I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 321 Different memories

"How is he doing now?"

In the blur, the urgent voice of the stationmaster came from beside him.

"He cannot move now... We have figured out the cost of those sands. How long it takes to build, how long this movement restriction will last, until the sand collapses, and the user will return to normal."

The researcher's voice also sounded nearby.

"If it takes a year to build a sand sculpture, it will last for a year before it falls down. During this year, the user cannot move..."

Hearing this, the webmaster also fell silent.

After a long time, he spoke again, with a trembling voice:

"Then how long has he been riding?"

"It's not easy to judge... We have tested his body and found that he has aged almost forty years."

As soon as these words came out, there was another silence.

"Didn't you do experiments? Why didn't you give him all the information in advance? Why did you find out the cost now?"

"He turned out to be only in his twenties! He was in his prime! He also dreamed of becoming an exploration team member and exploring the entire abyss."

"What's the result? He spent forty years building a broken sand sculpture! He will spend another forty years here, unable to move!"

"We actually have to pay the price with a young man's life..."

The webmaster couldn't bear it anymore and cursed loudly. In the end, he lost all the strength and his voice gradually became lower.

The researchers on the side did not speak, quietly bearing the wrath of the webmaster.

In my ears, only the sound of arguments is left...

Another wave of dizziness came over me.

Xiao Zhang hadn't heard anyone speak for a long time. He just felt a large amount of information rushing into his mind, making his head dizzy.

These sudden noisy sounds also made his eardrums a little unbearable. Not long after, the strong tinnitus had made it impossible for him to hear any words anymore, leaving only bursts of sharp "buzzing" noises.

However, some dialogue can still be heard slightly.

But Xiao Zhang didn’t know what that meant…

"Stop arguing! There is another way."

"any solution?"

"Send him to Paradise Island..."

The scene suddenly stopped, leaving only darkness.

As if being electrocuted, Mo Ling's palm suddenly bounced off the black bicycle.

Everything in front of him was still flashing back, and he kept breathing heavily. Everything just happened was like a nightmare.

He followed Xiao Zhang's memory and spent those vague forty years, but it seemed like a moment, fleeting.

Like Xiao Zhang, he has lost his perception of time. He only knows how to ride a bicycle and pile sand, then ride a bicycle and pile sand again, and repeat.

It seems that Xiao Zhang has never doubted why he persisted, and he has never even thought about giving up. He just completes his tasks step by step.

"A machine that never stops."

If Mo Ling hadn't personally experienced Xiao Zhang's perspective just now, he wouldn't have believed that someone could actually do this.

"Persisting for forty years for an illusory thing..."

Mo Ling thought he couldn't do this, so he couldn't escape from that memory.

Panting for breath, Mo Ling felt exhausted and sat on the bed.

The black bicycle was still parked there quietly, with black dust constantly escaping around it.

After a long time, Mo Ling finally regained his composure.

"Xiao Zhang is the cyclist."

In the picture, after seeing the white hair, Mo Ling understood everything: this "idiot" who had been playing tricks on others for forty years was the cyclist he and Li Luo met during the day.

It's just that the content in this scene is different from what the cyclist said during the day.

Thinking of Li Luo's "memory tampering", it was difficult for Mo Ling not to doubt this.

"The cyclist's memory has also been tampered with?"

But which one is true and which one is false?

Mo Ling thought for a while and still felt that what he saw with his own eyes was more real.

The cyclist during the day should be talking about his experience after his memory was tampered with.

But why does this island have such ability?

What does this have to do with "identity"?

Mo Ling seemed to have caught a clue, but it was fleeting.

"What does the identity of a cyclist... exactly mean?"

He doesn't understand.

The black bicycle in front of her also confused Mo Ling.

Although it was tattered, Mo Ling could still recognize it. This was the "variable speed bicycle" that the cyclist had been riding. It was a powerful relic that could change the flow of time. But why did it appear on Paradise Island now?

Thinking of this, Mo Ling stood up and wanted to touch the bicycle again, trying to find new clues, but at this time, there was a strange movement outside.

As soon as her vision was revealed, Mo Ling saw a piece of purple gauze rushing towards her.

Not long ago, when all the sand that trapped Li Luo was spilled, she immediately rushed forward to collect some samples, but the sand quickly disappeared after falling to the ground and merged directly into the darkness.

Not long after, all the black sand disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

Li Luo was holding the sample capsule and was at a loss. She had to turn her head and look at Cube: "Did you kill him? Where did the body go?"

However, Cube didn't respond to her, and just floated quietly in the air. Li Luo didn't pay attention, only thinking that Cube didn't want to answer.

She could only continue to lower her head, looking for the remaining black sand...until she saw a dark robot at the entrance of the alley.

With a spider-like lower body and four robotic arms, this robot stood motionless at the entrance of the alley.

However, its body was constantly trembling.

When Li Luo noticed it, the robot shook even more violently, and its hard mechanical legs collapsed softly. It looked very burly, but it looked like a timid child.

"Stop hiding, can you communicate?"

Li Luo put his hand on the rope and asked warily.

After seeing Li Luo discovering him, the robot immediately wanted to escape. He opened his legs and rushed into the alley.

But Li Luo, who had been prepared for a long time, directly pulled the end of the purple hand rope.

A large gauze net was quickly spread out.

However, Gossamer did not chase the robot in front of her. Instead, she turned her head and rushed towards the square in the sky with great momentum.

It wasn't until Li Luo gave the order that Gossamer immediately turned around and quickly tied up the escaping robot tightly.

"Why do you always attack the cube, are you so stupid?" Li Luo sighed helplessly and walked towards the still struggling robot.

The robot struggled for a while, and after realizing that there was nothing it could do against the purple gauze, it gave up its resistance and lay down like a salted fish.

"Are you also a robot from Paradise Island? Why does it look so strange?" Li Luo looked at the black shell and asked doubtfully.

The robot tilted its head and looked at Li Luo.

"What paradise island?"

"This is Hell Island!"

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