I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 341 Lin Nian

"Ms. Lin Nian, are you the person in charge of the sixth generation intelligent machinery?"


"The sixth generation intelligent machinery must be destroyed. Do you have any objection?"

"No, I just want to ask, why?"

"Because humans don't need a certain future, I can only tell you this, but please believe in the official. We will compensate Yuanxin Technology and your personal losses in other ways. I'm sorry."

"I understand."


Mo Ling saw those scattered memory fragments in the endless darkness. He could no longer control Lin Nian's body, but at this time he could still feel the same as Lin Nian.

A project that I have been working hard on, an opportunity to achieve success, has come to nothing just because of an official word.

"Obviously, it was a major advancement in technology that could change mankind, but it was strangled in the cradle."

Lin Nian couldn't figure out how this had anything to do with the future of mankind. Although she said she understood, this matter still became an insurmountable hurdle in her heart.

She would often relate this matter to the conspiracy theories that were often gossiped about in Yuanxin Technology.

Intrigues and intrigues, the official is actually looking for an excuse to prevent private technology companies from having too much say, and the top management can only suffer this dumb loss.

To others, these gossipy news were just conversation topics after dinner, but to her, it was like a needle sticking into her heart.

"Why is only my project banned?"

Gossip can always hurt her inadvertently.

Some people said that because she was too young and had connections with senior officials, the director of the institute did not want her to take over, so she anonymously reported her to the authorities.

The speculation soured her relationship with her supervisor.

Colleagues would sometimes talk secretly, but after Lin Nian showed up, they would pretend nothing was wrong and be busy with the work at hand.

Lin Nian could figure out those complicated formulas and understand those chaotic drawings, but he couldn't understand the intricate interpersonal relationships.

In the end, she chose to leave Yuanxin Technology.

She also didn’t expect that a product she discovered by chance would actually affect her life.

"Maybe, I shouldn't focus on this small laboratory, I should go to the abyss and have a look..."

Lin Nian's entanglements and random thoughts also entered Mo Ling's mind.

Black fragments slowly fell.

Mo Ling woke up suddenly, and her palm bounced away from the black brain.

Although he has experienced it many times, Mo Ling feels depressed every time he gets these memories.

This time is no exception.

The most uncomfortable thing is that it is difficult for Mo Ling to break away from the "identity" of those memories.

He needs to spend a long time telling himself: "I am not Qi Qi, not Mr. Guo, not Lin Nian..."

Mo Ling could only keep recording the things he experienced in his memory on the electronic screen, and writing these stories from a third-person perspective would make him feel a little better.


After recording what happened to Lin Nian, Mo Ling raised his head and lay down on the bed.

He finally recovered a little.

"I don't know what's going on outside."

Mo Ling looked out.

The figure of the prophet has disappeared, and the black smoke shrouding the surroundings has disappeared.

However, the figures attracted by the prophet were still there, but they were all frozen in place at this time.

The black smoke that obscured their faces had slowly dissipated with the disappearance of the prophet, and they no longer rushed towards the damaged safe house.

Like statues, they stood in a daze for who knows how long.

Li Luo and Ji Lou were watching this strange scene with vigilance and did not dare to act rashly.

"What happened to them? Where is the prophet?"

"have no idea."

Li Luo asked the airport in a low voice: "Have you seen such a situation before?"

The machine building shook his head: "No, when they saw robots before, they acted like crazy. They wouldn't be so sluggish, but this should be a good thing."

Time seemed to have frozen, and the people outside remained motionless. Li Luo and Ji Lou also stayed quietly in the safe house, and the stalemate continued.

"Is everything still moving?"

Seeing this situation, Mo Ling was also confused.

But this happens to be an opportunity to deal with these figures.

It spread its vision and began to search for the identities of these figures.

Although these figures looked very strange, Mo Ling knew that their true form was usually an object on their body.

Mo Ling quickly found the original object on the tall giant god.

It was a black tie, tied to the giant god's hair that was flying all over the sky.

As soon as Mo Ling sent the lace into the square, the giant figure quickly dissipated, and the surrounding figures were not affected and remained motionless.

Without touching the lace, Mo Ling quickly focused on the other figures.

Now was not the time to read the memory, he had to hurry up.

In this way, Mo Ling teleported the black objects into the cube one after another, and piled them into a pile on the metal ground.

Those strange figures also disappeared one by one.

Li Luo's eyes widened and he looked back at Cube: "Did you do it?"

Mo Ling's control cube trembled in affirmation.

The airport building on the side was also shocked: "How did you do this?"

The figures that were densely packed just now disappeared completely after a while, and the square was filled to the brim.

"Fortunately, there is still enough space." Mo Ling looked at the piles of black objects and breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't dare to throw these black objects out casually, for fear of something unexpected happening.

However, looking at the large pile of black objects scattered around, Mo Ling became worried again.

"If I really finish reading it, my brain will probably explode."

One or two is okay, but with so many memories, Mo Ling really doesn't dare to read them at will.

The feeling of being trapped in memory left him with lingering fear.

Reading these memories is not just a simple browsing of a "picture", but a complete experience of a "story" as the owner of the memory, which can easily lead to cognitive confusion.

Those few memories just made Mo Ling uncomfortable for a long time, not to mention the piles of black objects on the ground.

However, without reading these memories, there is no way to know what happened on the island.

After thinking about it, Mo Ling still had no choice but to use the electronic screen to tell Li Luo about the matter.

Li Luo looked at the electronic screen and frowned.

"Black object? It seems that Lin Nian just now is really a memory construct."

Li Luo finally understood everything after reading the dense information on Mo Ling's electronic screen.

She patted the square and said helplessly: "You should have told me earlier. Don't bear so much on yourself. You are just a relic, understand?"

The computer building on the side also saw the content on the electronic screen.

"Mr. Cube, or Ms. Cube, can you send those fragments out again? I'll try to help you read those memories."

Li Luo looked at it, a little surprised: "Aren't you afraid of falling into those memories?"

The computer building shook his head: "I'm a robot. I'm supposed to store all kinds of junk data. I put them into a folder and set the permissions so it won't affect me."

"I just don't know if I can read these memories." It scratched its head and said with some distress.


"Try it!"

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