I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 351 Infinite Construction

This time, the builder's hands moved extremely fast, and even afterimages appeared.

The left hand was placed flat with the palm upward, the right hand was shaped into a claw, and it was suddenly buckled down. The giant god's rich voice came again:

"Build: Prison!"

For a moment, the air stagnated, and Mo Ling felt as if the cube was blocked by countless walls. There seemed to be many invisible solids in the air, which were clearly invisible, but extremely hard.

The aircraft building that was still moving suddenly hit a wall. It reached forward in confusion and froze in place.

"There are rocks everywhere!"

it yelled at the cube.

Of course, Mo Ling also knew that these invisible stones seemed to fill all the space and could be seen everywhere, making it difficult for people to move.

"Is this a prison?"

He suddenly understood the meaning of the words from the giant god's mouth.

However, even though everyone had been trapped, the movements of the giant god's hands still did not stop.

His hands moved again, and after an afterimage, he clasped his hands together and placed them near his mouth.

"Build: Temple!"

As the thick sound rang out, Mo Ling suddenly heard rhythmic clashing sounds of rocks coming from around him.

Ta da da...ta da da...

It was like someone was gently rolling the beads.

The beads were spinning, and the tapping sound of wooden fish was heard again. Mo Ling even heard murmurs, as if someone was chanting sutras in the distance.

The sound of chanting slowly approached, and the surrounding suddenly became foggy. The incense that had risen at some point spread and entangled the black and white land.

Some figures appeared in the smoke of the incense. They knelt on the ground, surrounded the square, and kept silently reciting something.

Some of these figures are human beings, and some are other humanoid creatures, all made of white light stone. They all seem to be extremely pious, kowtowing to the squares constantly, and mumbling words.

"Please God bless me and make me rich and powerful, so that I can trample under my feet those tribesmen who look down on me..."

"Please God bless me and let my beloved abandon his lover and fall deeply in love with me. I will definitely be able to give him a better life..."

"Please God bless me and let me gain unparalleled wisdom. I want to ascend to the highest position step by step..."

"God, I want power..."

"God, I want to be young forever..."


Longing, endless desire, instantly wrapped around Cube's body along with the incense.

Mo Ling woke up instantly.

"I am the idol in that temple!"

Unable to move, bearing the incense and desire.

Accept both good and evil desires.

The messy desires entangled themselves with the incense. Mo Ling wanted to escape, but was trapped by the invisible stones around him, unable to move.

In an instant, Mo Ling's mind was filled with those desires, directly occupying all his thoughts.

The machine building next to it seemed to have encountered the same thing, and it was down in place.

However, Li Luo, who was blindfolded, did not see those figures.

She just wondered why the smell of incense in the air was getting stronger and stronger.

Those sounds of desire slowly reached her ears, and she slowly heard these unobstructed desires clearly.

"It's so ugly."

These desires seemed familiar to her.

Being smoked by the incense, Li Luo only felt a little uncomfortable, just like when he attended a banquet, the lingering smell of cigarettes and alcohol, and the smell of desire on everyone's head.


Li Luo couldn't help coughing.

But it was this cough that woke up the statue in the temple.

Mo Ling suddenly realized, why should she indulge in those desires?

He instantly retracted his vision and hid in the square.

"Is that an illusion?" Mo Ling realized in hindsight.

The sudden rise of incense and the worshiping figures made Mo Ling feel a little unreal.

This seems to be a way to create illusions and use superposition of desires to attack the spirit. The builder's methods are indeed astonishing.

However, after calming down, everything was easily solved.

"As long as there are no believers, there will be no desire!"

Mo Ling carefully opened his vision.

Sure enough, those figures began to talk about their desires again, and the incense lingered around Mo Ling again.

"Please God bless me..."

"I won't bless you!" Mo Ling instantly aimed at the chanting figure and cut him in half.

"God, I want..."

"You do not want!"


"Shut up!"

Mo Ling hit wherever he pointed and teleported whoever wanted to speak. The incense kept lingering around him, but no distracting thoughts of desire entered Mo Ling's mind.

Finally, all the figures turned into broken stones, scattered on the ground.

Although the incense is still lingering, the noisy prayers are no longer there.

"It's much quieter." Mo Ling breathed a sigh of relief, finally finishing off all the believers.

However, the "temple" problem has been solved, but the "prison" problem still exists. The invisible stones around are still floating in the air, trapping everyone tightly.

Not only that, Mo Ling looked at the airport building and found that it was still down.

"What's going on here?"

Could it be that he was not the same group of believers as he saw in the terminal?

If you think about it carefully, if "Temple" is indeed an illusion attack, it is indeed very possible.

Thinking of this, Mo Ling became worried again.

However, just when Mo Ling was worried, the arm of the machine building began to tremble slightly, and not long after, it began to move again.

However, the machine building that had returned to normal looked a little dazed, and kept looking around.

"Fire Thief..."

"Hell Island..."

It muttered something in its mouth, and then suddenly stood still and looked at the giant god in the sky.


The machine building stretched out its hand and touched the invisible stone in front of it.

"This is... the prison."

It was like a newborn who had just come into this world, repeating the things around it, which made Mo Ling a little frightened.

"The lock of the prison is right in front of the line connecting you and the builder, about 20 meters away, a little to the left, you can try to attack here, and the prison will be released."

It suddenly raised its head and said this to Mo Ling.

Mo Ling did not hesitate and directly launched a teleportation to the location mentioned by the machine building.

To Mo Ling, that place was just a ball of air, but at the moment when he completed the transmission, a white light stone lock suddenly appeared in the cube.

The stone lock fell to the ground, broke into two halves, and the lock head suddenly broke.

Outside the cube, the invisible stones that were originally floating in the air disappeared in an instant, and the cube's movements were no longer restricted, and it could move freely.

"It seems that you succeeded."

The machine building stretched out his hand and touched the front.

"The future that has never been seen before... is like this again."

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