I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 331 The lamp repairer

"Is there any non-human creature on Hell Island?"

The appearance of the lamp repairer under the sheets really surprised Mo Ling.

It was a humanoid creature composed of dense feathers. It was very short, with messy feathers, and it was also pitch black. Under the feathers were thin downs, which looked very soft.

"Human black swan?"

For some reason, such an idea suddenly appeared in Mo Ling's mind.

What kind of creature is this? Or is it that they were originally humans and just became like this?

Confused, Mo Ling had to immediately check the appearance of the other lamp repairers. As expected, they were all this kind of strange "feathered people".

Not only that, Mo Ling also couldn't find where the black stone was taken out.

It seemed that these feathered men just put their hands on their bodies and rubbed them, and a black stone suddenly appeared.

After stuffing the stone into the gap in the building, these lamp repairers will disappear, and the stone will slowly expand, repairing the entire gap, and it will not be long before it merges with the wall, leaving no trace.

"The lamp repairer...those stones should be the source of the white light, that is, the 'lamp'."

Thinking of this, Mo Ling felt curious in his heart.

Taking advantage of the disappearance of the lamp repairer and the gap that had not yet healed, Mo Ling sent a stone and the wall into the square.

The wall quickly disappeared, but the stone remained.

Seeing that the stone had not disappeared, Mo Ling instantly became excited.

He vaguely guessed the rules of this hell island. These black objects seemed to be the carrier of memory.

Now, as expected, this black stone is also someone's memory.

"I just don't know if this is human memory..."

Mo Ling hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and picked up the stone.

My vision blurred for a while.

Mo Ling seemed to see countless feathers falling. They stuck together tightly, intertwined layer by layer, one covering each other, forming circles of whirlpools, spinning like a storm, surrounding Mo Ling. Spirit's thoughts are involved.

"500 slaves! Why are you dazed! Go to work!"

A sharp pain hit him, and the owner of the memory turned around to see a tall and ferocious creature standing behind him, scolding him in a strange language, and holding a glowing whip in his hand.

"Yes, sir, right away."

"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly!" The tall creature raised the whip again.

Seeing this, the slave had no choice but to flee quickly and get back to work.

"Alas...when will it be over?"

The slave put his hand into his white feathers, took out a white stone, and spread it on the dirt in front of him.

He looked up and saw that the muddy ground in front of him was endless, with no end in sight.

Looking back, I saw that the ground behind me had been completely covered with white stones, and not even a single gap could be seen.

The slave turned to look at his companions who were also paving the road beside him, and asked in a low voice: "How long will it take for us to finish paving the entire island?"

The companion turned his head and looked behind him. After seeing that the overseer was not there, he cautiously replied: "I heard it's not just that. This is the first step."

The companion looked at the slave and asked, "Are you new here?"

The slave nodded: "Well, I was just caught by them."

The companion sighed: "Pull slowly, and just be lazy if you have nothing to do. Just don't get caught. They said they will let us go when we are done."

"What do they want to do? They need so many white light stones."

"I don't know. I heard it's about sealing something."

Upon hearing this, the slave instantly became frightened.


"I don't know. I just happened to hear the supervisor talk about it, saying that our white light stone has a suppressive effect on that thing. I don't know about the rest."

As he spoke, his companion glanced aside.

"The overseer is here, work quickly!" he reminded in a low voice.

Hearing this, the slave quickly turned back to work and continued to pave the road.

However, he still had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

"Something that needs to be suppressed with white light stone? Why didn't I know that our broken stone has such a function?"

While wondering, he pulled out another stone from the feather and threw it to the ground.

But his casual behavior made the supervisor behind him very angry, and he whipped him again.

"Be serious! Compact the stone! There can be no gaps!"

The slave was directly beaten to the ground by this whip.

Despite the severe pain, he had no choice but to agree again and again.

"I know, I know, sir..."

It lay on the ground in pain, and the feathers behind it were knocked down and fell in front of it. The originally white and soft feathers were broken by the roots and merged with the pure white ground.

"Sir, he is new here and is a bit stupid. Let me teach him a lesson." The companion couldn't bear it, so he came closer and wanted to beg for mercy.

But what he got in exchange was a harsher whip from the overseer, which was thrown directly into his companion's face, creating a deep flaw in the soft feathers.

"There's so much nonsense! Do some work, why are there so many nonsense! Are you very free?"

After saying that, he stared at the two men fiercely, raised the whip in his hand again, and hit his fallen companion again.

"Do a good job! Don't be lazy!"

After threatening him, he turned around and left.

Seeing that the overseer was far away, the slave could no longer care about the pain in his back and struggled to crawl towards his companion.

"Are you OK?"

The slave shook his companion's body, but he didn't react at all and just lay quietly on the ground.

"Wake up, what's wrong with you?" The slave had never seen such a scene before, and he suddenly panicked.

Other compatriots in the distance also looked over, with fear and pity in their eyes, but they did not dare to stop what they were doing, and instead speeded up a lot.

"Can someone save him?" The slave shook his companion's body at a loss, but everyone was doing their own thing as if nothing had happened.

The other supervisors glanced at this and then turned away as if nothing happened.

No one paid attention.

On the pure white border, the slave held his companion's body and shook it for a long time. He could not even feel the pain behind him.

"Are you okay..." he asked chokingly.

But his companion still lay quietly without any response.

A breeze blew across the island, causing the messy and dirty feathers of my companion to sway slightly.

The slave also shouted without strength.

He carefully smoothed out the marks of the whip on his companion's body, and neatly combed his companion's feathers.

"If you're really tired, just take a good nap."

The slave took out a white light stone from his chest and placed it next to his companion. The white light lit up instantly, gently soothing the soft feathers.

"Good night."

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