I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 345 House Rules

"This is the price."

The little girl learned early on that everything comes with a price.

Because that's what her family told her.

In other words, there is a rule in her family that reminds her all the time that everything has a price.

Those cubes are not just her toys, they are also "currency".

The little girl needs to pay money to use the items at home.

She needs to pay the chef fee to the robot at home to eat, and pay rent to her mother every month. The water bill for bathing and the electricity bill for using home appliances also need to be settled every month.

These need to be paid for in cubes.

She also needs to help her family clean the yard or do other chores in exchange for cubes, which are what she needs to survive.

The little girl never thought there was any problem, because she asked many classmates, and they all told her that they would also help the family with housework in exchange for pocket money.

It's just that in the little girl's home, the form of pocket money is a little special.

This also allowed her to develop a character that considers the cost of everything she does.

However, there is one thing in a little girl's house that you don't have to pay for.

It was her mother who played with her.

Because her mother said something to her: "When I play with you, you need to pay me, and if you play with me, I also need to pay you, which cancels each other out."

The little girl quickly understood this truth.

For this reason, she also made a "trade" request with her father.

Pay a certain amount of cubes to let daddy play with her.

But her father told her: “You can’t pay my fees.”

Indeed, dad's time is very important. The cubes that the little girl has saved for a long time are not worth mentioning to him.

The price is not enough.

"Mom, how many cubes do I need to pay before dad will play with me." She once asked her mother.

But my mother was also silent. She couldn't give an accurate answer.

"As long as you save enough, you can definitely let daddy play with you." The mother touched the little girl's head and said softly.

The little girl could only save the cubes hard.

As she grew older, the little girl also discovered that she earned more and more cubes from her labor. She also asked her mother about this, and the answer she received was: Your value has become higher.

Her time becomes more and more important, so more and more blocks are needed.

The little girl is of course very happy, because this means that she can deposit cubes faster and faster.

She can also eat more delicious food and try out the expensive appliances at home.

Everything seems to be getting better.

"So, I can't take away Aunt Lin Nian's favorite thing for no reason without paying the price." The little girl looked at the girl in front of her seriously and explained.

Lin Nian was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses from the little girl's strange experience.

"Is this your family rule?" She asked strangely, holding the cube.

"Yes." The little girl didn't think her family rules were special.

"What if you don't have cubes to eat?"

"That was something that only happened when I was very young. Now I am very wealthy." As the little girl said, she took out a lot of cubes from her pocket and waved them in front of Lin Nian.

Lin Nian looked at those shiny squares and was silent for a long time.

The little girl continued her story.

"When I first entered elementary school, I thought that the outside world was the same as at home, and I had to pay a price..."

At that time, the little girl walked to school alone because she did not have enough cubes to pay the "accompanying fee".

In this era when transportation has become common in every household, the little girl is the only child who comes to school alone without transportation or parents.

She walked from the suburbs to the city, walked onto the high skyline, and arrived at the gate of the primary school.

Bypassing the dense crowd, she walked directly towards the payment office.

“You can’t go to school without money.”

She had already exchanged the cubes for some common currency from the outside world in advance, which was the cost of her schooling.

The teacher at the payment desk looked curiously at the little girl who came to pay the tuition alone.

"Kid, where are your parents?"

"At home, this is tuition." The little girl replied coldly, stood on tiptoes and put her little hand with the watch on the table.

Seeing how hard the little girl was struggling, the teacher quickly scanned the little girl's watch with the payment device.

"Have you finished collecting? Do you need the teacher to take you to the classroom?"

The teacher looked at this cute little girl and couldn't help but feel close to her.

"No need, thank you."

The little girl still had a cold face, but was very polite. After refusing the teacher's company, she walked to the classroom alone.

"You have to pay for taking me to the classroom, right?" the little girl thought to herself. She didn't want to waste cubes in useless places.

She found the classroom by herself according to the class schedule.

At this time, the classroom was already noisy, and the parents were arguing over the seats. Although they did not argue for the sake of face, the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

The parents gathered in a group at the front of the classroom and refused to let anyone go. They all wanted their children to sit at the front.

The little girl took one look and walked directly to the back row.

"The seats here shouldn't be expensive."

She stuffed her schoolbag into the drawer, sat down, and then looked at her school through the window.

Because she didn't have enough money to pay for tuition, she could only choose a public school that was very far from home. Because of the long distance, she had to get up very early.

But fortunately, this school looks pretty good.

The parents at the front of the classroom were still tit for tat, refusing to give in. Some parents even sat down on their seats, completely ignoring the accusations around them.

This also made the smell of gunpowder stronger, and even some irritable parents gave up their ulterior motives and began to curse.

"here we go again."

The little girl took out the cubes and started playing on the table.

"It's so noisy. If only I could hide inside."

Just as she was building the house out of squares, several more little faces appeared on the reflective metal surface.

Unknowingly, several children had gathered around them. They all looked at the blocks curiously and did not dare to express their anger. They watched the little girl build the blocks higher and higher.

The little girl resisted the feeling of being watched. With a wave of her hand, the cubes fell into her bag again.

"Why don't we match up?" the kid next to me asked.

"Yeah, keep building it, I want to see how high it can go."

The children were chattering away, but this made the little girl even more uncomfortable.

Until a fat kid took out snacks from his pocket and put them on the little girl's table.

"Are you tired from the ride? This is delicious. You will have more strength after eating it."

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