I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 347 Lucky Cube

"What do you mean? Mom?" the little girl asked anxiously. She rushed to the woman and held her hand.

The silver blade in the man's hand dripped a drop of bright red blood, and the cold voice came again:

"Life fee, 100 million giant cubes, paid successfully."

"Love fee, 100 million and one giant cubes, paid successfully."

"Freedom fee, 200 million and one giant cube, purchase completed."

After saying these incomprehensible words, the silver blade in the man's hand suddenly let go and fell to the ground, and his hands suddenly started to tremble.

Then, he suddenly looked at the little girl.

The little girl had never seen such a look in her father's eyes. He was filled with despair and hatred. The dark eyes seemed to be burning with the flames of hell, and they were about to devour her in the next second.

The man suddenly bent down, picked up the knife on the ground, and rushed towards the little girl.

But at this moment, the air around him suddenly surged, and an invisible box seemed to suddenly appear on the man's side, selecting his arm.

In an instant, the arm holding the knife was cut off at the root, leaving only a smooth cutting mark at the root.

The man suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. He raised his head and took a deep look at the little girl who was still in shock.

"Escape fee, a miniature cube."

After saying this, a door suddenly appeared on the metal ground beneath the man, and he fell downwards at the same time.

When the little girl came back to her senses, the man's figure had disappeared, and the door on the ground gradually disappeared.

"You found it." The woman squeezed the little girl's hand and said happily.

"What did you find?"

The little girl was very anxious and didn't know what to do.

"I found the lucky cube." The woman replied, "I told you before that the cube will bring luck."

Although the woman's voice became weaker and weaker, she still smiled gently without any pain.

"That was it just now, the lucky cube."

The woman was curiously looking around the little girl, as if she wanted to find something.

But the little girl still held her mother's hand in confusion, watching the breath on her body become weaker and weaker.

The blood flowed farther and farther on the silver metal ground. The woman's face became paler and her breathing slowly became slower.

The woman used her last bit of strength to hum a song softly.

She stroked the little girl's face and let the girl lie in her arms.

The simple melody began to echo in the little girl's ears.

"Little cube, fly and fly, over the forest and over the sea."

"Addicted to dreams, addicted to love..."

"Tall people turn around and around, for desire and wealth."

"Falling into the abyss and into disaster..."


The woman's humming became quieter and quieter, and gradually the content could no longer be heard clearly.

The little girl closed her eyes and let darkness spread before her eyes. The red blood flowed more and more, flooding the entire silver-white wilderness.

Warm blood climbed up to the little girl's ankles, and slowly flooded her body until it reached the top of her head, wrapping her in a warm ocean.

An uncontrollable feeling of suffocation suddenly came over me.

Mo Ling fell to the ground instantly, and the nameplate in his hand suddenly flew out, colliding with the amputated arm on the ground.

The black fragments on the nameplate were like dense insects, crawling up the arm and slowly covering the entire arm.

Like swarms of ants, they crazily devoured the entire arm, not even sparing the silver-white blade, and swallowed up all the blood dripping on the metal ground.

When everything about the arm was devoured, the black fragments instantly shattered and dissipated, leaving no trace.

The nameplate that fell to the ground has returned to its original appearance. The rust and stains on it have completely disappeared, the weird black color has completely faded, and the clear characters are displayed on the nameplate again.

"Level 3 hunter, Fire Stealer Li Luo."

The carvings of the characters were extremely sharp and glowed slightly.

Mo Ling waited for a long time before getting out of the suffocating feeling.

Just like Ji Lou said, the corrosiveness of this memory was too strong, and Mo Ling could not get rid of it for a long time.

The little girl's experience was not very ups and downs, it was very dull. Her mood did not change much until she finally came to the silver space.

Because she is young, she cannot yet understand what those pictures represent.

The knife in my father's hand, the wounds on my mother's body that were constantly bleeding, and the weird silver endless space.

The blood was like a sea. At that time, she was so naive that she had no time to react to all this.

When Mo Ling broke away from this memory, the pain really came to him.

Just like Ling Chi, those memories kept echoing in Mo Ling's brain and kept appearing in front of his eyes.

The endless silver-white space behind the door was filled with warm blood, and Mo Ling couldn't tell whether it was real or fake for a moment.

Mo Ling also wanted to know what happened next, but this memory stopped abruptly and stopped at the most suffocating moment.

"Li Luo seems to have never spoken about her before."

To Mo Ling, Li Luo has always been like a mystery.

She never told others why she wanted to go to the bottom of the abyss, and she never told others about her past.

Plain and simple, not impolite.

Except when she first arrived in the abyss, because stationmaster Liang of the monitoring station said that she looked like her father, she would behave slightly rudely.

Now that things have happened, Mo Ling probably understands the reason.

Mo Ling took a deep breath, walked forward, and picked up the nameplate that had been restored to its original state.

"Changed back..."

The black fragments disappeared completely, and now the nameplate had changed into what it looked like when Li Luo carried it.

"Why did it change?"

Mo Ling thought for a while and finally thought of a possibility - because he interfered with the contents of his memory.

In his previous memory, he had never tried to use teleportation ability.

But in Li Luo's memory just now, in order to protect the young Li Luo, he used his teleportation ability to cut off Li Luo's father's arm and sent it to the cube. The broken arm was also swallowed up by the fragments on the black nameplate. Got to be clean.

The situation was critical at that time, and Mo Ling subconsciously activated the teleportation. He did not expect that the teleportation could actually affect the contents of the memory, and also cause such strange consequences.

"I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

Mo Ling thought for a while and then looked out.

The nameplate in his hand disappeared instantly and appeared on top of the block.

He returned the nameplate to Li Luo.

Li Luo looked at the lost nameplate on the square and was very surprised.

"You changed it back? How?"

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