I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 324 The Price of Escape

The ignorant have nothing to fear. The deeper the understanding of the abyss, the more afraid they will be of the abyss.

This is a normal thing, and everyone who comes to the abyss will have the same experience.

People will also become more and more careful and cautious, all caused by the fear of the abyss.

But for Qi Qi, fear does not only mean these, it also means that her sense of the existence of the abyss is getting lower and lower.

She didn't know what it meant at first, until one day, when she was talking to someone, the other person ignored her completely as if they didn't hear her.

"I'm not afraid of the other party at all, so why is my sense of existence reduced?"

At this moment, Qi Qi suddenly realized: "Doesn't the abyss include everything in the abyss?"

Fear of the abyss means fear of everything in the abyss.

She knew that her fear of the abyss was not the fear of the abyss itself, but the fear of the unknown.

At this time, everything around him was unknown.

The escape glasses are helping Qi Qi escape from the abyss, so her sense of existence becomes lower and lower for everything in the abyss.

She seemed to have truly become a ghost swimming in the abyss, and nothing could notice her.

And now, this situation is still deepening.

Fear is spreading.

"If this continues, my sense of existence will completely disappear!" Qi Qi came to a terrible conclusion.

She had to find a way to save herself.

Qi Qi tried to seek help from the island base, but everyone turned a blind eye to her. Because of her long-term fear of social interaction, her sense of presence in front of people was originally very low.

In addition, she was originally a little transparent person with no friends or acquaintances, and now no one would remember her.

"They're all strangers."

At this moment, Qi Qi realized that he had stayed in the abyss for so long without leaving a single trace.

She has escaped all dangers in the past. She has no partners to face any difficulties, and no friends she has met during adventures.

In the entire abyss, except for the information in the database, she seemed to be a person who did not exist at all.

Without her, there would be no commotion at all.

No one cares where she goes.

Not only that, she even discovered something even more terrifying.

The words on her hunter nameplate are gradually disappearing and becoming blank. While losing her sense of existence, she is also losing the recognition of the abyss.

Moreover, she found that her database access was being continuously restricted.

It seems that even the human data system is rejecting a non-existent person.

Faced with this situation, she had no choice but to urgently find a way to save herself.

It was at this time that she discovered information about Paradise Island.

"The price of being able to suppress the relic."

After seeing this, she was kicked out of the database, her account completely disappeared, and her information was completely deleted.

Fortunately, she can also know the location and ferry information of Paradise Island through the public inquiry system of the island base.

In this way, she got on the ship and followed the route to Paradise Island.

On the night she set foot on Paradise Island, when darkness enveloped everything, her escape glasses slowly loosened and fell off her face...

Then it was pitch black, and Mo Ling's hand bounced off his glasses and took it back.

After taking a few breaths, Mo Ling recovered.

Compared with the memory on the black bicycle, the memory on the black-framed glasses is much simpler and does not last so long, so it is much easier to accept.

However, Qi Qi's sense of fear and loneliness still seeped into Mo Ling's heart.

It was a terrible emptiness.

When the whole world has forgotten you, it’s like falling into a deep pit where the sky and the sky don’t respond and the earth and the earth don’t work. Everyone walks by the pit and you shout until your voice is hoarse, but there is no one at all. care.

Abandoned by everything, the sense of existence is at its lowest.

No matter how much Qi Qi resists social interaction, he cannot accept such loneliness and despair, and this feeling is still echoing in Mo Ling's heart at this moment.

He could also instantly understand why the monitor kept following others.

"Because it's so lonely."

She wants others to notice her...

But everyone turned a blind eye to her, and she could only keep following, and following...

Mo Ling's heart sank a little, and he felt a surge of suppressed emotions.

Whether it was the bicycle or the pair of glasses, his mood became heavier and heavier.

"Is this really hell?"

Black fragments fell to the metal ground and collapsed into slag. Mo Ling seemed to be able to smell the smell of ash in the air, and it disappeared in an instant.

When he carefully recalled the smell, he couldn't remember it at all.

"It doesn't seem to be ashes, and it seems like there is nothing."

He sat down on the bed in despair, his whole body slumped down.

"So sad."

Mo Ling put his hand on his heart and rubbed it gently, but the depressed mood did not disappear, and his heart was still blocked.

The energy of feeling two memories in succession surged up, and the scenes in those memories kept appearing in Mo Ling's mind. Several experiences were mixed together, and various emotions surged, making it a mess.

"I learned these clues, so I should be happy." Mo Ling could only comfort herself while writing the memory of what she had just experienced on the electronic screen.

By writing out these memories, he could constantly remind himself: "This is what happened to others, not mine. I am just a spectator."

The empathy slowly faded with Mo Ling's records, and the irritable mood slowly calmed down.

Looking at the dense text on the electronic screen, Mo Ling sighed.

"Other people's experiences are just a piece of text to me..."

"Well, if only, as Martin said, the world is really a novel, I wouldn't have to be so empathetic or pretentious."

Gently placing the electronic screen on the bed, Mo Ling took a deep breath and looked outside the square.

After crossing the open straight road, the robot took Li Luo through the alley.

It was still very cautious, knocking on the wall and turning corners from time to time.

At the same time, it was urging Li Luo to speed up.

"When it gets darker, other guys will appear. They are more dangerous and there is no good way to deal with them. We need to find a safe house as soon as possible."

As he spoke, the robot took Li Luo to a building.

It was a hemispherical building.

"Fire Thief Studio?" Li Luo asked puzzledly.

"What Fire Thief's Studio? That's a safe house."

There was excitement in the robot's tone: "If you find the safe house, you won't be evicted. Come in quickly!"

Li Luo looked at the building suspiciously with the help of dim lights.

No matter how you look at it, it looks exactly like Firestealer Studio.

However, the buildings on this island look very similar to each other, and the Fire Thief's Studio is not the only one that is hemispherical.

Moreover, the building in front of him was pitch black and it was difficult to see the details. Li Luo could only think that he had made a mistake and carefully followed the robot in.

However, after entering the building, Li Luo saw the familiar corridor.

There is an identical office in the distance.

The familiar desk, the overturned chair, and even the water on the floor that hadn't dried yet, all proved without a doubt that this was the Fire Thief's Studio.

"Come back again?"

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