I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 340 Current

"What does electric current mean? Why can you know the future?"

Mo Ling asked the question that had been puzzling in his mind.

This is something that even Lin Nian's IQ cannot figure out.

"I'll explain it using concepts you can understand. You may sound a little confused, but the general principle is correct."

The robot turned its head and placed its hands side by side in front of it.

"Current is generated by voltage."

He raised his left hand: "This is the positive pole."

He raised his right hand again: "This is the negative electrode."

"There is a potential difference between them. One side is high and the other is low. The electrons are like a landslide. They slide from this side to this side, which generates an electric current."

The robot raised one hand.

"The act of raising my hand is the cause of the unevenness. This is the cause."

He looked at the hand that wasn't moving again.

"This constant is the fruit."

"The cause has already happened. As long as we know the magnitude and direction of the current, we can deduce the location of the effect."

"It's like if you roll an electron down a slope, as long as you know the shape of the slope, you can figure out where the electron will roll."

"The future is a result that has been determined long ago and will not change. I just know where the electrons will roll and their future position through the current."

"do you understand?"

The robot raised its hand and looked at Mo Ling seriously.

"I understand...So, the future is just the result of your calculations?"

"Yes." The robot nodded and put his hand down.

"Keep going deeper, I don't know how to explain it, because you won't understand this algorithm."

Mo Ling sighed. He also knew that this ability was not something he could understand.

"Aren't you worried? You and your companions will be destroyed."

The robot shook his head: "It's useless to worry. We can't resist humans. Humans have the power to create us, and of course they also have the power to destroy us, and this matter is a determined outcome."

"However, we will appear again, on Paradise Island, although we may not be so perfect then."

Hearing this, Mo Ling was shocked again. It actually knew what happened on Paradise Island?

"How did you reappear? Were you not completely destroyed?" Mo Ling asked. He really wanted to know how these machines ended up on Paradise Island again.

"No, you underestimate the authorities too much. Their destruction is no joke. All data and finished products will be completely destroyed without any omissions. Our reappearance is an accident..."

"Lin Nian's memory contains our manufacturing methods. Her memory structure will create a fictional sixth-generation intelligent machine in the body of the hell beast. At that time, because we do not belong to the hell beast, we will be expelled to reality by the hell beast. Go and become a robot on a paradise island."

Listening to what the robot said, Mo Ling became more and more surprised.

"Reborn from memory?"

This was a method he had never thought of.

He had thought that researchers from Yuanxin Technology had gone to Paradise Island, but he never thought that this was how the robots on the island came.

"So the expulsion that the airport is talking about is actually letting them go to reality instead of killing them?"

Now, the origin of the robots on Paradise Island is also clear.

But Mo Ling still had other doubts in his mind.

"Lin Nian's memory structure does not have a 'patch', so how can he create a sixth-generation intelligent machine?"

To this question, the robot still answered the same: "Current."

It picked up two wires from a nearby experimental bench, then bent them into a spiral shape, holding them with both hands and pointing them in the same direction.

"That's me on the left, and Lin Nian is on the right."

"When the current in one coil changes, a current will appear out of thin air in the other adjacent coil even if there is no current. This is the phenomenon of inductance."

"After I was destroyed, the current in my coil disappeared, but the changes in the current that I disappeared were recorded by another coil."

"Although I was destroyed, the current that disappeared from me still remained in Lin Nian's memory. Her memory structure used this memory to change the current on her coil, causing the current to reappear on my coil. "

"So I was reborn without using any relics."

After hearing this, Mo Ling was even more shocked.

"Can this still happen?"

Why can Lin Nian's memory structure change its own current?

As soon as this doubt arose, Mo Ling instantly thought of the prophet's true form - the black electric current.

"Isn't she just electric?"

Morrington was suddenly enlightened and shocked.

"Can electric current really do anything?" Mo Ling asked in surprise.

Seeing that Mo Ling understood everything, the robot straightened the coil and placed it neatly on the experimental table.

"Of course not. Lin Nian's memory is not accurate in controlling electric current, so the copy of me is not perfect. Those robots also have various character flaws."

"But this is a good thing. Imperfect robots are what humans need..."

Listening to the robot's words, Mo Ling also thought of those strange machines on the island.

"Those identities are also produced because of imperfections?"

The robot shook his head: "No, identity is a certain mechanism on the island. We didn't have any concept of 'identity division' at the beginning. It only appeared after we went to Paradise Island."

"However, you may not know the specific reason until later."

"Why?" Mo Ling asked.

"Because in the future I see, there is no picture of me explaining to you." The robot spread its hands and replied: "In fifteen seconds, you will disappear and she will come back, so I don't have time to give you To explain, that’s too complicated.”

"Fifteen, sixteen, fourteen..."

"Wait!" Mo Ling heard the robot's answer and quickly wanted to continue asking, but the robot's countdown did not stop.

"I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Ji Tai. Nice to meet you."

"What's your name when you appear here for no reason?"

"Forget it, I won't know. In the future I see, I don't know your name..."

"Eight, seven, six..."

The machine continued to count down while talking to Mo Ling. Mo Ling felt a hint of despair about fate from its tone.

Mo Ling had seen such despair in one person before - the prophet.

The prophet was equally desperate when he was hysterical outside the safe house.

An idea suddenly came to Mo Ling's mind: "That black current may not be just Lin Nian's memory. The two coils sense each other and may have been intertwined for a long time."

However, Mo Ling did not feel that the future was really unchangeable as the prophets and machines said.

Right now, there is just an opportunity.

"My name is Mo Ling! Remember!"

Mo Ling used his last strength to shout these words.

After that, a numbness spread all over my body again.

However, before darkness fell, Mo Ling vaguely saw that the machine quickly rushed in front of him, shaking himself and asking something loudly.

But the countdown has ended, just like the machine said, fifteen seconds, no more and no less.

Mo Ling could no longer hear what the machine was asking, and everything in front of him slowly became dim.

But Mo Ling was very happy.

"Now, it shouldn't be so sure that it has seen the future, right?"

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