am so old. Anyone who sees me for the first time will be surprised for a long time."

Li Luo shook his head quickly: "I really didn't see it..."

"It's okay. If you have any questions, just ask them. I've been on this island for so long, and I'll tell you whatever I can answer. But there's nothing I can do about things I don't know," the cyclist said modestly.

"Okay." Li Luo nodded: "How do the people on this island know about Paradise Island? And how did they come to this island?"

"Also, why did they choose to stay on Paradise Island?"

Li Luo had asked Lin Nian this question before, but now she wanted to confirm it again.

The cyclist smiled and nodded when he heard Li Luo's question.

"I don't know much about the others. Can I tell you my own story?"


"Then let's answer the first question first, how did I know about Paradise Island..."

The cyclist slowly told Li Luo about his experience:

He was one of the first people to come to the third level of the abyss.

In fact, Paradise Island was discovered by the exploration team he belonged to.

As soon as they arrived on the island, the exploration team discovered the characteristics of this island, the characteristics that can "define" identity, and also discovered the price of this characteristic that can suppress relics.

At that time, the exploration team regarded this as a relic phenomenon.

However, this relic phenomenon is nothing to the exploration team.

They have experienced the more terrifying distortions in the abyss, and the relics that eat people without spitting out their bones. The phenomenon on this island is just a small incident for them.

When I first landed on the island, it was pure white, except that there were no streamlined buildings like the ones on the island now.

At that time, humans had already come into contact with other intelligent races on the third level of the abyss. In the records of other races, there were records of this pure white island. They called this island Paradise Island, so humans directly applied it.

After just recording the location and environment, the exploration team left, and other logistics teams would take over the rest.

That was the first time a cyclist came to Paradise Island.

"That's how I know Paradise Island, just because I've been there..."

He began to answer Li Luo's next question:

"How did I get here? Of course I came by ferry, and I came to this island because I needed it to suppress the side effects of my relic..."

As humans gradually explore the abyss, as members of the pioneer exploration team, the cyclists have gradually grown older. Although they are experienced, their physical fitness has gradually failed to keep up, and they have gradually retreated to the second line and become a support team member.

Immediately afterwards, he was transferred to the monitoring station as the director of the monitoring station.

At this point, the cyclist's expression became obviously much more lonely.

"I also want to continue and see the bottom of the abyss, but I am not strong enough and can only let future generations complete what we cannot do..."

At that time, the monitoring station he was responsible for was on the second floor of the abyss. It was a very small monitoring station, but its location was very important and it bore great responsibilities.

That was the intersecting point of several quicksand areas, which happened to be a hard sand dune. The monitoring station was located on this dune, occupying the only hard place in this area.

For some reason, hunters from the first floor to the second floor often fall into the quicksand area, and the probability is very high. The main responsibility of the quicksand monitoring station is to rescue these hunters who fall into the quicksand area.

The creatures in the quicksand are also extremely rich. In order to study these abyss creatures, the monitoring station was built here.

Although dangerous, the benefits are huge.

Not only that, sometimes some relics float up in the quicksand nearby, and the monitoring station also collects them one by one. Some are used for research, and some are used as a means to protect the monitoring station.

Compared with other monitoring stations, although the Quicksand Monitoring Station is small and has not many people, it is very powerful.

Moreover, the cyclist is an experienced exploration team member and has a very keen decision-making ability in dealing with various matters in the abyss. Therefore, although the quicksand monitoring station is busy, it can still operate in an orderly manner.

Until one time, his subordinates found the cyclist and told him a grim fact - the quicksand monitoring station was sinking.

Fortunately, this sinking is very slow and will not affect the normal operation of the monitoring station in a short period of time.

At that time, the cyclist thought that this was not very important. It was common for buildings to sink in the desert and they needed to be relocated in time. He felt that it was not so urgent, so he put the matter aside.

This was his consistent experience, dealing with more important things first.

However, this leaves hidden dangers for what happens next...

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