I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 354 Siyang

"Listen, building is a very simple matter, just find the right materials."

Since arriving on the island, Silk Bell has been teaching it about construction techniques.

Si Ling picked up an ordinary stone and transformed it into an extremely delicate stone statue, even more delicate than Si Yang's body.

"Each of our clansmen built their own bodies. Only you know what kind of body you need, whether it is powerful, flexible, or has special abilities."

"Not only that, but you also need to find the right material, the right proportions, and the right control method. You need to explore this yourself, so that you can unleash your body's full potential."

In this case, Si Ling has taken the trouble to tell Si Yang many times.

Siyang also knew very well that these words were not wrong.

However, no matter how it is taught, it cannot master the ability to build.

That kind of ability that is almost instinctive for the Silk tribe is an elusive "magic" for Siyang. It has never successfully built anything after being on the island for so long.

You can't even make the stone change its shape.

Thinking of this, it lowered its head in frustration.

Seeing this, Si Ling walked in front of it, and her long hair fell on Si Yang's body again.

"Don't be anxious, you can learn slowly and you will eventually learn." Si Ling has never been impatient and has been comforting it.

"But I asked other tribesmen and they all knew it from the beginning, but I have no concept of this ability in my mind. Sometimes I even doubt whether I am a Silk tribesman..."

Siyang spoke softer and quieter, and finally became dejected again.

"It's okay." Siling gently knocked on its shoulder and said those words again:

"Don't worry about others, you are always yourself."

Siling has been thinking of various ways for it, but none of them have allowed it to master the ability to build. It feels very guilty about this.

"Let me install a pair of arms for you. You should feel the construction materials for yourself. It should be helpful." Siling suddenly thought of something and said to it.

"But isn't it allowed in the clan to help others build their bodies?"

"This is not a body, this is a gift from me to you." Siling blinked and said to it with a smile.

While talking, Si Ling picked up the stone statue in her hand, transformed into two short arms, and placed them on Si Yang's body.

Siyang suddenly felt that there was an extra part of her body.

It tried to move its arms. These two arms were very flexible and much more "advanced" than his original rough body.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, go and try it."


Time passed quickly, and Siyang had been on the island for a long time.

It gradually became familiar with the tribe, and many tribe members tried to teach it the ability to build, but it still couldn't learn it.

Those flexible arms were useless. Siyang was holding a stone all the time, trying to feel the instinct of his body, but there was still a pool of stagnant water in his body, and it became more and more painful.

Siling often comforted it gently, trying to make it relax, and even told it that even if it couldn't master the ability to build, the Silk clan would always protect it.

Those tribesmen never ostracized it, and even turned a blind eye to Silk Ling's help in making its arms, completely pretending they didn't see it.

But it was such tolerance that made Siyang even more uncomfortable.

"I can't just go on like this."

Siyang suffered from the inferiority complex of not being able to master his abilities all the time, which also made his heart extremely tormenting.

During the conversation with the tribe, Siyang learned about the outside world:

Beyond Silk Island is a vast sea, full of dangers and opportunities.

"Perhaps in such an environment, I can truly master the construction ability."

So, Siyang made a decision to do something that no Silk tribesman has ever done: leave Silk Island and go out to sea for adventure.

Instead of staying on the island and suffering all the time, it is better to give it a try and find a glimmer of hope.

When the clan members heard its decision, most of them objected. Only Siling looked at it and said very seriously: "The Silk clan likes moist caves and the water droplets falling on them. Only you like the hot sunshine."

"Everyone is different. If other people's opinions are not useful to you, go and see the world for yourself."

"Don't worry about others, you are always yourself."

Si Ling's words made Si Yang strengthen his determination to leave the island.

Not long after, it was alone, heading towards the infinite ocean.

This sea is very vast. Each island has a different race and civilization. They also have various wonderful abilities.

While Siyang learned about these races and civilizations, he also began to understand their architecture and those wonderful construction methods.

Some civilizations will mix their own liquid with a kind of hallucinogenic soil to build a structure similar to an ant nest. They can use this illusion to communicate with each other and link the thoughts of each individual together.

Some civilizations will use the bodies of their dead comrades to build bone towers. These bone towers will summon the souls of their ancestors to attack the enemy when the race is in danger.

Some civilizations will bury the shed carapace in the ground, and these carapace will grow a suitable building on their own. They only need to be watered and fertilized on time, and the growing building will look different depending on the level of care.

Siyang was amazed by these wonderful construction methods. He suddenly realized that there was a problem with his understanding of "construction" from the beginning.

"Why can we only use the Silk Clan's ability to build? I fell into a misunderstanding from the beginning. Building is a verb, not a synonym for a certain ability."

Thinking of this, it rushed to the seaside and found a stone.

It took out the tools it had collected from various races from its travel bag, raised the hands with the pair of silk bells given to it, and smashed them hard against the stone.

Not long after, a new body appeared in front of him.

This is a rough stone statue.

Although it was built for the first time, the functionality of every part of this stone statue is very complete.

Thanks to its experience of traveling among various civilizations, Siyang knows what kind of biological body is more perfect, knows which parts are indispensable, and knows how to streamline redundancies.

It continued to build, using all the construction techniques learned during this period.

It wrapped the star sand with the eternal mucus it had collected before and stuffed it into the joints of the stone statue. It used the collected soul-summoning corpse bones as a buffer and support for the stone statue, and used the pearls of the life oyster as the eyes of the stone statue...

Siyang was completely immersed in it. It had never felt like this before——

Construction is so simple.

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