I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 342 Memory Reading

Mo Ling quickly threw out the black tie obtained by the tall giant.

As soon as they arrived outside the square, the black fragments around the lace began to slowly condense.

Unlike the cubes, those black fragments will not disappear, but are stacked layer by layer, like a layer cake, getting thicker and thicker.

Perhaps in the near future, these fragments will form new giants.

Fortunately, the aircraft carrier caught the reappearing lace in time.

Immediately afterwards, it went down and stood motionless. It seemed that it had started to read the memory. It didn't take long for it to recover.

"Reading finished."

Without such a violent reaction from Mo Ling, the machine building just paused for a moment and put the tether aside. Mo Ling also quickly retransmitted the tether into the cube.

"Are you okay?" Li Luo asked with concern.

"Fortunately, the sense of immersion is indeed very strong. This kind of memory is very corrosive to my own memory and may even overwrite the original memory. But I put it in another folder."


"Yes, because it is too profound, it can easily dilute those ordinary memories. For example, if you fell out of love the day before yesterday, you will only remember that you were broken up in love, but not the dishes in the lunch the day before yesterday. "

Li Luo heard the metaphor of the airport building and nodded understandingly.

"Then what is this memory about?"

The machine building thought for a while and replied: "It's a building on Paradise Island. The memory just now is the memory of the 'builder'."

"The houses on this island were all built by it..."

As the machine building talked about it, the scene of this memory also appeared in front of Li Luo and Mo Ling.

Paradise Island was originally just a pure white island covered with white light stone.

Before humans came to this island, there were no buildings on the island.

Because this island is just a prison, a prison for hell beasts, and no one will live on it.

But the arrival of humans broke this.

They built buildings on the island. This was originally a normal thing, but human buildings unknowingly broke the balance of the paradise island.

Human buildings are colorful and angular, which creates a lot of shadows and darkness on Paradise Island.

The hell beast crawled out with the help of this shadow and darkness.

Constructors have been monitoring the prison and have seen the impact humans have had.

But this is not something difficult to solve.

All you need to do is "replace" the buildings.

Paradise Island not only has the ability to imprison hell beasts, but also has a "memory correction" ability that can make all unreasonable things reasonable.

This is originally to reduce the influence of hell beasts, because the destructive aura of hell beasts will destroy the memory of creatures, forget the past, and turn creatures into "empty shells", so a certain amount of memory repair is needed to cover up these "vacancies" .

At this time, the correction function of Paradise Island happened to come in handy, and the builders quietly replaced the buildings on the entire island.

The humans on the island won't find anything strange, and may even think that the buildings on the island were like this from the beginning.

"Memory correction?" Li Luo noticed the key words in the machine building's words and asked quickly.

"Yes, this is a characteristic of Paradise Island, or the characteristic of the white light stone, which makes everything 'reasonable' so that the prison can be protected." Jilou explained.

"Although Paradise Island is a prison, it cannot completely suppress the abilities of hell beasts. When hell beasts are active, they often affect the creatures around Paradise Island. At this time, the memory correction function can hide the island very well. "

"This is how the various 'rules' on the island come about."

Li Luo nodded. It seemed that her memory had been tampered with in this way.

"Then what? What happens after the builder replaces the building?" Li Luo asked.

"Most of this memory is very corrosive. I can only see some superficial contents, and I won't know anything about it after that." Ji Lou said with some helplessness.

It seems that the reading of the machine building also has disadvantages.

It cannot fully understand the content of a memory like Mo Ling, and can only scratch the surface.

However, the information is enough.



The two looked at Mo Ling together, and Mo Ling also sent the black objects out one by one.

The airport building was like this. Every item was touched once before Mo Ling was asked to take it back.

After going through all the items, the terminal scratched his head.

"What's wrong?"

"Many of them are useless. They are all the past experiences of the island residents. Only those non-human memories can provide some information, which probably happened when the island was established."

"Many races united together to build this prison, and then trapped the hell beasts here, each leaving a guardian to guard the prison. However, due to lifespan, the guardians on this island are slow. Slowly disappear."

The terminal was silent for a while and continued:

"Judging from the time, the builder should be the last one, and these races have not continued to send people. It seems that they have completely forgotten this prison."

Li Luo was also confused: "Since the hell beast is so scary, why didn't they continue to send people?"

Jilou shook his head: "I don't know, these memories are like fragments. After humans arrived, there was no information about this island. It was all very corrosive content."

The two of them were talking and reached an impasse again.

Suddenly, Li Luo seemed to think of something and asked anxiously: "Have you found my memory?"

"Yours?" Hearing Li Luo's questioning, the terminal was stunned.

"It seems... not?" It wasn't sure.

"I'll look through the records."

Jilou lowered his head and stayed there for a while, then raised his head again and looked at Li Luo.

"I confirmed it, I don't have any memory of you."

"Okay." Li Luo nodded: "Do you think there will be another me on this island?"

"Logically speaking, there should be. Since the hell beast has affected your memory, of course it will also create memory structures," the machine building replied.

Li Luo also nodded, thoughtfully.

Just then, Cube flew over and touched her.

"What's wrong?"

An electronic screen was teleported out and placed on top of the block.

Li Luo picked it up curiously. There were only two big words on the electronic screen——



Looking at the two big characters on the electronic screen, Li Luo was stunned.

"What happened to the nameplate?"

She reached into her thick combat uniform and took out her nameplate.

As soon as he took it out, Li Luo's eyes widened.

It was a black nameplate with strange fragments scattered around it.

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