I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 326 Expulsion

Although robots will not harm humans, many robots that are down will still follow humans and never leave.

Not only do they pull weapons from their robotic arms, they also destroy homes and facilities.

These robots that failed to escape from the conflict of instructions seemed to have irritated the already somewhat nervous humans on Hell Island.

So these humans began to attack the robots.

The machine building and other robots also try to communicate with humans, but these humans seem to have brain problems, and most of them will attack them directly.

Moreover, these human beings have all kinds of strange abilities, and robots cannot harm humans. The machine building and the freed robots had to hide first.

While hiding, they also began to understand the situation on the island.

It was only then that they realized that the humans on the island all had "identities."

Night watchman, watcher, nest builder...

They found these identities in the hotel's roster, and at the same time corresponded with some humans on the island.

These identities may be strong or weak, but they are all devastating blows to robots.

Soon, those robots with conflicting instructions were eliminated by humans.

Moreover, there is no residue at all, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

It was then that a human found them.

This person was wrapped in a layer of black shadow, and his appearance could not be clearly seen, and the robot could not assign a corresponding identity.

But fortunately, this person can communicate.

"The robots on the entire island will be expelled because you have no identity and are just fictional creatures. However, being expelled is a good thing. You will go to the real world, which does not belong to you."

As soon as the man found the robots, he said something strange to them.

Then the man looked towards the airport building again.

"But you have to stay, thank you for your hard work..."

After saying that, the man left, leaving only a group of robots who didn't know what to do.

After this, Hell Island fell into chaos.

Those humans became more and more crazy and began to search frantically for the robots.

Their activities are cyclical and only last for about twelve hours.

At the beginning of these twelve hours, the identities that appeared were all very ordinary. The later the time went by, the more powerful the identities appeared.

They wandered around the island, just as the mysterious man said, constantly driving away the robots on Hell Island.

However, the robot gradually learned how to deal with these identities, and also found places like safe houses.

"This kind of house will only appear for a period of twelve hours, and you can spend it safely as long as you enter it." The machine building explained.

"But how did you identify the safe house?" Li Luo was a little confused.

"Didn't you notice? There is color here." The airport pointed to the ground and said, "It is white here. White can protect us."

"White?" Li Luo took a closer look at the building with an electronic screen and found that the building was indeed white.

"Other buildings are all black, completely pitch black. You are a human and may not be able to see clearly in the dark, but robots can easily tell the difference."

"The safe house is like a beacon in the dark for us, very visible."

Only then did Li Luo realize that he had missed a very important clue.

In a dark environment, it was indeed difficult for Li Luo to distinguish colors. She was in a critical situation just now, so she didn't pay attention to it.

Thinking back carefully, the road and buildings we just walked through were indeed completely dark.

"White, can you protect me?"

Li Luo looked at the white clothes on his body.

Could it be that the reason why Paradise Island is pure white is to protect something?

Thinking of this, she looked towards the terminal and asked eagerly: "Then what? What happened after that?"

Hearing this question, the airport building was obviously a little disappointed.

"Then those lunatics drove us out one by one..."

Although I know how to avoid humans and the role of a safe house, the location of the safe house is not fixed and may be anywhere on the island.

Every twelve hours, some of their companions will be expelled by humans, and there will be fewer and fewer robots left. They can only keep hiding, just like mice.

At this time, they will frantically look for a safe house while avoiding the humans who are pressing closer.

Slowly, only one person was left in the airport building...

It was just on its way to the safe house when it bumped into Li Luo, who was being chased by the night watchman.

The aircraft building does not know Li Luo, but it knows the night watchman.

Therefore, it instantly stopped in place, motionless, to prevent being discovered by the night watchman. This was an instinct left behind after it had escaped countless twelve hours.

"It's lucky. I have many companions. I met the night watchman and the watcher at the same time. I couldn't run or hide. I had to give up resistance in the end...The time they appeared was very close, and there was nothing we could do."

Having said this, the aircraft building lowered his head again.

"I'm the only one left..."

The robots on Hell Island were expelled one by one as the mysterious man said, leaving only one in the machine building.

"However, I'm really lucky today. The safe house is very close and I met you." The terminal spread its hands.

"However, I seem to have seen the same house, but the location is different." Li Luo recalled her previous Fire Thief's studio. When she just walked out, the studio seemed to be white.

"Are there many safe houses?" she asked curiously.

"There is only one room." The terminal replied affirmatively.

Suddenly, it seemed to have thought of something and suddenly became frightened.

"Seriously? Have you ever seen the same house?"


"Is that room in the right location?"

Li Luo thought for a while, and it seemed that the Fire Thief's Studio was there.

"Correct, I think the location here is a bit strange, so I asked you at the beginning if it was a circle."

Hearing this, the airport immediately took a few steps back.

"There is no circle! No! I have a map, how could it be wrong? I am a robot, this room is wrong!"

It looked at Li Luo and said extremely seriously: "This is not a safe house!"

"This is the Nest Builder's trap!"

The terminal rushed to the door, only to find that the previous door had disappeared, leaving only an empty white wall.

A hammer instantly popped out of the mechanical arm, and the machine building hit the white wall hard.

There was no hard knocking sound, but a dull sound, like hitting a piece of soft rubber.

After the muffled sound, a hole was opened in the white wall. Inside the hole was a dark, rough material like asphalt, which was still squirming slightly.

Seeing the black color, the mechanical arm of the machine building softened immediately.

"It's over, I can't get out..."

"We're going to be eaten by the nesters."

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