I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 322 Hell

"Hell Island..."

When he said this word, the robot trembled with fear again.

It looked at Li Luo suspiciously and looked at her for a long time.

"What is your identity?"

Li Luo hesitated for a moment before answering its question.

"The Fire Thief."

Hearing this, the robot looked at the square in the air, then looked at Li Luo, and asked carefully: "Don't you want to expel me?"

"Why are you deported?"

"Because I have no identity, haven't you always done this?" the robot asked.

"Us?" Li Luo then realized that the robot seemed to have misunderstood her.

"I just came here and I didn't want to expel you. Who wants to expel you?" Li Luo knelt down and asked seriously.

Seeing Li Luo approaching, the robot struggled again, so the tulle tightened again, tying it into a ball.

Seeing this, Li Luo had no choice but to let Xiao Zi loosen her restraints a little.

The robot was finally able to move. It twisted its neck and looked at Li Luo, then at the area just covered with black sand.

"Are you really not with them?" The robot asked suspiciously when he saw that Li Luo seemed to really not know what was going on here.

"Doesn't your ability only take effect if I answer it? Every time I answer a question, I will be closer to being expelled. After I answer enough, I will be completely expelled..."

"Stop talking nonsense and answer the question." Li Luo interrupted its random thoughts: "Have you seen what happened to those black sands?"

Hearing this, the robot trembled again and immediately replied: "I said it, I said it!"

Its robotic arm pointed to the open space over there.

"Those sands, he is the night watchman, and he wants to expel me!"

Then, it looked up at the roof of the black building.

"And the Nest Builder! But he hasn't appeared for a long time."

Then, it looked around suspiciously, its expression becoming more and more terrifying.

"I almost forgot, there is also a watcher! We can't stay here for too long, the watcher will find us, and as long as we are discovered by her, we will be expelled after a while..."

Li Luo also looked around and took a photo of the electronic screen, but it was empty.

"There's no one around, don't worry."

"No! You can't see her. Only she can see you. As long as you stay under her sight, you will be expelled soon! I didn't lie to you!"

The robot seemed to become excited immediately.

Is there really such a thing?

Li Luo couldn't believe it when he saw the robot's reaction.

"No running away."

She ordered Xiao Zi to let go of the robot, and at the same time it turned into a purple tie and tied it around the robot's neck.

"I know where your brain is, don't play tricks."

The robot nodded repeatedly, and it seemed to realize that Li Luo was not hostile to it.

"Come with me."

After waving to Li Luo, it ran towards the alley.

When escaping, it will knock on the wall next to it from time to time to make sure it is okay before moving on. Not only that, it will often turn in circles, as if it is avoiding someone's tracking.

"What are you doing?" Li Luo asked in confusion.

"These houses may be traps for the nest builder. He likes to wait and see..." the robot said while knocking on the house.

"The monitor cannot move while watching. Turning and circling can cut off her line of sight so that she can no longer see you."

The robot seems to have experience with this.

"Then why were you just standing there stupidly?" Li Luo thought of the robot's motionless posture when he just discovered it.

"Because the night watcher only notices moving things, I guess it's because it's moving too fast, so it can't see those frozen things clearly..."

While the robot was explaining to Li Luo, Li Luo also recorded it on the electronic screen...

At the same time, Mo Ling in the cube slowly understood the situation.

Cyclists are night watchmen.

However, when Mo Ling listened to the robot's explanation of the night watchman's behavior, he always felt that something was wrong.

After touching the black bicycle, he seemed to be able to know what the cyclist was thinking before, but he could not actively recall it and could only passively trigger it.

At this time, the robot's explanation triggered certain memories.

An idea suddenly appeared in Mo Ling's mind: "It's not because it's too fast... it's because things that are frozen are normal for cyclists."

During those forty years, cyclists have become accustomed to everything around them standing still, no one, no object, moving.

The sand is floating in the air, and the people are like sculptures. There is no wind, no change of day and night, everything stops.

That's why cyclists, or "night watchmen," care so much about moving things.

"It was this memory that caused him to change from a cyclist to a 'night watchman' who is so sensitive to everything that moves."

For some reason, the answer suddenly appeared in Mo Ling's mind.

It was as if the scene he saw from the black bicycle was his own experience.

So, he understands everything about the cyclist and what he does.

However, Mo Ling still didn't know why it turned into such a crazy look. What happened on this "Hell Island"?

While thinking about it, Mo Ling also followed Li Luo and the robot, turning around in the alleyway, as if the robot wanted to take them somewhere.

But at this moment, Mo Ling discovered that there seemed to be something in the darkness.

It was a black shadow that kept flashing. It was so small that if you didn't look carefully, you couldn't find it at all.

Moreover, this black shadow was very illusory, and Mo Ling didn't know how to describe this feeling.

Although he had clearly discovered the black shadow, there was always a force pushing Mo Ling to look away and not look at the black shadow.

"What the hell?"

Mo Ling ignored the power and stared at the black shadow.

This black shadow has been following Li Luo, constantly flashing behind her, and then after Li Luo turns a corner, it quickly disappears and flashes behind Li Luo again, repeating the cycle.


Recalling what the robot had just said, Mo Ling instantly realized that this black shadow was probably the "Monitor".

"It's actually true?"

The robot's worries turned out to be correct, the monitor actually came over, and just like the robot said, as long as he kept turning and interrupted the monitor's gaze, there was nothing the monitor could do.

However, such an approach would only cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Li Luo and the robot happened to come to an open straight road with no buildings around. They were about to cross the road and come to the other side.

The monitor had already been waiting on the other side of the road in advance, keeping an eye on the two of them.

But neither Li Luo nor the robot saw the black shadow.

I don't know whether it was because of the darkness or the strange power, but they all turned a blind eye to the black shadow.

And as the gaze time increases, the black shadow becomes more and more intense.

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