I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 327 Nest Builder

"How could he create a safe house?" The machine building was obviously shocked. It looked at the wall that was slowly healing and murmured.

"Why was I so careless? Why didn't I try before I came in?"

Its mechanical arm knocked weakly against the wall, making another muffled sound.

The terminal looked very remorseful.

"It would have been better if I had just knocked. How come I lost all my vigilance?"

"Is this a nest builder's trap?"

Li Luo also roughly understood that this "Fire Thief's Studio" was not real, and the one she walked out of at the beginning was the real safe house.

"Yes." Ji Lou nodded and said helplessly: "He will imitate a house and wait for the rabbit. Usually he will set up a false road in the lane. As soon as he walks in, he will be trapped. I didn't expect that he would actually Will imitate the safe house, he has never done that..."

As he spoke, the terminal knocked on the wall again in self-reproach.

"Maybe he has done this a long time ago, but I don't know..."

After hearing this, Li Luo also walked to the wall and cut open the wall with his own knife.

It was cut on the wall, but it was like cutting a piece of hard rubber. It was very difficult. Moreover, not long after it was cut, the black material in the wall healed quickly, and a layer of white camouflage grew on the surface, and in the blink of an eye it turned back into As is.

"It's useless. We have tried many methods, but we can't destroy this trap." The machine building said desperately.

But Li Luo didn't care. After putting away the knife, she turned to look at Cube.

"You want to try?"

Mo Ling has been eager to try it for a long time. He has never encountered anything that cannot be destroyed.

This time, he directly enlarged the teleportation frame to its maximum size, covering an entire wall.

After calculating the space in the square, it should be enough.

"Wait and throw it out in time."

After getting ready, Mo Ling started the teleportation.

The airport building was still wondering, and the wall around it disappeared. It looked blankly, and saw that the street outside was empty and dark. A breeze came, and it actually stood "outdoors" like this.

"Where's the wall?"

"Where's the nester's trap?"

It took a step out in disbelief and stepped lightly on the stone bricks. Nothing happened.


Jilou turned around and looked at Li Luo blankly, feeling at a loss. He raised his two arms on the right and scratched his head, while the two arms on the left unconsciously placed them behind his back.

Li Luo just spread his hands on it and looked at Cube again.

At this time, Mo Ling in the cube was still staring at the rapidly dissipating wall.

After Mo Ling received the wall into the cube, it melted quickly like a candle, dripped onto the metal ground, and then disappeared into thin air, exactly like the black sand before.

It didn't take long for it to melt until only the base of the wall remained, and the base of the wall was quickly disappearing.

Mo Ling originally thought about sending the wall out quickly so as not to occupy the space in the square, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

The base of the wall quickly dissipated.

"This wall is just like the black sand before. It is a derivative, not the original body." Mo Ling quickly figured this out.

The body is somewhere else.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling quickly expanded his vision and covered the entire building.

There is nothing wrong with this fake "Fire Thief's Studio" from the outside. It even imitates the "awakening measures" that Li Luo prepared before.

But the inside of the wall was pitch black, and in places that couldn't be seen, this black liquid colloid was constantly surging.

The edge of the wall that had just been peeled off by Mo Ling was also healing rapidly. Li Luo ran out in time when he saw this.

Mo Ling searched carefully throughout the building, trying to find the true form of the Nest Builder. When dealing with the Night Watchmen before, they could only be completely eliminated after finding the true form. He guessed that the same was true for the Nest Builder.

Sure enough, he soon found a black water cup on the top of the building. At this time, the water cup was continuously overflowing with black liquid, and the liquid was quickly integrated into the building below.

The liquid in the water glass seemed to be endless. After Mo Ling submerged his vision into the water glass, he could only see the squirming liquid.

"It turns out that the black liquid came from here."

This water cup is very small, just like an ordinary glass used for drinking tea, but the surface is covered with a layer of black stains, making it look very dirty.

Mo Ling didn't hesitate and sent the strange water glass directly to the cube.


The water glass fell to the metal floor and rolled to Mo Ling's feet.

As it rolled, the black fragments on it continued to fall.

Mo Ling thought for a while, then bent down and picked up this strange water glass.

Another memory comes back...

The owner of the memory stood on the top of the tall tower, looking down through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

Looking at the small mountains, Dawn City, which is full of tall buildings, feels like it is being stepped on. The speeding cars passing by are like busy ants, and the people are too small to see clearly.

The clouds floating in the distance make people feel like they are in the clouds. The sunlight shines on the glass and is divided into colorful rainbow lights, which is a bit dreamy and a bit trance-like.

However, a sweet voice came from behind, interrupting his thinking:

"Mr. Guo, Yuanxin Technology has agreed to your request for cooperation and would like to schedule the negotiation meeting on Saturday morning."

"I don't work overtime on Saturdays."

"Then it will be adjusted to Friday afternoon?"

"Today is Friday, right? I have an appointment in the afternoon. It's a personal matter. Let's adjust it to next week."


Mr. Guo turned around and saw a graceful female secretary standing in front of him.

"How many times have I told you to knock on the door when you come in? You earn such a high salary and you shouldn't make such a stupid mistake."

Mr. Guo said calmly, clearly blaming his subordinates, but he didn't feel any sense of majesty.

The secretary laughed softly and walked to Mr. Guo's side, bringing with him a gust of fragrance.

"Mr. Guo, I made a mistake again. How do you want to punish me?"

Her fingers gently placed on the buttons of Mr. Guo's suit.

Mr. Guo just watched that slender hand holding his button.

Seeing that the button was about to be untied, Mr. Guo sighed and slapped the hand away.

"My suit is very expensive, don't break it."

Then, he reached out and pushed the secretary aside.

He walked slowly to the desk and pressed a button.

"Tell the human resources department for me to find a new secretary as soon as possible."

"The requirements are: knock on the door when you enter, correct your mistakes when you know they are wrong, don't wear perfume, don't grow your nails, know to keep your distance from others, and don't easily grab other people's clothes."

He looked back at the secretary who was still at a loss, then turned around and added:

"Also, tell him in advance that I won't work overtime on weekends..."

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