I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 330 Lies and Truth

Mo Ling's tears also fell and hit the metal floor.

The water cup in his hand fell instantly, and he panted and squatted on the ground.

He seemed to feel that someone was pinching his cheeks.

But when he suddenly raised his head, he could not see anything, only an empty metal floor.

The water cup rolled farther and farther until it hit the wall.


The feeling of heartache appeared again, and at the same time he understood the nest builder, or rather, he was the nest builder, the "beggar" who had nothing from beginning to end.

"A falsehood built with lies?"

Mo Ling looked outside the cube, and the fake fire thief's studio had disappeared completely, leaving only a pool of black liquid that was constantly evaporating, and the black fragments floated into the air and drifted away with the wind.

"As long as someone knows the truth, everything will be shattered, and everything built by lies will be wiped out. This is the price of the relic."

Mo Ling probably understood how the wealthy Master Guo became a beggar on the island. Although it was not mentioned in this memory, it is easy to guess:

"He told his wife the truth, all the lies would be shattered, and others would find out what he did. Of course, Mr. Guo became the so-called 'relic criminal' and was imprisoned."

He finally told his "secret" to his wife, even though the price was the collapse of his false life.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling sighed again.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Mo Ling stood up.

He felt choked up, but he didn't think it affected anything.

"This is someone else's life."

Mo Ling knew it very well.

He looked at the black objects with black fragments floating in the cube, and said firmly: "I will help you figure out what happened on this island."

Of course, those objects did not respond to him, but continued to scatter fragments and stayed quietly in the cube.

Outside the cube, Li Luo and Ji Lou were looking at the fake building that was gradually disappearing.

"Your ability is really amazing, Fire Thief."

"This is not my ability, this is its ability." Li Luo pointed at the cube and explained.

"Does the cube also have an identity? What is its identity?" Ji Lou's thinking logic has not changed yet, and he is still thinking about the problem according to the rules of Hell Island.

"I don't know, it didn't tell me."

"Oh." Ji Lou nodded blankly: "Then let's go quickly, return to the original route, go to the safe house, it's too late now, we must hurry up."

"Okay." Ji Lou took Li Luo again and plunged into the alley.

But its movements were obviously much more cautious. While walking, it also warned Li Luo: "Wait, if you see something like light or Mars, you must tell me, the farther we hide, the better."

"What is the identity?" Li Luo guessed it at once. This must be the external manifestation of some identity ability.

"The light repairman and the arsonist should be out now, but as long as we avoid them in time, there will be no danger. They don't like to attack actively." However, the machine room stopped while running. A black wall of fire appeared on the street in the distance, stretching to the distance. "No, we reacted too late. The arsonist's fire has started." The machine room's voice was a little trembling. "Then what should we do?" "Let's take a long way around and go to the edge of the fire wall. I hope we don't run into the arsonist." The machine room said helplessly. After that, he took Li Luo to the end of one side of the black fire wall. Fortunately, the direction they chose seemed to be correct. They didn't run far before they saw the edge of the fire wall, and there was no arsonist here. "Go over quickly." "Okay." The two bypassed the scorching fire wall and continued to drill into the alley. Away from the fire wall, the temperature finally dropped. Li Luo wiped the sweat from his forehead with lingering fear and breathed a sigh of relief. It can be seen from the blazing wall of fire that the arsonist is a very difficult identity to deal with. Fortunately, they did not face him head-on.

However, just after escaping the crisis, there was a clanging sound in front of the alley.

Hearing this sound, the machine room quickly took Li Luo to another direction.

"It's the lamp repairman. If you meet him later, don't look at his light. That light will pull you into a deep sleep and you will never wake up again."

Li Luo was stunned. Isn't this the white light on the island?

However, she immediately remembered that the machine room didn't know about the things on Paradise Island, and swallowed the question on her lips.

"That kind of light can't even be blocked by our robots, but if the situation is critical, you can try to close your eyes and not look."

"Okay." Li Luo nodded and agreed.

The two quickly moved away from the location where the sound came from and took a long detour, but the knocking sound seemed to be following them all the time, and it was getting louder and louder, as if the lamp repairman was in the alley next door, following them all the time.

"What's going on, is he following us?" Li Luo asked worriedly.

"No, he just happened to appear here. As far as I know, he never actively pursues us. We have never figured out how he moves. It seems that he can appear anywhere."

The explanation from the machine building made Li Luo even more nervous.


She listened carefully to the knocking sound, which seemed to be really erratic. Sometimes it was in front, and sometimes it came to the back. Sometimes it was far away in the horizon, and sometimes it seemed to suddenly come to the alley next door. It was creepy.

Not only that, the knocking sounds gradually became more and more frequent, surrounding their ears, and the two of them had to speed up their pace.

The terminal even stopped obsessing over the turns and started walking straight.

At the same time, Mo Ling also opened his vision and saw the appearance of the lamp repairer.

Just like a child covered with a black sheet, the lamp repairer holds a small black hammer and keeps knocking on the wall. After knocking a gap, the lamp repairer will take out a black stone from the bed sheet. , stuffed into the gap.

But that's not the most important thing.

Mo Ling finally understood why the knocking sounds came from all directions.

Because there is more than one lamp repairer!

Wherever you can see, there are all lantern repairers. They are short bodies and covered with black sheets. They appear suddenly. After stuffing stones, they disappear in an instant.

However, Mo Ling did not see the familiar white light. These lamp repairers were also pitch black, and the tools they used were also pure black.

"Is it inside the sheets?"

Thinking of this, Mo Ling swallowed and carefully peered into the sheets of a lamp repairer.

If something doesn't feel right, he'll take it back immediately.

But when he saw what was inside the sheet, Mo Ling was stunned.

This was not what he imagined.

The lamp repairer is not a human being...

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