I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 348 The hole in the sky

Li Luo picked up the nameplate and looked at it for a while.

Like Mo Ling, she was also curious about why the nameplate had changed like this.

But Mo Ling couldn't give a definite answer, so Li Luo had to put the nameplate on her neck again.

At the moment when the nameplate was hung on her neck, a memory suddenly flooded into her brain.

The rules of the family, the endless space, the silver blade, the sea of ​​blood...

At this moment, these memories returned to their original owners.

Li Luo stood there for a while, her expression constantly changing, her eyes were sometimes angry, sometimes worried, until finally, only endless loneliness remained.

She sighed:

"I remember..."

She gently touched the square, and the loneliness in her eyes slowly disappeared.

Not long after, Li Luo cheered up again, as if everything had been let go.

"Are you okay?" The machine building next to her asked with concern.

"It's okay, I just remembered some unhappy things." Li Luo shook her head and replied.

She grabbed her nameplate and looked at the square.

"Since you can retrieve my memory, can you try to retrieve other people's memories?"

Mo Ling thought about it, looking at the pile of black objects in the cube, and felt that he could give it a try.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

In the dark night that was originally without light, a beam of light suddenly fell.

This beam of light pierced the darkness and shone directly on Li Luo's body, with the center being the nameplate on Li Luo's chest.

The nameplate was shining brightly under the light, reflecting the dazzling light.

The beam of light just shone directly on Li Luo. The smoke and dust produced after the destruction of the safe house was still floating in the air, like cotton wool, and was illuminated by the light like starlight.

Li Luo raised her hand to block it, squinting her eyes for a long time.

She took a step back, but the beam of light seemed to follow her closely.

Or rather, it was following the nameplate on her body.

After a long time, Li Luo slowly adapted to the brightness, put his hand down, and looked in the direction of the beam of light.

But this one glance made her freeze again.

"The sky, cracked?"

The machine room next to her also looked up at the torn sky.

The crack was not big, just like a small hole in the dark sky, and the hole, like an eye, was staring at Li Luo.

As Li Luo moved, the light source in the hole kept changing its position, so that the light beam would always stay on Li Luo.

This closely following light beam made the two people nervous instantly, always feeling that something was watching them.

The light beam was too bright, and the two people could not see the light source behind the hole clearly, and they just felt very creepy.

Standing in the beam of light, Li Luo reached out and grabbed the air around her. She was shocked to find that everything around her was disappearing rapidly.

"Follow me."

Li Luo shouted to the machine room and left the damaged safe house directly.

The moment she came to the black road, black smoke began to emerge from the floor tiles, as if the light was swallowing up all the darkness.

Li Luo found another black building and let the beam of light hit the black wall. Not long after, thick black smoke came out of the wall, and the wall quickly turned into ash.

"It's not an illusion."

This light can really dispel the darkness.

Seeing this, the mechanical arm of the machine building popped out a stick and carefully stretched it into the beam of light.

However, it was not affected by the light despite its black body.

"Why? Because I don't belong to Hell Island?" It asked in confusion.

Seeing this strange scene, the two of them raised their heads again and looked at the crack in the sky.

"We have to go up and take a look." Li Luo said decisively.

The crack didn't look high. If you want to see the contents of the crack clearly, you have to get close.

"I can fly."

As he said that, several jet nozzles popped out from behind the machine building.

"But I can't carry you. The weight is limited." It jumped a few times on the spot, and the jet nozzle could barely suspend him in the air.

"No need." Li Luo turned his head to look at the cube, and Mo Ling instantly understood what she meant.

Riding on the square, Li Luo flew towards the crack, and the machine building followed closely behind.

Sure enough, the crack was not very high, and before long, the two arrived at the entrance of the crack.

Because they were too close, the light at this time was extremely dazzling, and Li Luo could only close his eyes.

"We are here, let's go in." The machine building behind him said.

Mo Ling did not stop, and directly carried Li Luo into the crack.

Rising from the crack, they arrived on a black hill.

The machine building also flew out of the crack.

As soon as it flew out, it launched its reconnaissance function and looked around.

Not long after, it said with some trembling: "We, have come to the Hell Island?"

"Above? What does that mean?" Li Luo took out a pair of sunglasses from her bag and put them on. She was blinded by the light and could not open her eyes. She had no idea of ​​the environment around her.

The machine building looked around again and began to talk to Li Luo.

"Here, it seems to be on the dome of Hell Island. The ground is made of coal-like structure, the sky is made of glowing stone, and above our heads is another dome."

"Is that white light coming from the second dome?"

The machine room looked at it for a while and replied, "It seems so."

However, the white light here does not seem to have a hypnotic effect, it is just very dazzling, as if it is suppressing something.

Wearing sunglasses, Li Luo still couldn't see clearly, so she had to take off her sunglasses, take out a black cloth from her bag, and cover her eyes.

Although this will completely obscure your vision, you can at least see some outlines.

In order to understand the surrounding environment, Li Luo had no choice but to squat down and reach out her hand to touch the ground. She planned to use touch to feel it personally.

The ground was full of "coal" that would break when stepped on. She picked up a piece and with a slight exertion, the coal was crushed instantly and turned into scattered fragments, which were very fragile.

After pinching many pieces in succession, Li Luo suddenly realized that they had encountered these pieces before.

"This is the source of those black fragments on Hell Island."

She felt it with her fingers for a while and said to the terminal with great certainty.

The "coal" did not leave any traces on her hands. After turning into fragments, it didn't take long before it shattered again and disappeared without a trace. This property was very similar to the black fragments on Hell Island.

"What is this? A fragment of memory?" She pinched the fragment with her fingers and asked doubtfully.

The machine building also extracted some samples from the ground and put them into the body for analysis.

"Some carbide, nothing fancy about it."

"What kind of carbide?" Li Luo asked.

"There are carbonized compounds from all kinds of organisms, including fish, shellfish, primates, birds...all mixed together. There are also some organisms that cannot be analyzed. They should be species unique to the abyss."

Hearing the explanation from the terminal, Li Luo nodded, thoughtfully.

She continued to rummage on the ground, grabbed the carbide, and crushed it into pieces.

Her vision was blocked, so she could only understand the current situation in this way.

The black fragments here didn't seem to carry memories like those on Hell Island, and Li Luo didn't feel anything strange.

"It's like crushing cookies." Such a strange thought came to her mind.

However, just when she was about to stand up, she picked up something different.

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