I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 333 Inheritor

The Wind Rider seemed to disappear and not appear again for a long time.

However, as time passed, various movements began to be heard outside the safe house from time to time.

Sometimes a dark shadow would even rush into the house, but it would quickly disappear soon after.

Li Luo just observed the black figures in constant fright.

Most of them have humanoid shapes, and some are shabby black objects, each with their own abilities. The machine building next to them also constantly introduces their identities.

At the back, there were even some black figures standing outside the house to influence them.

"That's the inheritor." The aircraft building looked at a tall figure outside the house warily.

He was about two meters tall and didn't look like a human being. He was carrying a huge bamboo basket on his back, which was full of books.

"Cover your ears and don't listen to him." The airport reminded him quickly.

Although Li Luo didn't know the reason, he still obediently covered his ears.

At the same time, Mo Ling in the square looked at the tall black figure and was extremely shocked.


Mo Ling could tell that this tall black figure was of the same race as the overseer in the lamp repairer's memory. He had no hair on his body, his skin was full of wrinkles, and his tusks were protruding, like an upright walrus.

After this black shadow came to the door, it did not run rampant like other black shadows. Instead, it took out a book from the bamboo basket and started reciting.

It's that weird language again.

The chanting sound was very penetrating and instantly echoed in the room.

Mo Ling originally wanted to cover his ears and hide in the square like Li Luo, but the content of the recitation caught his attention.

It was not a poem or a song, nor was it a spell or dogma, but an proclamation.

The object of denunciation is a kind of creature.

Hell beast.

It is the scourge of the abyss.

Raising tsunamis, igniting volcanoes, spreading plagues, shattering heaven and earth...

Everywhere he goes is a hell on earth, full of devastation.

They can induce evil thoughts in the hearts of living creatures and greatly increase the "probability" of any disaster.

War, famine, extinction... there is nothing that Hell Beast cannot do.

But now, the hell beast has arrived at the third level of the abyss.

They came in swarms, like waves, towards the third floor.

Once they are discovered, there will be no other outcome for the entire race other than extermination.

They have sharp teeth and claws, hair like needles, and are completely black... Hell beasts are wrapped in hot black ashes. Even seeing them will cause their hearts to twist, turn against their own kind, and kill each other.

These twisted people will also spread evil thoughts and accelerate the destruction of the entire race. Once someone is twisted by the hell beast, there is no cure.

Its destructive aura will destroy the memory of the creature, turning the creature into an "empty shell". It will forge these memories and construct crazy slaves.

Hell beasts are immortal. Even if they are annihilated into ashes, they will be reborn from the ashes and come back, and every time they are killed, they will become more terrifying.

And they don't feel any pain, and they won't give up. Once they target a race, they will cling to it until the race is extinct.

They once endured for thousands of years, dragging a powerful intelligent race to extinction, cannibalizing it completely, and even destroyed all subordinate races along with the spread of civilization.

Hell beasts are born to destroy.

However, this creature has a fatal weakness.

They are afraid of pure white, and pure white objects can make them retreat.

You can't kill them, but you can stop them!

To this end, all creatures on the third level of the abyss must unite to fight against the hell beasts.

Since white can stop them, we have to create a white cage to trap the hell beasts!

They are disordered creatures, born only to destroy, with little intelligence. This is our chance.

We need to create a trap, a trap that can seal the hell beast.

Preferably an island, a pure white island.

No shadows, no gaps, absolutely white!

Reflecting sunlight during the day and brightly lit at night, completely sealing them with eternal white!

Comrades of different races, please join us in fighting for our future.

Build a paradise of our own and completely eliminate hell!

Let that darkness never fall upon our race!

The tall black figure recited passionately, becoming more and more excited, and the recitation continued to echo in the safe house.

As Mo Ling listened, a fighting spirit actually rose in his heart.

He wanted to rush outside the house and fight to the death against the endless darkness.

At the same time, an indescribable ambition also appeared in my heart.

"I want to be the hero who saves the abyss!"

"I want to defeat the Hell Beast and save the entire race!"

That piece of propaganda seems to have a powerful magic power, which makes people involuntarily engage in it. It seems that the shadow of the hell beast has really shrouded the race. Thick black clouds floated on the island, swallowing up the last ray of light.


Mo Ling was full of fighting spirit and was about to control the cube to fly out.

But at this moment, a crisp gong sound suddenly sounded.

Mo Ling was also shocked and woke up.

He followed the sound and found Li Luo standing in front of his desk, holding the hammer that came from the aircraft building.

The chanting outside the house was also interrupted with a loud bang.

The tall black figure trembled for a moment, and after re-brewing his emotions for a while, he began to recite again, but what responded to him was the sound of another, louder gong.

"Dong Dong Qiang, Dong Dong Qiang..."

Li Luo knocked harder and harder. Every time the inheritor wanted to start reciting, he was answered by earth-shattering sound of the gong.

Moreover, Li Luo's playing became more and more rhythmic, as if he was celebrating the New Year, which was very festive.

After trying to no avail, the inheritor finally stopped reading. He put the books back into the bamboo basket behind him, looked at the safe house again, and left depressed.

Li Luo held the hammer and waited for a long time. After finding that the chanting sound did not appear again, he put the hammer down and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Covering my ears doesn't help, I can still hear."

She turned to look at the airport building and said seriously.

The machine building scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed: "I forgot, I haven't had any contact with normal humans since I activated it. When our robots meet the inheritors, they are always muted, so you can't hear anything."

"Sorry, I was negligent." It looked at Li Luo and said apologetically.

"It's okay, just hide away." Li Luo stepped forward and returned the hammer to it: "What is the inheritance reciting? Why do I want to rush out just listening to it? What kind of spell is that?"

Jilou shook his head: "I don't know either, but other companions have analyzed it and found that it is the language of the Walrus tribe. As for the content, no one knows."

"The Walrus Tribe? Are there other races on this island?"

"Of course there are, they all have identities, but they are relatively rare, and many of them cannot be seen clearly."

Li Luo nodded. It seemed that Hell Island was not just targeting humans.

She turned to look at the shadow outside the door, thoughtfully.

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