I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 329 Water Cup

"If you two are so satisfied, then the matter is settled!"

The girl's father happily took their hands and put them together.

"A talented man and a beautiful woman, a match made in heaven!"

The girl beside her was also blushing.

In this way, the two quickly got engaged. After the girl graduated, the two entered the palace of marriage.

The girl did not enter her family's company, but started studying medicine again. It was not too late...

It was another evening, and the two of them were sitting by the river embankment. The girl before and the wife now looked at the river, thoughtfully.

"Why do I feel like I got married in a daze?"

Mr. Guo was stunned: "Time flies too fast. Sometimes people just feel that they are getting old in a daze. It has been ten years since we first sat here."

The wife counted on her fingers: "It seems to be ten years indeed. You were still a master at that time."

She sighed: "Well, actually it's been ten years and I've been married for so long, but I still can't see through you. You haven't told me anything about your past. It seems like everything is a mystery."

"Actually, I also want to know how you struggled at that time, how you established a big company, and then established a niche in Dawn City, which is so competitive."

"My life is ordinary, so I want to hear your story..."

The wife turned to look at Mr. Guo and said seriously.

"I can't say, there's a lot of secrecy involved."

"Not at all?"

"Yes, not at all." Mr. Guo said firmly: "Please believe me."

Seeing Mr. Guo's expression of resignation, his wife reached out and poked him in the face.

"Hahaha, what are you thinking? How could I not believe you! Stupid! You still say you are your master, you don't even know this."

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it. Everyone has their own secrets, and I do too."

"What secret?" Mr. Guo asked immediately.

"Do the math, master, can you figure it out?" the wife said jokingly.

Mr. Guo raised his hand, counted his fingers, and said solemnly: "Did the clothes at home be confiscated?"

"Of course not." His wife knocked on Mr. Guo's thigh.

"I tell you secretly, don't tell others." She leaned into Mr. Guo's ear and said softly.

"Ten years ago, the pizza I gave you was expired. I didn't eat it myself. Didn't you notice that it tasted weird at the time? I felt guilty for a long time after I went back. Later, when I saw you alive and kicking, I "Relax."

As he said this, his wife laughed again.

"I wanted to tell you at the time, but you ate too fast and finished it in one go. I didn't even have time to tell you."

But after laughing, his wife looked at Mr. Guo guiltily and said apologetically: "Are you angry?"

Mr. Guo shook his head and laughed together.

The two of them were laughing happily on the river embankment just like that night ten years ago.

Just missing an expired pizza...

However, beauty is always short-lived.

Soon after, my wife was diagnosed with an abyssal disease.

Asphalt disease, all the liquid in the patient's body will slowly transform into a liquid that looks like asphalt. There is no cure, and the patient can only die in pain. Even the body will turn into a puddle of black liquid. The death is very tragic.

People who dream of becoming doctors end up becoming patients dying in bed.

"Don't worry, you can resurrect me after you find a relic that can be resurrected." Even though his wife was lying on the bed, she was still joking with him feebly.

"Don't talk nonsense, you won't die."

"Of course you will die if you have an incurable disease. People have to believe in their fate. Do you think that after I turn into asphalt, I can use it to pave roads?"

After knowing my wife for a long time, she became more and more talkative and often discussed all kinds of strange things with Mr. Guo, even when she was terminally ill.

Mr. Guo could only gently touch his wife's forehead and replied: "I guess not, this is inferior asphalt."

"What's wrong with me! Cough cough cough!" The wife got excited and started coughing again. Black stains came out of her mouth and splashed on the hospital bed.

Mr. Guo quickly wanted to call the doctor, but his wife held his hand.

"Don't go," she said weakly.


"Tell me your story."


Mr. Guo held his wife's hand and spoke softly:

Once upon a time there was a beggar who picked up a glass on the river embankment.

The glass is a relic, and the beggar calls it the cup of lies.

As long as you drink the water in the cup, all the lies you tell will come true.

If you say someone will bring you food, someone will bring you food.

If you say you will make friends, you will make friends.

The beggar used this cup to make a lot of money easily and established a big company.

With nothing to show for it, he became the largest middleman in Dawn City. All materials were supplied through his hands. Later, when he had sufficient funds, he established his own semi-finished product processing factory.

He has mastered the intermediate links of the entire Dawn City technology chain, purchasing downstream materials and delivering semi-finished products to upstream technology companies, becoming an indispensable intermediate link.

But beggars are treading on thin ice.

Because this is all a bubble he created with lies, and it gets bigger and bigger the more he blows it.

As long as any link is punctured, the entire bubble will burst instantly, and all the achievements and wealth piled up by lies will collapse in an instant.

This is the price of the cup of lies.

Everything is false. He can deceive others, but he cannot deceive himself.

As long as someone notices the falsehood in this, the dominoes of truth will hit him one by one.

But his worries seemed a bit unnecessary. When lies piled up into a mountain and became increasingly irreplaceable, no one cared about the truth, and no one would doubt that these things were false.

As long as no one realizes it is false, the lie will persist.

But lies cannot bring the dead back to life.

The Cup of Lies can only create falsehoods within the limits of the facts and fabricate a bubble of possibility.

He tried to use lies to obtain some relics that could bring the dead back to life or cure all diseases, but the Cup of Lies could not do it.

The lie can't be too big, that's the limit.

Therefore, he could only watch his wife die in pain, and all the lies were useless at this moment.

"This is my story, a life made of lies."

His wife looked at him blankly and didn't say anything. She just weakly raised her other hand and covered the back of his hand.

Bing Bing cool.

"So, after you tell me the truth, everything will fall apart, right?"

"Yes, that's why I never told you." Mr. Guo replied guiltily.

However, after learning the truth, his wife still held his hand tightly and even pulled him to the hospital bed, so Mr. Guo had no choice but to move forward.

After pulling him in front of her, his wife put both hands on his cheeks and squeezed them feebly.

Her eyes were extremely clear, even though she was dying, her eyes were still shining.

Squeezing it, she laughed happily again.

"is this real?"

"No, it's all lies."

"Then you love me?"

"do not love."

Mr. Guo looked at his wife's smiling eyes, tears welling up in his eyes.

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