I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 350 The power of construction

The terminal looked at the white giant in the sky in shock, not daring to move.

The shaking on the ground has stopped, and the white light is blocked by the body of the giant god, leaving only a large shadow.

Although Li Luo still had a piece of cloth covering her eyes, she could feel that the atmosphere suddenly became oppressive.

The machine building stared closely at the giant god, and then he saw clearly that the giant god was wrapped in thick layers of white stone armor, with no gaps, and the material was exactly the same as the soldiers on the surrounding city walls.

"What exactly does he want to do?" The airport looked at this terrifying giant and couldn't help but exclaimed.

As the giant's deep voice echoed, everything in the entire city wall seemed to come alive.

The soldiers on the city wall began to run, loading ammunition into the artillery. Some soldiers raised weapons similar to bows and arrows, aiming at the two people surrounded by the city wall.

"Weng, is this Wengcheng? He wants to surround and kill us!"

The airport quickly realized this.

It looked at Cube anxiously: "Those weapons must be destroyed as soon as possible before they are ready!"

Of course, Mo Ling thought so too. His teleportation frame had already been aimed at those artillery pieces.

Not long after, the artillery on the city wall was demolished to pieces by Mo Ling.

"It's all rocks."

While teleporting, Mo Ling was surprised to find that everything on the city wall seemed to be made of that kind of white light stone.

"Even the soldiers."

Mo Ling originally thought that these soldiers were the younger brothers "summoned" by the builder, but now it seems that they were all "built".

After taking care of all the artillery and soldiers on the city wall, Mo Ling quickly looked at the giant god still floating in the air. This was the entity that created the crisis.

"Let me see what you really look like."

His vision was immersed in the thick layer of white stone armor.

But after passing through the stone armor, Mo Ling was stunned.

Under the stone armor, there is another layer of stone armor.


Mo Ling did not believe in evil and continued to explore downwards.

However, under this layer of stone armor, there is another layer of stone armor. This giant god is like a matryoshka doll, wrapping itself with layers of stone armor, tightly fitting together.

Mo Ling passed through layer after layer until he came to the center of the giant god's stone armor, and was dumbfounded.

The center of the stone armor is exactly the same as the soldiers on the city wall outside. It is just a "constructed" stone humanoid.

"be cheated!"

This extremely eye-catching giant is just a deception, just to attract attention. His true body is not here at all!

Mo Ling quickly peeled off the humanoid teleportation center of the giant god and threw it outside.

However, just as he thought, this was just a cover-up, and the tall giant was not harmed in any way.

The giant god's movements did not stop, as if he found that the Wengcheng was ineffective, his hands began to move again.

He placed his left hand flat, palm down, and spread his fingers. He stretched out an index finger from his right hand and thrust it up from below, passing through the fingers of his left hand.

"Build: Tomb!"

The stone armor all over his body rubbed against each other, and the rich sound came again.

Everything around started to change again.

The ground that had stopped shaking began to shake slightly again, as if something was quietly brewing in the fine coal.

Realizing that something was wrong, the aircraft building quickly moved away from the areas where the shaking was becoming more and more intense.

Just after it jumped away, white stone pillars of different heights suddenly grew out of the coal, like human fingers, which looked quite strange.

After more and more stone pillars were erected, the ground under the stone pillars began to bulge again.

The machine building looked at this strange scene, thought of the words of the giant god, and suddenly understood everything.

"Is this a tombstone?"

Mo Ling was originally staring at the stone pillars in confusion, confused about the situation, but after hearing what the engine building said, he suddenly realized.

"This must be another attack method by the builder."

At the moment, he hasn't found the identity of the builder yet, so he can only take on these weird tricks first.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling quickly aimed the teleportation frame at these tombstones. No matter what the builder was planning, he had to stop them in advance.

The tombstones were not high, and Mo Ling quickly removed them.

However, after losing the tombstone, those dirtbags became extremely active.

Immediately afterwards, ghost-like figures suddenly flew out of the dirt bag.

These figures look exactly like the previous soldiers, and their bodies are also made of stone, but their whole bodies seem to be looming, very illusory, and their movements are extremely flexible, and they will burrow into the ground from time to time.

Mo Ling looked at the tombstones and soil bags and suddenly had a bad guess:

"These soldiers appeared after destroying the tombstone?"

After observing for a while, Mo Ling found that this was indeed the case.

Only under the tombstones destroyed by Mo Ling would such ghost-like soldiers emerge.

Fooled again.

The builder seemed to have set up this trap to target Mo Ling's attack methods, waiting for Mo Ling to destroy it.

After realizing something was wrong, Mo Ling quickly stopped destroying the tombstone.

But it seemed to be too late at this time. The soil bags under the damaged tombstones loosened one after another, and ghost soldiers came out one after another.

As soon as the ghost soldiers appeared, they quickly burrowed into the ground and wandered among the coals very quickly.

They gathered under the aircraft building, always ready for a sneak attack.

The aircraft building also realized the danger and could only keep changing its position, but the ghost soldiers still pursued them.

Fortunately, this is not a difficulty for Mo Ling. His vision can penetrate everywhere, both underground and on the surface.

After stopping destroying the tombstones, these ghost soldiers did not continue to appear. The number was limited. What Mo Ling had to do now was to "catch" these soldiers hiding underground one by one.

While guiding the aircraft building to avoid it, he defended himself against the soldiers who were attacking the aircraft building. Soon, these strange-looking soldiers were completely eliminated by Mo Ling.

However, Mo Ling also had some lingering fears at this time.

"Fortunately, they were discovered early. If too many tombstones are destroyed, these ghost soldiers will become large and difficult to deal with."

If it weren't for Mo Ling's teleportation ability, this kind of attack method that cannot be touched by entities would definitely cause great damage.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling became even more wary of the builders.

Weird abilities, extraordinary combat wisdom, and a body that has not yet been found. Where did this builder come from?

Although both attacks were easily resolved by Mo Ling, Mo Ling still had no way to defeat the builder.

Because he had to concentrate on dealing with the builder's attack, Mo Ling couldn't spare the energy to find his true body. If this continued, he would just die slowly.

"We have to find a breakthrough."

As Mo Ling thought about it, the builder's hands began to change again.

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