I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 349 Briquettes

Li Luo thought it was his illusion at first.

In a piece of hard coal, I actually touched something soft and soft like a sponge.

After poking it a few times, Li Luo realized that this was indeed something different.

Pushing aside the coal, Li Luo reached in and dug out the soft stuff.

This thing is about the size of a football, bigger than the coal next to it. What's even more strange is that it is very soft when you pinch it, and it can't be broken no matter how you pinch it, just like pinching a elastic sponge.

Through the thick black cloth, Li Luo could barely see the shape of this thing clearly.

Like a briquette, it is round and will bounce back when pressed.

Because it felt so good, Li Luo couldn't help but knead the briquettes into various shapes, but when he let go, the briquettes would bounce back to their original shape.

"What is this?"

Li Luo held the soft briquettes and became even more confused.

If those coals are the source of memory fragments, then what are these briquettes.

Just as she was thinking, the briquettes in her hand suddenly started to struggle.

"This thing is alive!"

Li Luo subconsciously wanted to throw away the briquettes, but when she thought that this might be a rare clue, she squeezed the briquettes tightly again.

The briquettes had very little strength, but they always bounced around and were very flexible. Li Luo gritted his teeth and hugged the briquettes tightly in his arms.

"Aircraft Building, come and help!"

The aircraft building was still looking around to check the surrounding environment. When it heard Li Luo's voice, it immediately rushed over.

"What's this?"

The machine building ran to Li Luo, used four mechanical arms together, and popped out a few iron ropes to tie up the briquettes tightly.

The briquettes bounced around in the iron chain cage. When they found they couldn't escape, they huddled into a small ball and huddled up in the corner.

The operator held the cage and looked at it curiously.

"Where did you find this guy?"

"It's not deep under the coal." Li Luo panted and kicked the ground.

This briquette was not very strong, but she couldn't catch it. It was slippery and kept struggling in Li Luo's arms. She wanted to escape. It really took a lot of effort for her just now.

"There is no recorded creature." The machine building observed for a while and said helplessly: "I have never seen such a creature on Hell Island."

"They should live on this black dome." Li Luo guessed.

The operator poked the briquette with a stick, and the briquette twisted its body, changed its position, and continued to shrink into a ball. Its round body was like an ostrich, no matter how small it was, it was extremely conspicuous.

"It seems to be a harmless creature."

Li Luo also quickly checked his body.

I had just held the creature in my arms out of desperation, but now that I thought about it, I realized that it was a bit reckless.

Fortunately, I didn't feel any discomfort.

The briquette creatures seemed completely harmless.

The aircraft carrier carried the cage to the side and started rummaging through it with a stick. It didn't take long for him to find another one.

This briquette seemed to be much smarter. After being discovered, it twisted its body and burrowed underground, squeezing its soft body into the cracks of the coal.

However, after it hid half of its body in the gap, its buttocks was exposed, and its half round ball was extremely conspicuous.

Every time the operator poked it with a stick, the briquettes would move, which looked very funny.

"What a stupid creature." The machine building couldn't help but complain.

Looking at the half-ball butt, the machine building stopped poking it and took back the stick in his hand.

But at this moment, the briquettes in the cage suddenly struggled again. It wrapped itself into a small ball and bounced around in the cage, as if it sensed some danger.

"what happened?"

The terminal was still confused, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

The ground... seemed to be shaking.

The coal on the ground was slightly shaken, and then fell gently.

"over there!"

The aircraft building instantly locked its direction.

On the ground in the distance, a giant with white light all over his body was walking slowly.

It carried a huge stone on its shoulders, and there was also a dazzling white light on the stone.

"It's the builder! The white builder!"

The tall white giant was walking towards the two of them step by step. The shaking on the ground became more and more violent. All the black coal was shattered into pieces and scattered into the air.

The mechanical legs of the machine building gripped the ground tightly, and the briquettes were so frightened that they rolled up in the cage.

Li Luo was also shaken by the shock and could only squat down.

The black ground under the giant god's feet was trampled by the heavy body and burst into pieces. Black fragments flew everywhere. Some coal briquettes hiding in the ground flew out with the black fragments and rolled away in all directions.

These tiny creatures can only keep avoiding the giant god.

Li Luo and Jilou wanted to escape, but found that they could not move at all. Under the violent vibrations, the coal under their feet began to break and collapse.

Not long after this, Li Luo's ankles had already sunk deep into the coal, and he was even a little unsteady.

The machine building had no choice but to eject the jet device again, pull out the mechanical legs, jump to Li Luo's side, and pull her out.

"Hold on to me!"

The aircraft building plans to escape from here with Li Luo by jumping.

Li Luo also quickly grabbed the mechanical arm of the aircraft building.

The machine building shook his body, adjusted his posture, fastened the cage trapping the coal creature on his body, and jumped in the opposite direction.

However, the giant moved very fast and caught up with the two of them in a short time.

It grabbed the huge white stone with its hand and threw it hard like a lead ball. The terrifying boulder flew towards the two of them like a missile.

Fortunately, the terminal was watching behind it. When it saw the boulder coming, it turned back and jumped to another direction with Li Luo, narrowly avoiding the terrifying boulder.

The boulder crashed into the coal hills with a roar, sputtering out countless black fragments. Fortunately, those fragments would disappear quickly, otherwise they would have caused fatal injuries if they hit the two of them.

The operator's arms were trembling uncontrollably.

But it knew that this was not the time to retreat. After the aftermath faded a little, it took aim and planned to continue escaping.

However, as the black debris dispersed, what appeared in front of him forced the airport to stop.

At some point, the white boulder had turned into a huge high wall, blocking the way for the two of them.

The high wall continues to extend into the distance, spreading to the distance of the hill.

At the same time, countless spikes began to extend from the high wall.

The top of the high wall also squirmed, and figures rose up one after another.

Those figures seemed to be made of white stones. After they were generated, they stared at the two people under the wall.

Not only that, along with the rumbling sound, another wall suddenly appeared in the high walls on both sides, extending vertically. Not far away, it suddenly turned at a right angle and merged at the rear.

In the blink of an eye, a thick wall surrounded the two of them.

On the high wall, stone figures also rose up.

However, this is not over yet.

The spikes outside the wall grew longer and longer, and protruding towers appeared on the high wall.

Weapons similar to artillery were quickly set up on the tower, and the muzzles of the guns were all aimed at the two people inside the wall.

The vibrations are still continuing, and the aircraft building can only keep jumping in the middle of the closed high wall to prevent collapse.

However, not long after, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

It's a builder!

It floated into the air, and raised its two giant hands in front of it, making a square gesture.

A deep voice came from its mouth:

"Build: Urn!"

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