I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 319 The sprinting cyclist

Xiao Zhang took a deep breath, put on his helmet and goggles, adjusted his sand-proof mask, and made an "OK" gesture to the people in the distance.

He checked the sand piled on the sand table and looked at the bicycle under him.

"Speed-shifting bicycle, accelerate ten times!"

Following his words, everything around him suddenly froze.

The movements of people in the distance also became extremely slow.

But Xiao Zhang's own body suddenly sank, and he seemed a little overwhelmed.

Holding the handlebar tightly, Xiao Zhang bent down and began to pedal hard.

The bicycle also drove away from the monitoring station under the driving force of Xiao Zhang.

The sky was filled with wind and sand, and the perspective was shaky.

Not only that, there are densely packed bats in the sky. Those bats have the same color as the yellow sand. They are very small and swarm in groups. From a distance, they look like a yellow river, constantly flowing into the distance.

Not only that, but noisy sounds came from the bat group.

"It's ultrasound."

After Xiao Zhang's time accelerated, he could even hear the chaotic ultrasonic waves of those bats, but this also made him even more upset.

Looking at these bats, his breathing became heavier and his heart beat faster.

"There may not be so much time."

The perspective quickly turned to the rear, and the external structure of the Quicksand Monitoring Station was also visible.

It was a tall yellow tower covered with sand. It did not occupy a large area, but its height was extraordinary. The appearance was very rugged, and there were many strange-shaped equipment extending out.

Swarms of bats flew over the upper part of the tower. The top of the tower was completely unclear. The surging yellow river blocked the view, and only a vague outline could be seen.

Xiao Zhang's hand holding the handlebar couldn't help but tremble. He took a deep breath again and began to ride the bike in circles around the edge of the quicksand monitoring station.

Although the outline at the top is no longer clearly visible, the structure at the bottom is still very clear.

His vision went back and forth, sweeping across the bottom part of the monitoring station. After one circle, Xiao Zhang returned to the monitoring station.

Using the water and sand that had been prepared, Xiao Zhang rode his bicycle in circles around the sand table while freeing up his hands to quickly build the bottom structure of a monitoring station as if juggling.

Then, he took his hand back and quickly rushed out of the monitoring station.

Seeing that it went so smoothly and that Sha Diao made no mistakes, Xiao Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.

The next step is to follow the same pattern.

Xiao Zhang kept riding his bicycle back and forth inside and outside the monitoring station without stopping for a moment. The sand sculpture got higher and higher, slowly taking shape, and finally reached the most difficult place - the top.

The place had been obscured by a swarm of bats, making it completely unclear. Xiao Zhang could only try to observe through the gaps and piece together the original appearance of the monitoring station bit by bit.

This also made the sand sculptures pile up much slower. Every time he returned to the monitoring station, the sand sculptures made little progress. This also made Xiao Zhang's heart beat faster again and he became more and more nervous.

Time passes little by little...

Xiao Zhang has also been talking to himself to encourage himself:

"There's still a whole day left, don't be anxious, just piece it together bit by bit, it will be fine..."

However, due to the acceleration of time, the movements of the entire bat group became very slow, and many places could not be clearly seen for a long time, and the sand sculptures also came to a standstill.

If the copying is incorrect, the relic will not function at all.

Xiao Zhang remembered the researcher's instructions, but he didn't dare to act arbitrarily. There were many devices and facilities extending out from the top of the monitoring station. If there were one more or one less, the sculpture would not be effective.

After riding outside the monitoring station for a long time, Xiao Zhang couldn't even see the covered areas, and he became increasingly anxious.

"We can't go on like this, it's just a waste of time."

Xiao Zhang gritted his teeth and looked at the bicycle again.

"There is no other way, a variable-speed bicycle, a hundred times faster!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the sounds around him disappeared.

The air also became extremely heavy, and Xiao Zhang's body sank again. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the air in front of him, and a strong sense of stagnation appeared in his hand.

The original air has become as sticky as mud.

"It's still a little short of that. A variable-speed bicycle, accelerating two hundred times..."

Xiao Zhang became a little hesitant when he spoke, and he seemed to be worried about the next changes.

Sure enough, the air became much harder again, and the front of the bicycle suddenly tilted up and suddenly shot into the sky.

"That's it!"

Xiao Zhang quickly adjusted the front of the car and rushed towards the sky.

He flew up.

Stepping on the pedal, Xiao Zhang passed through the layers of bats.

His hands gently touched the fragile bats, and the bats immediately scattered like sand. The yellow flesh and blood on their bodies turned into soft yellow sand, splattering on his body, and their wings quickly shattered and collapsed into falling wings. piece.

Accelerating two hundred times, these bats were like paper to him.

As he collided, an astonishing crack was torn out of the original yellow river, and he came to the top of the river that had always blocked his sight.

His whole body was covered with yellow debris, and his goggles were blurred. Xiao Zhang stretched out his hand and wiped the mirror, and everything in front of him suddenly became clear.

Behind the yellow sand is the blue sky and the monitoring station that reaches straight to the sky.

"I saw!"

The upper part of the monitoring station is in full view.

He rode his bicycle and circled in the sky.

At this moment, the natural chasm that was originally floating in the sky became mud underfoot.

The bicycle ran over the stagnant bats. Xiao Zhang quickly wrote down everything in front of him and rushed back to the monitoring station again.

According to the contents in his memory, he quickly completed the last part of the sand sculpture.

Finally, a lifelike sand sculpture appeared on the sand table.

Xiao Zhang has achieved the ultimate in all kinds of details, and even the hanging equipment and independent external buildings have been restored by him.

However, after the sand sculptures were piled up, nothing happened.

"What about the levitation phenomenon?"

The researcher told him before that when the entire sand sculpture is completed and takes effect, it will be suspended and fixed in the air.

However, the sand sculpture in front of him remained motionless.

Xiao Zhang thought it was due to the acceleration, so he waited beside the sand table for a long time, and even adjusted the speed back five times to make everything around him spin again.

But the sand sculpture still didn't react at all.

"It didn't take effect."

Xiao Zhang was relieved and worried again. He must have done something wrong, causing the sand sculpture to fail.

If the judgment fails, of course it will not take effect, and the sand sculpture will not be suspended.

Xiao Zhang looked at the spot for a long time, but couldn't see anything wrong.

"Am I not doing enough details? Is there something I am not careful enough about?"

He began to wonder if he had done something wrong.

Thinking of this, he started riding his bicycle back and forth in the monitoring station again, comparing the differences between the sand sculptures and the real thing.

Sure enough, he found many flaws and adjusted them one by one.

After taking the time to compare and adjust several times, the sand sculpture became more and more perfect and impeccable.

But the sand sculpture still didn't respond.

Xiao Zhang looked at the time. More than half of the original two hours had passed, and the people in the distance had also changed their positions many times.

"There are one hour and twenty minutes left, the acceleration ratio must be adjusted again..."

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