I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 334 The mysterious visitor

It was extremely quiet outside the house, and those crazy black shadows seemed to suddenly become silent and did not appear again for a long time.

However, the night seemed to have become much darker, and the light from Li Luo's electronic screen also seemed a little dim.

"Do you feel it's gotten a lot darker?" Li Luo asked uncertainly, holding the electronic screen.

"In these twelve hours, it will get darker towards the back." The airport explained.

Li Luo nodded, the too dark environment also made her more and more nervous.

The silence around him was a bit scary, and Li Luo was feeling extremely tormented inside.

Until some time later, a strange sound came from outside the house, breaking the long-lasting silence.

"Dong dong dong."

It seemed like someone was knocking gently on the door of the Fire Thief's Studio.

Hearing this voice, Li Luo and Ji Lou instantly became alert.

"Who is this?" Li Luo asked carefully.

"I don't know, I've never seen this kind of attack before!" The airport panicked and was at a loss what to do.

"But don't worry, as long as you stay in the safe house, there will definitely be no problem."

But after waiting for a long time, the knocking on the door still did not disappear.

The person who knocked on the door didn't seem to be impatient, and still knocked on the door at a slow pace.

"Dong dong dong... dong dong dong..."

Li Luo and Ji Lou also looked at the door defensively, retreating further and further away.

Finally, the knocking stopped, and a deep sigh came from outside the door.

"Still can't change?"

A helpless voice came from outside the house.

After hearing this voice, Li Luo was stunned instantly.

"Lin Nian?" She couldn't believe her ears.

Before he had time to confirm, what happened in front of him was beyond Li Luo's expectation.

I saw a black palm pressed against the translucent door, and a misty black smoke instantly erupted from the edge of the palm and gradually climbed up the door.

The black smoke followed the door, penetrated into the house through the door crack, and then spread along the wall inside the house.

The black smoke spread very quickly, and quickly came to Li Luo along the wall. Only then did she see clearly that there were countless small fragments in the black smoke, like broken paper, rolling with the airflow. With.

It didn't take long for the black smoke to cover the entire room, but it seemed that it could only stick to the walls and would quickly dissipate once it was detached.

It seems that the repressive power of the safe house is still there.

Li Luo looked outside the room warily and asked seriously: "Are you Lin Nian?"

The black smoke stagnated for a while, and then the figure outside the room replied calmly:


Although the answer was very brief, Li Luo could still tell that it was Lin Nian's voice.

Just when Li Luo was about to ask further questions, the figure spoke again.

"I am just a memory of hers. I may or may not be hers."

At this moment, the airport manager on the side seemed to suddenly remember something and rushed to the door: "Are you the mysterious person who guided us?"

"That's not a guide. Even if I don't tell you, you will slowly understand everything on Hell Island. I just accelerated the process." The figure replied.

As she spoke, the black smoke on the wall began to roll rapidly. The small black fragments seemed to suddenly become very smooth, began to reflect the light on Li Luo's electronic screen, and were constantly adjusting their positions.

They seem to be borrowing the light of the electronic screen to reflect a picture.

Soon, the picture became clearer and clearer.

It was a group of black robots that escaped the control of the command and were hiding from human expulsion on the island.

Slowly, after losing many of their companions, they discovered the safe house on the island and realized that white could protect them. Although the mysterious man did not appear, these robots still embarked on the same path.

It just took a little longer.

The picture quickly disappeared, and the voice from outside the house came again:

"This was the original trajectory. My appearance only accelerated the process..."

The terminal looked at the content on the screen and was a little dazed: "Original trajectory? What does this mean?"

As if he expected that the terminal would ask this question, the black shadow said nothing, but just controlled the black fragments to continue to roll.

The screen appeared again, another group of robots.

They found the identity of the residents of Hell Island in the hotel's registration book.

One of them is a very eye-catching identity - a prophet.

The screen suddenly stopped and was frozen at this moment.

The machine building immediately understood all this and asked in surprise: "Are you a prophet? The original trajectory is the future that has not changed?"

He has a high level of understanding and understands everything at once.

"Yes." The prophet outside the door lightly confirmed the terminal's judgment.

"What exactly do you want to do?" the airport asked fearfully.

After knowing the identity of the visitor outside the door, the airport instantly became very nervous.

That is the ability to predict the future and still maintain sanity. Can the safe house really protect them?

But what the computer building didn't expect was that the prophet actually answered its question.

"I want to wipe out all humans on Hell Island."

Hearing this answer, the airport was stunned.

"Destroy all humans?"

This sentence seemed to activate a certain program in the machine building. It instantly froze in place, and the robotic arm could not help but tremble.

After a stalemate for a while, it fell to the ground again.

"Instructions conflict, cannot be executed, and processing is postponed."

"Command conflicts, cannot be executed, delayed processing..."

It kept mumbling until the stiffness in its body slowly subsided, and then it stood up tremblingly.

After standing firm, the aircraft building could no longer suppress the fear in his heart and backed away.

"Are you the owner of the factory? Are you the one who gave us the instructions?"

It asked fearfully, its tall body kept retreating, but the wall behind it was also wrapped in black smoke, and the aircraft building could only stand tremblingly, at a loss.

"I'm not evading instructions, I'm looking for ways around the iron law, we're all looking for ways around the iron law, don't punish us."

It seems that the machine building cannot escape the shackles of the order. At present, the appearance of the factory owner seems to have brought the process of "eradicating mankind" to the forefront.

The figure outside the room sighed again.

"Eliminate command."

She muttered softly.

With these words, the shackles on the machine building were instantly released. It seemed to break free of the invisible shackles, regain the right to freedom, and relax.

However, after such a torment, the aircraft building became even more frightened. It even hid behind Li Luo and buried its tall body.

"This is a wrong instruction." The prophet said with some helplessness: "The decision is wrong, the instruction is also wrong, my understanding of the robot is also wrong, and it seems that it will not change at all in the future."

"Everything on Hell Island will be trapped by Hell Island. Even if you can see the future, you can't escape this fate..."

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