I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 352 White Rain

Li Luo also felt a little strange about the strange behavior of the aircraft building.

She let go of the mechanical arm of the machine building, jumped off it, and landed among the coals.

Although he was always blindfolded, Li Luo could still feel that something was wrong in the current airport building.

She frowned and asked doubtfully: "Airport, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the inquiry, the airport turned its head.

"I'm not the machine building, I'm the machine."

"Machine?" Hearing this unfamiliar name, Li Luo became wary.

"Don't be afraid, you can understand it as a machine with another application. When one program cannot solve the problem, you have to change another program to solve the problem."

The explanation was very brief, but Li Luo understood its meaning immediately.

"Where did the airport go?"

"It's turned off for now. Just turn it on later."

The sound of the machine is dull, but it has a convincing ability.

It did not continue to explain to Li Luo, but looked up at Cube.

"Mo Ling, the builder will use the 'dam' next. Remember, no matter what you see, don't attack or move."

Mo Ling's heart trembled when he heard someone calling his name.

He had only told this name to one person, or rather, one machine.

"Is it really that perfect machine in Lin Nian's memory? It's actually hiding in the machine building?"

In other words, it is actually another program in the body of the aircraft building!

After coming to this world for so long, this was the first time someone called her name. Although she took the initiative to tell it, Mo Ling still felt a little strange.

How did it recognize me?

Just as he was thinking about it, the builder in the sky made another move.

He raised his hands flat and pushed forward, causing the white light stone's body to rub and tremble.

"Build: Dam!"

The rich voice echoed on the black hills.

It really is! Just as the machine predicted, the builder used a brand new move - dam.

"Next, just follow what the machine said and don't attack or move."

Mo Ling hesitated again and again, but decided to believe what the machine said first.

After all, these robots have never shown any malice and have been protecting humans from beginning to end.

While on board the Paradise, Captain Ji Ting’s words still echoed in Mo Ling’s ears:

"Don't worry, robots will always protect humans."

"It's like 'The Captain' is always guarding the Paradise."

For some reason, Mo Ling had a feeling in his heart that these words were not a lie.

Tick ​​tock...tick tock.

Suddenly it started to rain from the sky, hitting the cubes.

"Where did the rain come from?"

Mo Ling took a closer look. It didn't seem to be rain, but some kind of drop-shaped white stone. It was very small, like small water drops carved from white light stone.

"Did it fall from the white dome?"

Mo Ling couldn't see the white dome in his field of vision, but he could feel that the height at which these stones fell was not high.

At first, there were not many stones, but after a while, these small stones poured down, like an unprecedented rainstorm.

The machine popped up an iron umbrella from the mechanical arm, covering Li Luo.

"Is there really nothing to do?"

Mo Ling became worried. There were more and more small stones, and they even began to submerge Li Luo's ankles.

Li Luo also felt something was wrong. She could only vaguely see a tall body standing beside her, helping her block the rocks, but there was a crashing sound in her ears, which became more and more noisy.

She couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Machine... What happened?"

"It has rained, and the accumulated water will slowly submerge us, but don't worry, these rains are all fictitious, don't worry."

The machine still had that calm tone.

But the stones were piled higher and higher, and Li Luo could not be completely relieved. She put her hand on the blindfolded cloth and wanted to take off the cloth.

At this time, the machine stretched out his hand and stopped Li Luo's movement.

"Please trust me."

At the same time, it raised its head again and looked at the square.

This sentence was addressed not only to Li Luo, but also to Mo Ling.

Mo Ling originally wanted to destroy a drop of "rain" to see if the heavy rain was fake, but when he thought of the machine's instructions, he could only stop his actions.

The heavy rain became heavier and heavier, and the white stones submerged half of Li Luo's body and also wrapped the machine's mechanical legs.

"Are we just going to stand like this?"

"Yes, this rain will pass soon. It looks very rough, but it won't last long."

White rocks bounced around and hit Li Luo's face. At this time, the black ground could no longer be seen, and the heavy rain of rocks was accelerating to drown everyone.

Mo Ling was floating in the air, but it had no effect.

However, Li Luo's condition was very bad. Not long after, the stones had already flooded her chest. She could only put her hands on her chest to support it to prevent her lungs from being compressed.

"The moment it is about to reach the top of your head, all this will disappear and return to peace." The machine comforted him again.

Li Luo could only grit his teeth and wait for the stones to pile up higher and higher.

The sound of their conversation was gradually drowned out by the pounding raindrops.

Mo Ling wanted to take action countless times, but when he thought of the machine, he could only stop his actions.

However, the heavy rain did not stop. Instead, it continued to rain harder and harder. More and more small rocks hit the square. Li Luo was also submerged up to her neck. She could only raise her head to leave room to breathe.

Among them, the one who suffered the most was Mo Ling.

Seeing Li Luo and the machine being slowly submerged by rocks but unable to take any action made him extremely uncomfortable.

Soon, the heavy rain reached an extremely terrifying level. Countless raindrops poured down, as if the dome was leaking, and small white stones flooded everything.

At this moment, even the ground became pure white.

Finally, the water droplets submerged Li Luo's head, burying her whole body underneath.

Seeing Li Luo's figure slowly disappearing, Mo Ling finally couldn't help it anymore and wanted to peel away the stones that were covering Li Luo.

But then, he saw the machine.

The machine platform was still holding an umbrella, and several of his mechanical arms had slowly opened at some point and surrounded Li Luo's body to prevent the pressure of the rocks from completely pressing on Li Luo's body.

The tall body also acted as a wall, blocking the side with the densest raindrops.

Mo Ling suddenly realized.

The machine not only made the two of them believe in it, it also believed that Li Luo and Mo Ling could follow its instructions and not attack or move.

This trust is mutual.

Mo Ling was stunned. He looked at the pouring rain and didn't know what to do.

The raindrops covered everything, leaving only pure white in front of me.

The torrent surged and flooded the entire hill...

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