I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 320 Changing speed

"No! It's still wrong!"

"Speed-shifting bicycle, accelerated a thousand times!"

The time scale was adjusted a thousand times. During this time, Xiao Zhang continued to adjust the details of the sand sculpture. He had even memorized the outer outline of the entire quicksand monitoring station in his mind.

But, it's still not right.

The sand sculpture didn't react at all.

There was no other way, so Xiao Zhang had no choice but to start over.

I followed the steps step by step and rebuilt a sand sculpture, but the sand sculpture was still the same as before and had no effect.

Repeatedly, Xiao Zhang kept accelerating and repeated it many times, but no matter what he did, no matter how finely he built it, the sand sculpture was just like the ordinary yellow sand outside, without any reaction.

Xiao Zhang calculated that he had actually spent several days going back and forth like this, and the acceleration rate was also increasing.

"Is it three days, or five days?"

Xiao Zhang could no longer tell the difference at this time. The change in flow speed made his perception of time extremely dull. He could only frequently check the bright red countdown time in the hall and constantly adjust the acceleration.

"A variable-speed bicycle, accelerating 1,500 times!"

He forced himself to calm down and stop doing useless work. He had to know what was going on and take the right medicine to solve the problem.

"We have to find the experimental records of this sand sculpture relic."

He finally found a breakthrough point and quickly rode his bicycle to the laboratory.

Coincidentally, perhaps because of the request of the webmaster, the researcher happened to put the information on this relic on the table.

"Records of Sand Sculpture Copying Experiment."

This is it.

He immediately started reading:

"Copying target: water glass."

"Copying method: copy the outer contour, fill the inside of the water cup completely with sand, and completely restore the outside."

"Experimental result: not effective."

"Copying target: water glass."

"Copying method: Copy the whole piece, restore the wall of the water cup according to its thickness, and completely restore its shape."

"Experimental result: effective."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhang immediately understood why his sand sculpture didn't take effect.

"I just built an outer outline! The inner details were filled with sand, which of course didn't work."

He suddenly became enlightened, returned to the hall, and knocked down the sand sculpture that he had finally built.

"If you want to copy the whole thing, it will take longer. It seems that the flow rate magnification will continue to be adjusted..."

In this way, Xiao Zhang spent an unknown amount of time.

He has been riding his bicycle back and forth in the Quicksand Monitoring Station, taking notes on every room.

He took the equipment to measure the thickness of each wall, and also looked for keys to open the doors to the hidden rooms.

Because it was continuously expanded, the internal structure of the Quicksand Monitoring Station was very chaotic, but Xiao Zhang still remembered the entire monitoring station in his mind bit by bit.

At the same time, he continued to build sand sculptures.

He no longer felt sorry for those sand sculptures that had been pushed down. Anyway, for him, time was infinite, and the bright red countdown time in the hall had not jumped again for a long time.

"How long has it been? How many times is the flow rate now?"

Xiao Zhang often asks himself, but he can never remember it again.

Looking at the people who were still standing motionless in the distance, Xiao Zhang never thought of giving up.

Everyone was looking expectantly at the sand table in the hall. On the sand table were sand sculptures that had been knocked down countless times.

Their hopeful eyes never changed.

Those expectations also fell on Xiao Zhang, so he pedaled hard and never felt tired.

Time and the falling yellow sand drifted past him, pulling out a long yellow line. He left a trace that only belonged to him in the already solidified air.

In the silent quicksand monitoring station, there is a machine that will never stop. It is constantly overloaded and running at an accelerated speed.

The gear plate of the bicycle clicked and rotated, the teeth kept rubbing, and the tourbillon of the stopwatch also rotated round and round.

"It will be set up, don't worry."

He looked at everyone and said seriously.

The sand sculpture falls down and is built again...

Until one day, Xiao Zhang found a white hair on the sand table.

"When did it float here? Forget it..."

He picked up the white hair, threw it away, and blended it into the yellow sand behind him.

"Last point, the support structure has been adjusted this time. It should not fall down casually. It is really troublesome to completely reproduce it. We also need to consider the load-bearing..."

Xiao Zhang looked at the stationmaster standing aside and said mockingly: "I should be more familiar with the Quicksand Monitoring Station than the stationmaster now, right? Does that mean I can also be the stationmaster?"

He didn't know when he started to develop the habit of talking to himself. Sometimes, he would also talk to those who couldn't move, which could alleviate his loneliness a little.

"I don't know how long it has been, but it's almost over."

Xiao Zhang put the last bit of sand on it.

His heart was extremely calm at this time. He had failed too many times and he had already mentally expected to fail again. At worst, he would have to start over again. Anyway, the entire monitoring station was remembered in his mind, and he could not build a sand sculpture. Already very skilled.

However, this time it was different.

All the gravel on the sand table seemed to be locked in an instant. Xiao Zhang, who had ridden sand sculptures many times, realized that something was wrong.

He looked at the time and nervously said to the bicycle under him: "Speed ​​bicycle, adjust to five times acceleration."

As his voice fell, everything around him changed for a long time.

Time began to flow slowly, and the bright red countdown began to jump again.

But Xiao Zhang did not pay attention to those, but stared at the sand sculpture on the sand table.

All the gravel was locked in an instant, completely integrated into a whole, and the sand sculpture slowly floated up.

"Success! Success!"

He watched the sand sculpture gradually float into the air, and a stream of blood rushed to his forehead.

Then, a dizziness came.

Before losing consciousness, he whispered to the bicycle:

"Speed ​​bicycle, return to normal speed..."

As his voice fell, his body suddenly became unusually relaxed. He felt like he was in the clouds, and the surroundings were extremely soft.

The stagnant air began to flow, and a breeze blew on him.

His body was blown down by the wind and fell to the ground.

In a blur, he saw the yellow sand falling to the ground behind him.

The hard gravel hit the stone bricks in the hall, making a "da da da" sound. At that moment, he couldn't tell whether it was the sound of gravel or the sound of the clock.

A white hair slowly floated down and landed in front of him.

He reached out and caught the white hair.

It was light, but extremely tough.

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