I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 323 Monitor

"Is this the monitor?"

Mo Ling looked at the black-rimmed glasses on the metal floor and couldn't believe it.

A few minutes ago, in order to ensure Li Luo's safety, Mo Ling received the black shadow into the cube.

But once inside the cube, this black shadow became like this.

A pair of thick black-rimmed glasses.

"These are the glasses that receptionist Qi Qi wears."

Mo Ling recognized it instantly.

Those huge frames were really rare, and Mo Ling was still a little impressed.

But why did this pair of glasses become a "monitor"?

Mo Ling turned around and looked at the black bicycle next to her.

"These seem to be belongings of the island residents..."

The cyclist’s bicycle, the receptionist Qi Qi’s glasses… what else?

Recalling what happened when she touched the bicycle before, Mo Ling couldn't restrain her curiosity and slowly stretched her hand towards the glasses.

Looking closely at these glasses, there is something special about them. Its lenses seem to have been completely wrapped in a layer of gray fog, and they are also stained with black stains that look like soot.

Not only that, there were also some small black fragments falling down. After these fragments fell to the ground, they dissipated instantly, just like the previous bicycle.

Mo Ling's hand gently touched her glasses.

Sure enough, just as he expected, someone's memory rushed into his mind in an instant.

"Do you want to buy a relic?"

The vendor in front of the stall asked the owner of the memory seriously.

"I have to make it clear to you in advance that if you bought a relic from me, when others ask, you can't say that you bought it. You should say that you picked it up on the first floor of the abyss. Do you understand?"

"Understood." The owner of the memory replied weakly.

This is the voice of a girl, the receptionist Qi Qi herself.

"Can it be cheaper? I don't have that much money." Qi Qi asked cautiously.

Hearing this, the dealer sighed: "I am doing a small business, and these relics are not obtained by myself. They are all collected from those powerful hunters. They look down on these garbage relics, so they sell them to I."

The dealer rummaged through the stall and pulled out a pair of glasses.

"This is the cheapest and most useless. Do you want it?"

He pointed to the price sign above and asked lightly.

Qi Qi looked at the sign and his heartbeat accelerated instantly.

"It's still a bit expensive, can I get a discount?"

The dealer looked over with disdain: "Is this going to be a discount? You're not buying clothes?"

"I don't have much money anymore. I spent a lot of money on equipment before... It was hard to get enough points. Now I only need one relic to go to the second floor. I didn't know the relics were so expensive."

Qi Qi spoke softer and quieter, and gradually she lost her confidence.

But she still stared at the glasses with great longing.

"How much do you have left?" The dealer shook his head helplessly and asked.

"So much." Qi Qi directly put his balance number in front of the dealer, and then rummaged through his bag.

"There are still some remaining materials, including intestinal white grass, ringing stones, rock branches, golden pig tails..."

She took out the items in her bag one by one.

The dealer's expression became increasingly stiff.

"I don't collect garbage, don't throw these things into my stall."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Qi Qi apologized quickly and hurriedly took back the materials.

However, the dealer pressed down the golden pig's tail.

"This can still be worth some money. The price of gold is very expensive outside now, and it has skyrocketed."

He picked up the pair of glasses, sighed, and then put the glasses into Qi Qi's hand.

"Deal, use it."

After collecting the payment, the dealer waved his hand and sat back on his recliner.

"Check the relic information yourself and develop your own abilities. Don't ask me. I'm not responsible for teaching. It's all in the database."

"Also, once the relic is sold, it is not allowed to be returned. We have never met. You picked up this relic by yourself. You'd better make up a story in advance to avoid your mind going blank when others come to ask you."

"Also, the most important thing is that there is no after-sales service for this relic. If you are cheated, don't come to me. You have to bear the cost and take the blame. I have no responsibility."

Although the dealer kept talking about "disclaimer", Qi Qi still thanked him repeatedly, and the dealer just nodded and didn't say any more unnecessary words.

Afterwards, Qi Qi happily took the relics and left the stall.

She didn't go far before she anxiously opened the electronic screen and looked up the information about this pair of glasses.

[Relic: Escape Glasses]

[Price: After putting it on, the user will be forcibly locked and cannot be taken off. It is a passive ability and cannot be actively controlled. Please use it with caution]

[Ability: When the user becomes afraid of something, the user's sense of presence in front of that thing will be reduced. The deeper the fear, the more the user's sense of presence is reduced]

[Discovered: Level 1 of the Abyss]

[Discovered by: Hidden]

Qi Qi became even more happy when he saw the introduction of this relic.

"It's amazing. Can't I avoid many dangerous creatures like this? As long as they don't notice me, I'll be safe."

This was her first relic, and Qi Qi was very satisfied. She originally thought that the relics on the stalls were indeed what the dealers said. They were all unwanted junk relics. However, she did not expect that the cheapest one was all. So powerful.

Moreover, after obtaining the relic, she could finally go to the second floor.

When passing the checkpoint, Qi Qi was worried that others would ask her about the origin of the relics, but no one cared about her at all, and she arrived at the second floor of the abyss smoothly.

However, she was not very lucky, and she happened to land in a relatively dangerous sand dune.

There is a tumbleweed-like creature in this dune, as big as a mountain. It will keep rolling on the dune, crushing other creatures into pulp, and then rolling them into its body.

As soon as she fell into the sand dunes, Qi Qi was almost overtaken by them. Fortunately, she was agile and avoided them in time.

However, this creature seems to have simple intelligence and has been chasing Qi Qi after discovering her on the sand dunes.

Facing this terrifying creature, Qi Qi had no choice but to put on his escape glasses.

Taking advantage of her inner fear, she successfully escaped from the dunes and reached a nearby monitoring station.

Later, this relic also helped her escape many dangers.

Qi Qi was originally a timid person. She was afraid of the terrifying creatures and strange phenomena in the abyss. If it hadn't been for a family accident, she would not have come to the abyss alone.

The escape glasses are just the thing to turn her shortcomings into strengths.

She is timid and afraid of all dangers, and glasses will help her escape these dangers.

Horrible creatures would not notice her, and those weird phenomena would not target her. She was like a ghost swimming in the abyss, and this feeling made her very comfortable.

Sometimes, glasses can even help Qi Qi escape from social interactions that she has always resisted, making her a transparent person in the monitoring station.

In this way, Qi Qi easily reached the third level of the abyss.

Her understanding of the abyss gradually deepened.

Being able to escape danger does not mean that she cannot see those dangers. The weirdness and change of the abyss slowly seeped into Qi Qi's heart.

Until one day, Qi Qi realized a terrible thing——

Her fear of the abyss was getting worse.

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