I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 332 The Real Safe House (Added update for Alliance Leader Kuviser)

"Good night."

Mo Ling woke up after hearing the gentle soothing voice.

He was holding the black stone in his hand, and the black debris on it kept falling. Except for the similar shape, it had nothing to do with the pure white light stone.

This memory time was not long.

Because of the white light, Mo Ling did not feel that the perspective changed abruptly.

But, he was still upset.

"Why are all these memories like this?"

Mo Ling didn't understand. He had browsed so many memories on Hell Island, and none of them were good. Either the years passed, or they were separated by life and death.

Every time he woke up from the memory, he had to spend a long time to adjust his emotions.

However, after reading the memory several times, he also adapted a lot.

Moreover, this inhuman memory seemed to have a lot of clues.

"Are those slaves the workers who made Paradise Island?"

Someone captured this race that could make white light stone and brought it to the unbuilt Paradise Island, and then asked them to lay white light stone on the entire island in order to seal something.

Those supervisors seemed to be the leaders.

Mo Ling carefully recalled the appearance of those supervisors and realized that something was wrong.

"Supervisors seem to have many races."

There are not many images of supervisors in his memory, but Mo Ling still clearly remembers that the supervisors are of different races, and their clothes and weapons are also different. They seem to come from different civilizations.

"Why do so many civilizations gather on Paradise Island?"

Mo Ling always feels that the sealed thing is the key. As long as he knows what that thing is, all mysteries can be solved.

"It seems that this island is not as simple as Jilou said. Something happened a long time ago..."

Mo Ling was thinking, outside the cube, Jilou had brought Li Luo to the safe house.

"We are almost there, this time it must be right!"

Jilou rushed to the side of the fire thief's studio and smashed a hole with a mechanical arm. The hole was still pure white stone.

"Go in quickly!" After the test, Jilou rushed in without looking back.

As soon as he entered the door, he collapsed on the ground, trembling all over, and could no longer stand.

"I actually escaped. This is the first time I stayed so late. Fortunately, fortunately." It said with lingering fear.

Li Luo followed closely and entered the safe house.

The furnishings in the house remained unchanged. This was indeed the house she had just walked out of.

But she was also wondering why she was in the so-called "safe house" as soon as she woke up. Could it be that the Fire Thief Studio had other functions?

At present, everything on Hell Island has not been figured out yet, but she has returned to the beginning in a circle. I don't know whether this is good or bad.

She looked at the machine building that was limp on the ground and continued to ask: "As long as you stay in the safe house, those crazy humans won't be able to come in?"

The machine building shook his head: "They will come in again, and they will rush in more crazily. The safe house is not only like a lighthouse for us, but also for them."

"It's just that they can't stay in the safe house for long, and they will disappear soon. The white here will protect us."

Hearing the machine building talking about white, Li Luo thought of the pure white buildings on Paradise Island again.

"Why does white have such an effect?" She asked curiously.

"I don't know, but at first, it was the mysterious man who told us. He said that only the white area on this island was safe. He also told us a lot of strange things, but we didn't dare to believe him at that time because he was a human."

"What strange things?" Li Luo asked.

"It seems to be about the humans on this island. He said that the humans on this island are not real humans, but memory constructs, including himself, but because of his own abilities, he can remain rational."

"However, he didn't say what his abilities were, and because he never showed his abilities, we couldn't judge his identity. After he finished speaking, he saw that we were on guard, so he left and never appeared again."

Speaking of this, the machine building seemed to think of something again.

"No, it seems that he appeared. Sometimes when we hid in the safe house, he would stand in the distance and observe us, and there was no action. After twelve hours, he would disappear, inexplicably."

"And rational... Why don't you try to communicate, maybe he can protect you?" Li Luo asked puzzledly.

Jilou shook his head and said fearfully: "I dare not. Maybe he has some conspiracy. It is more terrifying to be rational. Besides, we cannot hurt humans. If he has any bad intentions, we will all be unable to escape."

Li Luo saw Jilou's frightened expression and realized how terrifying humans are from the perspective of robots.

This Hell Island is indeed "hell" for robots.

While the two were talking, there was movement outside the house, and the sound of the whistling wind came over.

Jilou stood up immediately, locked the door tightly, and asked Li Luo to go deeper into the room.

"It's the Wind Rider. If we meet him outside, we will definitely not be able to escape, but we are not afraid in the house."

"What abilities does he have?"

"He is everywhere. He will turn into a strong wind and sweep you into the sky, and then slam you down. He is also very aggressive. When you hear the wind, it is already too late, but we are in the safe house, so we don't have to be afraid. "

Li Luo also nodded understandingly.

The wind outside the house became louder and louder, and began to howl.

The airport building was also busy in the house, with spider-like mechanical legs running fast and checking the windows everywhere.

"It should be okay, the wind will stop soon."

The noise outside the house became louder and louder, and even the windows of the fire thief's studio were blown and banged.

"Is it really okay?" Li Luo asked worriedly.

"Of course, just watch." The aircraft building said confidently.

The strong wind was blowing, getting in through the gaps between the windows and the door. The wind was also carrying black debris, rushing towards Li Luo and the airport building in the center of the studio.

However, not long after the strong wind came in, it seemed that it suddenly lost its power and slowed down instantly. When it hit Li Luo's face, it had turned into a gentle breeze.

And those black fragments fell to the ground and disappeared not long after entering the house.

The whistling sound became more and more terrifying, and the wind kept pouring into the safe house, but it would quickly weaken after entering, and it continued like this for a long time.

Until it fell into silence again, the doors and windows stopped shaking, and the demonic wind just disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

The terminal carefully walked to the window and looked out.

"The wind has stopped."

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