I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 335 The Determined Future

The black fragments rolled up again, and the prophet seemed to want Li Luo and Jilou to see what she called the "determined fate."

In the black smoke in front of him, a picture slowly emerged.

The prophet, or Lin Nian's memory structure, had long known that this Hell Island was abnormal.

Because most of the humans on this island have no self-awareness.

But the prophet is an exception. She has reason and the ability to think for herself.

She tried to communicate with those humans, but there was no response.

But she discovered that some other races on the island would occasionally have individuals with simple wisdom, such as inheritors.

The inheritor will look for people to read books everywhere on the island, whether they are humans or other races. After he reads the contents of those strange books, he will ask him some questions and he will answer them.

It took the prophet a long time to learn the language of the Walrus tribe, and he began to slowly understand the "stories" of the inheritors.

She also began to ask questions to the inheritors:

"What is the relationship between Hell Island and Hell Beast?"

"Why are all the creatures on this island so confused?"

"Why doesn't she know her origins?"

No matter what question she asked, the inheritor would answer her in detail, and she learned the information about Hell Island.

"Hell Island is in the lair of the hell beast." The inheritor said to her.

This is the end point of all destruction. The creatures here are memory structures forged after the hell beasts destroyed the memories of creatures. They are incomplete, so they are all confused, including the inheritors themselves.

Because they are just fragments of memory, of course I don’t know their origins, it’s like they appeared out of thin air.

After hearing the inheritor's answer, the prophet was desperate. She couldn't believe the truth, so she asked the inheritor how to escape from this place.

The inheritor told her that as long as she was expelled, she could return to the real world, but they belonged here and were part of Hell Island and could not be expelled at all.

"How to expel?" she asked.

"Destruction means expulsion." The inheritor replied.

After listening to the words of the inheritor, she saw the picture of the future:

In the future, she killed and slaughtered all the creatures on Hell Island, but twelve hours later, those creatures appeared on Hell Island again, as if nothing had happened.

The prophet knew her ability, but she didn't believe in evil and insisted on trying it herself.

She did not follow the original trajectory of killing, and even destroyed an entire island. However, twelve hours later, everything happened again, and the island that she had completely destroyed was restored to its original state.

The prophecy came true, the future has not changed at all, and everything is back on track.

At this moment, the prophet saw the future again:

In the future, she built a robot factory and used the knowledge in her memory to produce many robots. She wanted to try to use these machines that "do not belong on Hell Island" to kill the humans on the entire island.

After seeing this future, the prophet quickly realized that this was a method worth trying, and in her few memories, there was indeed a way to produce such a robot.

The sixth generation of intelligent machinery. For some reason, the production steps of this robot were firmly engraved in her mind.

However, she has no intention of following the prophecy.

She is very resistant to this inexplicable ability, and she believes that this strange "identity" and "ability" are deeply related to Hell Island, and she does not want to use it casually.

However, the next prophecy disrupted her plans.

She saw that there was turmoil on Hell Island in the future, and the unexplained black shadows became more and more crazy, and their abilities began to become more and more powerful...

The situation on Hell Island was not as she thought and could be delayed again and again.

Although she wants to escape Hell Island, a more chaotic situation will complicate things.

After much thought, she couldn't think of any solution.

There was nothing in her mind. She couldn't think of anything except how to make that kind of robot.

"Having an army of machines that do not belong to Hell Island can at least deal with the unrest on this island."

The prophet compromised. She built a robot factory and started producing sixth-generation intelligent machinery according to the steps in her memory, forming an army of robots.

She activated these robots and placed them in the factory in case of emergency.

The prophet doesn't know when the unrest on the island will begin, so he can only wait.

During this time, some confused humans would run into the factory, and she could only let the robots take them away.

This continued for a long time, the predicted turmoil still did not happen, and the robots in the factory were idle for a long time.

Looking at this army that had never moved since its birth, the prophet could no longer bear it.

"First try to see if this thing that doesn't belong on the island can wipe out humans."

An idea appeared in the prophet's mind.

Her ability is very powerful, and she can even destroy an island by herself, but she knows that she belongs to Hell Island, and everything is under the control of Hell Island. The humans who were eliminated by her will reappear in twelve hours.

But these robots are not, they are something other than Hell Island.

For this reason, she also asked the inheritor whether things that did not belong to Hell Island could expel the humans on the island, and the inheritor gave an affirmative answer.

"Maybe these robots can bring about a change."

Thinking of this, she issued an order to the machine army:

"All personnel are dispatched to eliminate all humans on Hell Island."

This instruction is very vague and does not have any specific measures. In fact, it is also a deliberate move by the prophet.

She wanted to know what method these robots would find to destroy these "immortal" humans.

However, things were not as simple as she thought.

Her memory was blank and incomplete, causing her to forget one thing - the iron law of the machine.

"Robots cannot harm humans."

This is an imprint engraved in the robot's data, a rule that cannot be changed.

Not only were the robot armies sent out unable to attack the humans on the island, they were instead caught in an endless conflict of commands.

Due to the conflict between the creator's instructions and the iron laws of the machine, many robots directly went down. Only some robots bypassed the instructions, but they also completely lost their ability to compete with humans.

After all the robots in the factory were dispatched, not only were the humans on the island not harmed, but they were stimulated even more crazy.

Originally wandering in a confused state, he suddenly became very aggressive and began to attack the robots sent by the prophet, and the entire Hell Island became increasingly chaotic.

Moreover, as Hell Island fell into chaos, those human abilities became more and more powerful, and some even the prophets could not suppress.

Looking at this turbulent situation, the prophet suddenly realized:

It seems that the prophecy has come true again.

She unconsciously thought and acted according to the established trajectory.

Nothing has changed, no matter how hard she struggles, the future will always return to normal, and her so-called free will has no effect at all.

The prophet became even more desperate.

However, at this moment, she saw a new future:

A human being who does not belong to Hell Island appears.

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