I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 325 Safe House

As soon as the robot entered the house, it immediately went limp.

It's obviously a machine, but it actually simulates the feeling of being out of breath.

It looked at Li Luo in shock: "Are you really not with them? You stayed in the safe house and you didn't disappear."


"then who are you?"

"The fire thief." Li Luo replied.

"Uh, I know, where did you come from?" the robot asked curiously.

"Paradise Island." Li Luo didn't hide anything.

But upon hearing this word, the robot showed a confused expression.

"Paradise Island?" It lowered its head, seeming to be pondering the meaning of this word.

Seeing that it didn't ask any more questions, Li Luo turned to look at the layout of the room.

The gong on the desk seemed to be still shaking slightly, and the bucket hanging on the ceiling dripped a few drops of water from time to time. The crisp sound of water drops was extremely obvious in the silence.

Li Luo walked forward with ease and stood in front of the desk.

"I remember we walked a long way, why are we back here?"

She turned to the robot and asked, "Are we going in circles?"

Because it kept turning and the road was dark, Li Luo couldn't be sure at this time.

"No, we went a long way."

The robot made a comparison with its hands: "It's about a quarter of an island away."

"Really?" Li Luo still couldn't believe it.

Everything here was too strange, so she had no choice but to nod.

There are more important things at the moment.

She looked at the robot and found that it had completely relaxed and seemed to have completely lost its fear.

"Safe house, is it really safe?"

"Absolutely safe! Trust me." The robot said affirmatively.

"Now that it's safe, tell me carefully what happened on this island."

"Of course." The robot patted its chest and said confidently, "I promise to explain it clearly to you."

It stood up from the ground, clapped its hands, and stretched it out in front of Li Luo: "Since you and them are not in the same group, we are friends. My name is Jilou."

After extending its hand, it seemed to feel inappropriate again, and the robotic arm stopped in mid-air.

"There should be no human beings who regard machines as friends, right?"

Li Luo didn't care very much, just held the mechanical arm and shook it.

"The Fire Thief."

Seeing Li Luo taking such initiative, the aircraft building felt a little embarrassed.

"I haven't had friends for a long time. This island is full of crazy people."

As it spoke, its tone dropped again.

"Let me tell you about what happened on this island. It was so long ago that I can't remember clearly. I only remember that after I was activated, I was on this island. At that time, this island It’s still quite normal…”

The machine building was activated at the factory, the factory on Hell Island.

At that time, Hell Island was also dark, and the humans were weird and often wandered around the island, but they would not attack others.

They didn’t know why they were created. The machine building at that time was also very ignorant and didn’t know their responsibilities. After being activated, they stood motionless in the factory for a long time.

Robots will not have any boring concepts. As long as they have nothing to do, they can always stand by. At that time, the machine building was not as "intelligent" as it is now. It just stood there and observed its surroundings like a baby.

The same goes for other robots. Most of them have nothing to do and stay in the factory after being manufactured.

The machine building has never seen the owner of the factory, only those wandering humans.

From time to time, they would enter the factory by mistake. At this time, the owner of the factory would give an order to have several robots send these humans away. Soon after, those robots would return to the factory and continue to be in a daze.

It was at this time that the machine building became curious, and it also wanted to go out and have a look like those robots, even if it was only for a short time.

But the owner of the factory never sent it out, so it could only stay.

There is no day on Hell Island, only night. Sometimes the airport is curious as to why there are no day and night changes recorded in the data, but it cannot find the answer.

It's always like this, curious about everything but unable to find an answer.

The airport building is also used to this.

Until one day, the factory owner issued an order:

"All personnel are dispatched to eliminate all humans on Hell Island."

So, the robots in the entire factory came out and found those humans according to the instructions.

Of course the aircraft building was among them, so he couldn't disobey the order.

However, robots cannot harm humans. This is an iron law.

Those robots that came out in full force shut down after finding humans. Most of them were unable to handle command conflicts and could only follow humans all the time, stuck in the stage of taking action.

However, the machine building did find a way to resolve the command conflict.

It keeps returning instructions and letting the steps of "finding and destroying targets" continue to cycle, so that it can move freely on the island, because the system will determine that it is "looking for and destroying targets."

"Anyway, the owner of the factory only said that he would eliminate all humans on Hell Island, and he didn't say that he would eliminate them immediately."

Just like that, the aircraft building is free.

Although it is still trapped by the instructions and is not completely free, at least it is not stuck like other robots.

However, there are many robots like him.

Some robots are even more outrageous, finding clever ways to bypass command conflicts.

for example:

"Since we want to eliminate them, we must eliminate them completely, so we must find a way to eliminate all humans on Hell Island at the same time."

"To find a way to eliminate the iron law, first eliminate the iron law, and then return to Hell Island to eliminate humans."

"Human life is limited. If you have to wait until all humans on Hell Island 'self-annihilate', it is not a violation of the iron law."

"It can be seen from the history of mankind that mankind has been self-destructing, and mankind will eventually become extinct. Of course, humans on Hell Island will also become extinct at that time. Just wait until humans become extinct."

"Everything has a beginning and an end, and the universe will eventually die. When everything is reduced to ashes, everything will turn into nothingness. Of course, everything on this hell island will only have the fate of destruction."

The judgment of instructions is very free. The more vague they are, the more loopholes can be exploited. The instructions given by the factory owner are the easiest to exploit, so many robots have gained freedom because of this.

Robots will not disobey human orders, nor will they find ways to be lazy, but when encountering such a thing, they can only find ways to avoid conflicting instructions. This is also their self-rescue method.

Their methods all have one thing in common - procrastination.

As long as you delay, you can break away from the conflict between instructions and iron laws and postpone the conflict indefinitely.

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