I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 356 Battle of Paradise Island

Because of his strong construction ability, Siyang was elected as the chief architect of Paradise Island, responsible for the construction of the entire island.

This is the first time it has been responsible for such a large project, and it also feels that a heavy responsibility is weighing on itself.

Fortunately, most things do not require it to do it personally. It only needs to design the structure and functional areas of the island, and someone will naturally execute it.

He used all his life's learning on the paradise island, devoted all his life's learning, and completely integrated his "mind" into it.

Siyang knew that it would most likely never have the opportunity to be responsible for such a large project in the future, so it cherished this opportunity very much.

From the overall structure of the island to the specific functions of each small area, Siyang has designed everything with great care.

It has designed countermeasures for the hell beast's various abilities, set up strong defense capabilities for the island, and made the cage extremely hard.

These are the knowledge Siyang learned from other races.

But after adding its "intention", it became this unique and only belongs to it - paradise island.

The hell beast is coming soon, and battle reports are coming from the front line.

Everyone is anxious.

As the chief architect, Siyang still feels a little uneasy when he looks at his most proud building, the "cage" that he spent countless efforts building.

It was worried that there were some things that it had not considered, which would lead to the failure of the hell beast's seal. When the hell beast was approaching, it was still carefully checking everything on Paradise Island.

One night not long after, the black hell beasts surged over from the sky, covering the sky and the sun, like dark clouds that swallowed everything, and even the sky and sea became pitch black.


Siyang hurriedly hid in the fortifications. It was not responsible for fighting. The Sealed Hell Beast had specialized combatants to do it. Siyang had already told them how to operate Paradise Island in advance.

The battle did not last long. With the efforts of all races, the hell beasts were quickly sealed to Paradise Island.

When Si Yang climbed out again, he saw only a beautiful sunrise. The dawn of victory shot from the horizon to the paradise island, and all the participating races were bathed in pure white.


Siyang didn't even see the specific appearance of the hell beast. This terrible creature was sealed by Paradise Island.

However, the war was not completely won.

Paradise Island still needs someone to guard it and observe the hell beast's subsequent movements.

As the chief architect of Paradise Island, Siyang naturally volunteered to stay. It not only wanted to monitor the hell beast, but also wanted to protect its own hard work.

Of course, there is another very important reason: it wants to personally experience a piece of history, a piece of architectural history.

Siyang knew the history of many buildings, but he had never experienced it personally. He wanted to stay on Paradise Island, see the changes of the island, and see what this "cage" would eventually become.

This is its selfishness.

In the end, many races left behind a guardian who stayed on the island with Siyang.

These were also the first residents of Paradise Island.

Siyang became very good friends with these remaining guardians. They were both comrades-in-arms and relatives.

These races abandoned their previous barriers and merged with each other in the same place.

Their daily job is to check whether the various functions on the island are still intact and whether the hell beasts have behaved abnormally.

Thanks to Siyang's superb construction technology, Paradise Island has never had any abnormalities and operates extremely well.

Until one day, a friend found Siyang with an apologetic look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Siyang immediately noticed something was wrong with his friend.

"I'm going back, my people are still waiting for me." My friend said sheepishly.

Siyang wanted to question her friend at that time, but when the words reached her lips, she swallowed them again.

"still coming back?"

"Come back if you have a chance."

After hearing such an answer, Siyang instantly understood that her friend would never come back.

"Remember to hand over the matter well and be careful when you go back. The sea has been a bit uneasy recently..."


No one has ever stipulated when the island's guardians can leave. In fact, they could have left long ago, but no one has ever said this.

Just like that, my friend left.

Immediately afterwards, the guardians of the island also left one after another.

When some guardians left, they said that the clan would send new guardians to take over the work, but as time went by, the number of residents on the island continued to decrease.

Those new guardians do not understand the significance of this pure white island. They have not experienced those scenes of construction day and night, and have not experienced that battle. They will only feel that they have arrived in a barren land.

Not long after, these new guardians also left Paradise Island, and Siyang never stopped them.

Siyang looked at the ships going away and remembered an experience he had once had.

When it traveled to the Infinite Sea, it once visited an empty desert island. There were many traces of habitation on the desert island, but there was only one resident on the island.

It was an old man who couldn't even speak clearly.

When the old man saw Siyang landing on the island, he enthusiastically took him and wandered around the island, visiting the shabby houses.

The old man could tell the history of each house: when it was built, who built it, where it came from, who had lived there, what important events had happened in the family, and where the children and grandchildren had gone.

These meaningless "history" constitute the old man's life.

Siyang just felt a little sighing at that time, and had no sympathy with the old man. The history mentioned by the old man was like dust, drifting past Siyang's ears without leaving a trace.

But now, Siyang thought of this experience and understood the old man's mood at that time.

"Those are not buildings, but his life."

Siyang touched the smooth white floor tiles on Paradise Island, and her thoughts drifted to the distance...

Slowly, no one came to Paradise Island anymore.

There are fewer and fewer guardians, and only Siyang is left.

Siyang did not complain, but as the last guardian, he patrolled the island step by step every day, busy, year after year, day after day.

A long, long time passed like this, so long that Siyang himself forgot how long it was.

Paradise Island is Siyang's hard work. He has put all his thoughts into it. Of course, he doesn't want this island to be abandoned like this.

Out of responsibility, it is also worried that there are omissions in its design. If the Hell Beast escapes from prison and there is no guardian on the island, there may be irreparable consequences.

However, everyone seemed to have forgotten this island, and no one came to it again.

Siyang often sits on the edge of the island and looks at the endless sea for a whole day.

The sun sets, the sun rises, the tide ebbs and flows...

Until a young man landed on the island.

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