I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 355 The beauty of construction

Si Yang climbed into his new body and returned to Silk Island.

It told the tribe everything it saw outside, the various civilizations and races, as well as the construction abilities it learned.

The Silk Tribe has always used their own instincts to build things. They have never thought that other races can use different methods to achieve the same thing.

"We should not rest on our laurels..."

At the same time, Siyang decided to pass on the knowledge he had learned to his tribe.

Soon, the knowledge of construction spread throughout Silk Island.

Originally a race with a talent for construction, the Silk Clan understood construction skills very quickly, and before long, Siyang had nothing to teach him.

At the same time, various buildings also appeared on the island. These were all built by the Silk people themselves. They blended the architectural styles of different civilizations, and each house was exquisitely crafted.

Siyang unknowingly became the "worst" one again.

Sometimes, the gap in talent cannot be bridged by hard work.

Siyang also often thinks, would it be better not to tell the tribe this knowledge?

But seeing its people's lives getting better and better, it also left such selfish thoughts behind.

Rather than being far ahead, it wants to be a useful person to the Silk Clan.

During the time it was wandering outside, it understood Si Ling's words more deeply. Everyone has their own strengths. There is no need to compare with others. You are yourself.

Not long after, Siyang decided to go to sea again. It felt that its knowledge was not rich enough. Since the people in the tribe did not like the sun, it was up to it, which liked the sun, to bring the knowledge back.

This time, all the tribesmen came to the beach to see it off.

The silk sun was bathed in the dazzling sunlight, drifting farther and farther away.

After that, Siyang continued to travel through the Infinite Sea.

This time, it was clearer about what it wanted.

Every time it goes to a place, it will learn about the architectural styles there, and then learn about different construction methods based on the architectural styles.

The richer the civilization of a race, the more styles of architecture there are.

Tombs, temples, prisons, dams...these are all structures it learned after deeply understanding the cultures of different races.

It not only looks at the appearance of the building, but also understands the historical evolution of the building, its cultural connotation, and the stories behind these buildings.

It would chat with the old man guarding the tomb all night about the battlefield past, and it would also sit in front of the temple and listen to those worldly wishes.

The old man muttered that all his comrades-in-arms died in a war. He was just a deserter who hid under the corpses and escaped. After he came back, he built these tombs. Looking at these tombs, he felt like Like a comrade looking at it.

The old man's heart was also trapped here. He could escape from the battlefield, but he could never escape the guilt that penetrated his bones.

People come and go in the temple, and incense is lingering. The believers come here with all the troubles in the world. Everyone has their own worries and difficulties.

Just like when this temple was built, a group of people who could not find peace of mind put their hearts in this temple.

Rather than building a temple to pray to God, it is better to say that it is building a safe house where one can feel at ease.

I pray to God for peace of mind.

Siyang realized.

The builders of those magnificent buildings were not rulers from above, but the people at the bottom who put the buildings together brick by brick.

Each of them is a piece of history.

Siyang's thoughts slowly changed, and now she feels——

Construction is not simple.

It returned to the island again and told its tribesmen the stories it had heard around the world.

“All buildings work wonders if they are built with reverence.”

Siyang thought that this time, the tribesmen on the island would quickly master this "intentional" construction method.

However, no one can understand Siyang.

They build buildings without heart.

Siyang looked at the empty shell-like buildings on the island and sighed.

People who are not really sympathetic to those stories cannot build that kind of building, and no matter how high the construction skills are, it will be useless.

Some tribesmen want to optimize the temple’s overly long eaves and replace them with a material-saving, harder dome. Siyang will tell them:

"Why do the eaves of the temple have to be so long? Because travelers come and go from time to time to take shelter from the rain. They do not want to disturb the local gods and stand under the eaves outside the temple. But the gods are tolerant and make the eaves become Lord, shield these travelers from the violent storm."

These things cannot be considered after mastering the construction skills.

Many redundant parts of buildings have their own special meanings. Some are the experiences left by ancestors, some are based on humanitarian considerations, and some represent auspicious meanings.

The tribesmen can quickly master the strict construction steps and can use their talents to optimize them, but they don't know the stories behind the buildings, so they can't build buildings with soul.

Siyang didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. It could only suggest that the tribesmen go out to sea to learn about these buildings themselves.

However, the tribesmen do not like the sun and are unwilling to be exposed to the sun at sea. They would rather hide on the island than go out to see the world.

In this regard, Siyang had nothing to say.

"Everyone is different."

Just like this, Siyang went to sea from time to time and shuttled across the vast sea.

Until a messenger from the Walrus Clan came to Silk Island and invited the Silk Clan to participate in the encirclement and suppression of the Hell Beast.

"The construction ability of the Silk Clan will be of great help to us in building Paradise Island."

The Walrus tribe said that many races participated in this operation, and even some races that were originally at war temporarily put aside their hatred to resist the hell beasts together.

Listening to the messenger's introduction, the Silk people also understood the critical situation, but they were still unwilling to leave Silk Island.

Only Siyang stood up.

"I'll go, I'll participate on behalf of the Silk Clan."

The messenger nodded, told Siyang the location of Paradise Island, and hurried to the next island.

It didn't take long for Siyang to decide to go to Paradise Island.

It has been to sea many times and is already familiar with the road.

As before, the tribe came to the beach to see it off.

"You must come back, and I want to hear your stories about those buildings."

Si Ling likes to hear Si Yang talk about the outside world. Although it doesn't like the sun, it is full of yearning for the outside world and often pesters Si Yang to ask questions.

It took out a tie and tied it to Siyang's body hyphae.

"What is this?" Siyang asked curiously.

"It's a gift from me. You don't need me to help you build your body now. I can only make a simple thing for you."

Siyang didn't know what the strap did, but it just felt warm.

Some things are warmer than the sun.

"You must come back."


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