I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 343 Black Nameplate

Mo Ling never expected that Li Luo's memory would always hang around her neck.

If Li Luo hadn't mentioned this matter, Mo Ling wouldn't have looked at Li Luo.

But with just such a casual glance, Mo Ling discovered the black nameplate.

Dark under the lamp.

Maybe Li Luo was wearing this nameplate when he first came to Hell Island, but no one had noticed it.

At this moment, Li Luo looked at the nameplate in his hand and was shocked.

"Why are you here?"

She took the nameplate off her neck and put it in her hand.

The characters on it are blurred, the surface is covered with rust and mildew, and it is dirty. Black fragments are still falling off the edges, just like the black objects seen before.

Li Luo carefully turned the nameplate over, and the back was in the same condition. It looked dilapidated, and her expression became more and more confused.

"When did this happen?" She looked up at Cube and asked doubtfully.

"I don't know." Mo Ling used the electronic screen to answer Li Luo's question, which he had just discovered.

The airport terminal also came over and glanced at Li Luo curiously.

"Do you want me to read it?"

"Of course." Li Luo raised the nameplate in front of the aircraft building, which also extended its mechanical arm and touched it carefully.

After a while, the aircraft building took his hand back.

"It's a memory from your childhood. It's very messy. It's just what you were playing with. The content behind it is very corrosive. I didn't dare to look at it."

Hearing this, Li Luo also nodded.

"I guess that's the case. There's probably no important information." As she said that, she was about to put the nameplate back on her neck.

But at this moment, Mo Ling stopped her movement.

The electronic screen appeared again.

"Let me see."

Mo Ling always felt that this nameplate was very important...

Soon, the black nameplate was teleported into the square by Mo Ling.

He took a deep breath and held the strange nameplate in his hand.

What comes into view are metal square building blocks.

They were only the size of a Rubik's Cube and were thrown carelessly on the ground.

"I don't want to play with this, it's boring." A crisp voice sounded out of thin air.

A small hand picked up the small cube and threw it out.

"Buy me other toys!"

From the surface of the reflective square, you can see that the owner of the little hand is a very cute little girl, but this little girl is currently arrogantly making fun of the woman in front of her.

"Don't you think these cubes are cute?" When the woman saw the little girl acting recklessly, she was not angry. Instead, she took the cubes and piled them into a mountain in the shape of a bear.

The little girl didn't appreciate it. She walked up and punched the bear.

But how could those fragile little hands knock down the mountain of blocks made of metal cubes?

Soon, the little girl covered her hands, fell to the ground and rolled.

"Hahaha, an egg hits a rock!"

Instead of comforting the little girl, the woman burst into laughter.

The little girl was not convinced. After rolling a few times, she stood up again without losing her temper. She walked to the mountain of blocks and started kicking her feet.

The metal building blocks seemed to be hollow. The little bear was kicked out of a hole by the little girl, and the square building blocks also scattered.

"Did you see it! I am the stone." The little girl patted her chest and proudly said to the woman, looking like a general.

"Okay, okay, you are a stone. I see you are having fun playing, so don't buy other toys." The woman said with a smile.

The little girl then realized that she had been fooled and swooped down to grab the woman's hand.


"Not buying!"


The two started fighting like this until the door to the room was suddenly pushed open.

A majestic man wearing a high-end suit walked in. Looking at the square blocks on the floor and the two people fighting, he said coldly:

"Get ready and accompany me to the banquet later."

After saying that, the man walked out without saying a word.

The little girl stopped playing and just lay down in the woman's arms.

"Mom, I don't want to go. The banquet is not as fun as cubes."

The woman touched the little girl's head.

"This is dad's job, we have to cooperate and be obedient."

"All right."

The little girl agreed glumly.

"Yuanxin Technology Celebration Banquet."

The little girl was dressed like a doll, sitting on a chair, staring at the content scrolling on the screen, in a daze.

The senior executives were exchanging cups and complimenting each other, and those messy voices continued to reach the little girl’s ears:

"Mr. Li, Yuanxin Technology must be led by you. We all agree with your decision. No need to say more!"

"Of course, Mr. Li is a person who crawled back from the depths. No one understands abyss technology better than him. How many levels is it? Sixth level? Or seventh level?"

"The name Yuan Xin is very good! Mr. Li, how did you come up with this name?"


Compliments abounded, and everyone was praising the cold-faced man next to the little girl.

But the man remained unsmiling and accepted every compliment calmly.

On the contrary, the little girl's mother kept smiling and responding to the senior officials, and the wine glass in her hand was filled again and again.

The little girl didn't know what those words meant. She just turned her head blankly and scanned the faces of people with different expressions.

The man sat calmly, expressionless, but showing an insurmountable arrogance.

Although the deputy on the man's right has been complimenting the man, there is still jealousy hidden in his eyes, and veins are popping up in the hand holding the wine glass.

Those people at the far end of the wine table rushed forward one after another, as if as long as they had a relationship with a man, they would be able to achieve great success, and their greed was clearly revealed.

Of course, some people may have felt that those compliments were too explicit, so they struggled to sit in their seats and ultimately did not stand up.

In the distance, someone drank too much, started arguing, and almost got into a fight.

Others were sitting at the table, devouring their food like crazy.

Someone also grabbed the waitress's hand and started teasing her.

Those people in suits seemed to have turned into beasts when they changed places. The banquet hall was noisy, and all the chaos hidden under civilization burst out at the same time.

The little girl didn't know whether it was good or bad, she just felt it was very noisy.

My little hand unconsciously reached to the seat next to me, where my mother's bag was.

Secretly opening the zipper, the little girl reached in and took out a square block.

She put this in her mother's bag in advance.

Although she has always disliked the square blocks as boring, right now this is the only way to calm her mind.

Holding the soft hollow square in her two little hands, the little girl lowered her head.

She faced the reflective metal surface and shined it on her chubby face.

"I wish I could hide in there."

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