I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 353 Dam

Tick ​​tock.

A stone fell on the block.

This is also the last drop of rain.

The rain stopped without any warning.

It was pouring rain just a moment ago, but in the blink of an eye it was clear and clear.

The white color that overwhelmed everything disappeared completely.

The black earth reappeared, and all the white raindrops were as if they had never appeared before.

Ji Tai and Li Luo also stood quietly on the ground without any harm.

"We succeeded." Ji Tai said happily: "We are a qualified dam."

It nodded to Li Luo, looked at Cube, and waved.

"Qualified dam?" Li Luo had not recovered from the suffocation of drowning.

The machine nodded: "Yes, the dam is actually us. If we move even half a minute, or try to attack those raindrops, the heavy rain will change from fiction to reality, and we will be buried underneath."

"As long as we serve as a strong 'dam' and survive this rain, everything will disappear. The heavy rain and stagnant water will also disappear, and the sky will clear up after the rain."

"In this heavy rain, only the dam is eternal. All the water flow will slowly fade away, and the rain will eventually stop."

The machine looked at the builder in the sky: "This attack method tests one's determination."

Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought I was really going to be drowned."

"But you still didn't move. You believed what I said." The machine looked at Li Luo with relief:

"Trust between people is also a dam."

After this crisis, the originally tense atmosphere eased a lot.

The machine nodded to Li Luo, and then looked at the square in the sky.

"You have obtained the memory of the builder, right? You need to return the memory to him. This is the only way to solve our current crisis."

"He is just a poor man trapped on a paradise island..."

After listening to what the machine said, Mo Ling didn't hesitate anymore and started looking among the pile of black objects.

"Black lacing."

If I remember correctly, the thing I got from the builder's shadow on Hell Island was the black tie.

The tie is tied on top of the builder's flowing hair, making it very conspicuous.

On the contrary, this white builder didn't have a hair on his body, just layers and layers of stone armor.

"I don't know what the connection is."

Soon, Mo Ling found the tie.

He also entered the memory without hesitation.

Mo Ling had already made plans:

As long as it goes into the builder's memory and uses the teleportation ability to interfere with the contents of the memory, the tether should be restored to its original state. At that time, by returning the tether to the builder, his memory can be retrieved.

Black fragments entangled themselves, and Mo Ling's eyes became pitch black.

So cold.

The view is a bit strange.

This is not human perception, more like some kind of touch?

Mo Ling felt that his thinking ability had been suppressed to a very low level, leaving only a certain survival instinct.

The owner of the perspective seems to be underground, climbing up from the cracks in the soil, and the surroundings are getting hotter and hotter.

Until the warm sunshine shone on its body, it stretched and felt the long-lost warmth.

But this comfort did not last long. After a while, it was picked up by a giant hand and held in its hand.

This giant hand didn't know where it was going, and kept walking for a long time.

The temperature around it kept changing. Sometimes there was a strong wind, and sometimes it was bitingly cold. Just like that, the giant hand brought it to an extremely warm place, even warmer than when it first emerged from the ground.

The giant hand let go of it, and then placed a hard object next to it.

It suddenly lost its support and was at a loss what to do. It could only hug the thing tightly.

However, just as it attached itself to that thing, everything around it changed.

It can see the light and everything around it becomes clear.

In front of them, there are countless huge and weird creatures, which look extremely strange, like stone statues with no rules, and they are looking at it expectantly.

"This is where?"

As it was thinking, a childish voice came out of its mouth.

It can actually speak.

Those creatures looked at it and showed kind smiles.

"This is Ito Island, and it is also your home, child." The creature in front of him replied, which was the giant hand just now.

"My home? Ito Island?" It was confused and confused.

"Yes, we are the Silk Clan."

The huge creature in front of it poked its body with its hand. It quickly looked at the touched place and found that it was actually a black mycelium, which was currently wrapped around a rough stone statue.

The stone statue is made of very common pebbles, and has been chiselled into the shape of a villain. It has no arms and is very rough. The fragile black mycelium is attached to the feet of the villain.

"You'd better climb to the top. It's safer there and easier for you to control." The creature in front of me reminded him gently.

It tried it, and slowly climbed to the head of the stone statue of the little man, and turned into the hair of the little man.

The view seems really better here.

It looked at those strange creatures and found that they were all just like it, with black mycelium hanging on their heads, but those mycelium were very long, and some had covered the entire stone statue's head, with disheveled hair.

On the other hand, you are like a hair on a villain's head. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

"This is a body that I will give you to familiarize yourself with first. Once you are familiar with it, you can build your own body. This is how we all came here."

The creature in front of him touched the villain's shoulder with his giant hand and said softly.

"The clan hasn't found a newborn for a long time, so everyone is very curious when they see you. You should get familiar with it first..."

"Now, you can give yourself a name first."


"Yes, that's your name. It makes it easier for us to communicate and distinguish different individuals. Just like me, my name is Siling."

Siling's long hair fell down to the little man's body and she stroked it gently. It was stunned for a while and began to think about its own name.

"My name is Siyang."

"A very good name." Si Ling praised: "Why is it called this name?"

"Because I like the sun, it's very warm, I like this feeling."

Hearing this explanation, Siling was stunned for a moment: "You are really special. Although the Silk tribe likes a warm and humid environment, no one likes the sun. It is too intense and will burn us dry."

"But I just like..." Siyang replied calmly.

It looked around and found that it was in a cave at this time. The tribesmen were also hiding in the darkness, very far away from the entrance of the cave.

They really don't seem to like sunlight.

At this moment, Siling gently touched its shoulder, and the gentle voice came again:

"Don't worry about others, you are always yourself."

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