I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 344: Cubes in Memory

The little girl grew up slowly.

She lived a very prosperous life.

My father is the CEO of Yuanxin Technology, and my mother's family also controls more than half of Dawn City's technology industry. It can be said that they are a strong alliance.

However, the little girl has never seen her father smile.

He always had a straight face, spoke very little, and always looked worried.

As if to make up for her father's neglect, her mother doted on the little girl.

"Where is dad again?"

There are only mother and daughter in the house all year round, and the little girl often asked about her father's whereabouts at first.

"He has a lot of urgent and important things to deal with, and he doesn't have time to spend with us. You have to understand Dad."

"Dad is busy with work and has heavy responsibilities. Sometimes he just ignores us. This is natural."

The mother often talks to the little girl about similar things. The more times the mother talks to the little girl, the little girl no longer asks the same question.

"Mom, why are my toys all these squares?"

One day, the little girl looked at her mother and asked very seriously.

Ever since she could remember, all she had played with were these square building blocks of different sizes. Although she could build all kinds of magnificent buildings and arrange them into various shapes, she was really tired of them.

After hearing this question, the woman was silent for a long time.

"Just think that the cube will bring you luck."

After saying such incomprehensible words, the woman wiped her eyes and hurried out.

"What does this mean?" The little girl didn't understand.

A few days later, she told her playmate, Aunt Lin Nian, about the incident.

According to seniority, Aunt Lin Nian is the younger sister of the little girl’s mother, so she should be called Auntie.

"Auntie, tell me, why doesn't mom give me other toys?"

Lin Nian's face was covered with black lines, and he gently knocked on the little girl's head:

"How many times have I told you, don't call me aunt! Call me Lin Nian."

"Okay, Aunt Lin Nian."

The girl on the side could only sigh helplessly when she heard this title.

She pinched the little girl's chubby face.

"When you were in school, did your teacher teach you about relics?"

The little girl nodded blankly: "I've learned it."

"It'll be good once you teach her." Lin Nian turned around and looked around, then sneaked up to the little girl, leaned close to her ear, and whispered.

"I heard from my family that your father has a curse on him."

"Curse? What is that?" The little girl didn't understand.

"It's something brought out from the abyss. It may be the price of some kind of relic, or it may be the mark of some creature's ability. It's on your father's body, so your family must abide by certain rules."

"Rules? I think there are very few rules at home..." the little girl defended.

"Isn't that enough?" Lin Nian's voice suddenly became louder, but he felt bad, so he lowered his voice again.

"Do you know how strange your family looks to outsiders?"

"In such a large manor, the door is closed all day long. The manor is dark and gloomy. Guests are not allowed to visit. There is not a single butler or servant. Even the robots are the lowest-end ones without any intelligence."

"And your father, who always has a straight face, as if everyone owes him money. I heard from family members that your father is like a robot in the company. He only knows how to work all day long."

"Your mother has been staying in this gloomy manor all day since she got married. She doesn't know what she is doing. She used to feel uncomfortable if she didn't go shopping for a day."

Speaking of this, Lin Nian punched his thigh angrily.

The little girl was still unconvinced and continued to argue: "Mom is playing with me."

"playing what?"

"Play with blocks, build houses, build small animals..."

As she spoke, the little girl's voice became weaker and weaker, and she lost her confidence.

"anything else?"

"I don't know." The little girl shook her head. Most of the time, she played by herself, and her mother didn't know where she ran.

Seeing the little girl's frustrated expression, Lin Nian also realized that his words might have been too harsh.

She touched the little girl's head and comforted: "Maybe other people are talking nonsense, don't worry about it."

Seeing the little girl's innocent look, Lin Nian's eyes became more pitiful.

"Wouldn't it be boring if you play with cubes all the time?"

The little girl shook her head.

She took out a small square from her pocket, flicked her hand, and the square began to spin smoothly on her fingertips.

She pushed it with her fingertips again, and the cube fell steadily on the chair. The rotation was still very smooth. She covered the cube with her two small hands, and then spread her hands apart and divided them into two sides.

"Aunt Lin Nian, guess where the cube is?"

Lin Nian's eyes widened and he pointed at the little girl's left hand.

The little girl opened her left hand, but it was empty.

"No." She shook her head.

"Is that over here?" Lin Nian couldn't wait to open the little girl's right hand, but it was still empty.

"Where have you gone?" Lin Nian was extremely surprised.

"There." The little girl raised her hand and pointed to a tree in the distance.

There was a small square placed on the branch of the tree, shining with metallic light under the sunlight.

Lin Nian stared at the small square on the tree branch in shock, with a look of disbelief.

"how did you do it?"

"Find me another toy and I'll tell you."

Hearing this request, Lin Nian laughed.

"Of course." She rummaged through her bag and soon found an exquisite robot model.

"I made this during class. Take a look. Do you like it?"

When the little girl saw the robot model, her eyes lit up instantly and she reached out directly.

"Tell me first how you did it." Lin Nian retracted her hand and pointed to the block on the tree branch.

Seeing this, the little girl took out another identical block from her pocket.

"That's it."

As she spoke, the block turned over in her hand, sometimes on the back of her hand, sometimes on the palm of her hand, and sometimes hidden in the shadow between her fingers.

"Just hide the block when you raise your hand so that you can't see it. The one on the tree branch has been there for a long time. I accidentally threw it there when I was playing before, and it has always been there..."

After listening to the little girl's explanation, Lin Nian suddenly realized.

She also breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that the little girl was really infected with the ability of some relics.

"This is just magic, not magic." Thinking of this, Lin Nian handed the robot model in his hand to Li Luo. "I made it according to the second-generation intelligent mechanical appearance of your father's company. I like this series very much, and their lower half is their favorite, just like a spider, very special..." Lin Nian introduced with shining eyes. The little girl also held the robot and listened to Lin Nian's introduction carefully. Seeing Lin Nian's excitement, the little girl thought about it, rummaged in her pocket again, and found a cube that was wiped very clean. "This is also my favorite, let me exchange it with you." She put the cube in Lin Nian's hand. Lin Nian was very surprised to hold the cube. "I'm giving it to you, you don't have to exchange it with me for anything else..." The little girl shook her head stubbornly and raised the robot model. "I got Aunt Lin Nian's favorite thing, and I have to pay for it." "This is the price."

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