I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 314 Quicksand

At the Quicksand Monitoring Station, we encountered a biological migration that we had never seen before.

Researchers at the monitoring station observed that tens of millions of singing sand bats will pass through the quicksand area in the near future, and the quicksand monitoring station happens to be on the migration path.

These singing sand bats will continue to emit ultrasonic waves as they move. Researchers found that under the influence of this ultrasonic wave, the sand in the entire quicksand area will resonate.

This is not the most important thing. This kind of resonance vibration will speed up the sinking of the quicksand monitoring station. When the large army of singing sand bats arrives, the quicksand monitoring station will fall into the sand in an instant.

At that time, the entire monitoring station will be wiped out, and the personnel inside will not be spared.

So the researchers immediately reported the cyclists.

"Stationmaster, it's not too late for us to organize all personnel to evacuate."

But the cyclists refused, and evacuation was a last resort. The quicksand monitoring station is not only a shelter for humans, but also a very important scientific research facility.

What's more, if only the personnel are evacuated, the scientific research materials and relics collected by the Quicksand Monitoring Station will be buried in the sand, and many years of efforts will be in vain.

As the director of the monitoring station, he must consider many aspects.

After much thought, he finally thought of a way.

"There is no need to evacuate everyone..."

His method was to use a relic.

This relic looks like a pile of loose sand, a pile of ordinary sand.

However, if you use this sand to copy an object and make a sand sculpture, the object copied by the sand sculpture will be completely fixed and unable to move.

The price is that the user cannot move and stays in place forever.

When the sand sculpture is built, the relic effect will occur. Even if the sand is scattered again, neither the copy object nor the user can return to its original state.

At this time, the cyclist, who was the station leader, planned to use the sand to build a quicksand monitoring station and completely fix it.

"This time it was my decision-making error, and I will take advantage of it myself."

The cyclist believed that he was too old to be a stationmaster, so he took on this responsibility himself.

Afterwards, the Quicksand Monitoring Station also survived the crisis without any danger.

But the cyclist is stuck next to the sand sculpture forever.

Although he couldn't leave, he felt it was worth it.

"Exchanging the freedom of an old man for the safety of a monitoring station, everyone knows the choice."

But he didn't expect that the price of this relic was too high.

This inability to move is very fatal. He can't even go to the toilet. He can walk in all directions and make any movements, but his "position" is always fixed at the moment when he piles up the sand sculptures.

Like a treadmill, unless other objects hit him, or "carry" him.

In other words, he became a "living sand sculpture".

The exploratory team member and monitoring station leader who used to be trustworthy in the abyss suddenly turned into a "sand sculpture" that needed others to take care of him, and his dignity was instantly destroyed.

The cyclist could not accept this fact and even regretted it.

It was at this time that he thought of Paradise Island.

"If he comes to Paradise Island, he can suppress the effect of the relic, so that he will no longer be a sand sculpture, and others will not need to take care of him. Although he will be trapped on this island for the rest of his life, at least he can live independently."

In this way, he let others transport him to the paradise island and chose the identity of "cyclist".

It was his career as a young man and it freed him from the cost of immobility, so he was very happy with it.

"That's why I came to this island, and I voluntarily stay on this island, because on this island I can be truly free."

His eyes flickered, and he said helplessly: "I have fulfilled my responsibilities, and now I just want to rest for a while."

Feeling a little thirsty, the cyclist picked up the water glass on the shelf and took a few sips.

"I don't know about other people on the island. I'm not the kind of person who takes the initiative to explore other people's experiences. After coming to this island, all I do is ride around on my bike every day, and rarely interact with others. People communicate.”

"Although this island is pure white, the sky and sea water are still blue, and people's skin colors are also diverse. There will always be novel things. When you first come to the island, you will definitely feel bored. If you wander around more, you will find Something interesting.”

He said with a smile that this is what cyclists should do, as a "passer-by", to see the surrounding scenery.

Li Luo was not as nervous as he was at first after listening to his experience.

"Did you find anything strange on the island?"

"Yes, there is something unusual about the night here, but I can't control my sleepiness and can't investigate."

The cyclist's words surprised Li Luo. Unexpectedly, he directly mentioned the night on Paradise Island.

"This night is too long, and there is no need to force everyone to sleep. You must know that when the exploration team first came to this island, there was no such rule."

"There's no such rule? Is it a rule that forces you to fall asleep?" Li Luo asked in surprise.

"Yes, when we first landed on the island, we stayed on the island for one night and nothing happened. It was only when I came to Paradise Island for the second time that I realized that there is a distinct pattern of day and night on the island."

He frowned and said: "I also want to see the scenery at night, but my status does not allow it. I have never seen anyone who comes out at night. They will not appear during the day. The white light completely separates day and night. "

"Those buildings were built on the island later, and the lights covering the island also appeared later. I remember clearly that when the exploration team first came to the island, these were not there."

"In other words, those lights are man-made?" Li Luo asked.

"Yes, someone is establishing new rules and wants to rationalize them. I don't know if anyone has told you."

"The idea that the identity during the day will occupy the activity space of the identity at night is completely nonsense. I am a cyclist, why can't I ride a bicycle at night?"

At this point, the cyclist became visibly excited.

But after a while, he was discouraged.

"I have also investigated, but everything is normal on Paradise Island during the day. The answer can only be found at night, and I really can't resist the sleepiness."

"Have you reported this matter?" Li Luo asked.

"Of course, I reported it as soon as possible, but the official reply was that this is the phenomenon of relics on Paradise Island, and I should abide by it..."

The cyclist sighed, very helpless: "I don't know why it became a relic phenomenon. It seems to be man-made. Today's young people jump to conclusions without careful investigation at all."

However, he looked at Li Luo expectantly: "You must also feel that something is wrong at night, right? If you need help, come to me."

He took out the electronic screen and operated it a few times. A prompt came from Li Luo's electronic screen: "The cyclist has sent a friend invitation."

At the same time, the cyclist looked at Li Luo's identity and said in surprise: "I didn't look carefully just now, are you actually a fire thief?"

"What happened to Fire Thief?" Li Luo was confused: "I filled it in casually when I landed on the island. My hunter title is Fire Thief."

The cyclist smiled.

"Don't underestimate the role of 'identity' on Paradise Island."

"A fire thief is someone who can steal light into darkness..."

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