I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 357 Paradise Plan

Si Yang took the young man and strolled around the island, talking about the things on the island.

The young man listened carefully, just like Si Yang in the past.

"Young man, why did you come to this island?"

In the past, some travelers would mistakenly enter Paradise Island, and Si Yang would warmly entertain them, so Si Yang thought that this young man came to Paradise Island for the same reason.

But the young man's answer surprised Si Yang very much.

"My ancestors once guarded this island."

"Your ancestors?"

Si Yang asked curiously, and after constant confirmation, Si Yang was sure that this young man was the descendant of his good friend.

"Has it been so long?"

The lifespan of the Si tribe is very long. They only need to keep changing their bodies to live forever. Si Yang has changed his body many times on Paradise Island, and he can't remember the number of times clearly.

"I found this island in the historical records of the tribe. I am very curious about what happened on the island, so I want to come and see it."

The young man is very curious about everything on the island, especially the amazing construction techniques.

This is exactly what Si Yang is good at. It took the young man to tour the entire island while explaining various construction methods. The young man listened very attentively and nodded repeatedly.

"Are all these for sealing the hell beast?"

"Yes, it is a terrible creature."

"Terrible? Maybe that's what I thought at the time. No one should be afraid of that creature now." The young man replied lightly.

Hearing this, Si Yang was very surprised. Has a way to deal with the hell beast been found now?

It also knew that it had stayed on the island for too long and might have been out of touch with the times. Maybe a certain race had invented a way to eliminate the hell beast.

If so, it would not have to stay on this island all the time.

Thinking of this, it asked the young man about the current situation and why no one was afraid of the hell beast.

The young man listened to its questions, his expression became more and more strange, and then he flipped out a history book of their race from behind, turned to one of the pages, and handed it to Si Yang.

Si Yang took it. It is proficient in many languages ​​and can easily understand the contents of this book.

Its eyes quickly locked onto the title at the top of the page:

"Hell Beast and the Heaven Plan."

This title immediately piqued Si Yang's interest, and it quickly looked down.

"The war in the abyss has not stopped for a long time. Many races have been beaten to pieces, and even led to the extinction of many weak races. This war has lasted too long, and the fire of hatred is burning more and more. If it continues like this, all civilizations will stagnate and may even regress."

"The abuse of war relics has also caused strange phenomena in many seas and islands. The originally safe areas have become dangerous due to the aftermath of the relics. The living space has been drastically compressed, which has further restricted the development of civilization."

"We must find a way to stop this meaningless war."

This page seems to be telling the cause of an incident.

Si Yang couldn't wait to turn to the next page.

"We found a black creature. They are very small and move with great momentum, but they are harmless."

"They will gather on those destroyed civilizations, or appear in places where disasters occur, as if they are looking for something. We have studied this creature and found that what they are looking for is the pain of creatures."

"This is a creature that feeds on painful memories, so they will chase the breath of destruction. Wherever there is a disaster, they will run there."

"Natural disasters, man-made disasters, wars, epidemics... are all their targets. They will look for survivors of disasters and devour those painful memories."

"This creature is immortal, but it has nothing to do. What harm does it cause? The survivors whose memories have been eaten will be happy instead. "

"Because of the war, this kind of creature has begun to become more and more. They frequently appear in various places in the abyss and have attracted the attention of many races. This is where we can take advantage of it. "

"We need to establish a common enemy and transfer the hatred of the war to this common enemy. We must establish this enemy as extremely powerful, able to destroy everything, able to cause all disasters, enough to make all races point the finger at this enemy. "

"And this kind of creature is exactly what we need. "

"So, we named this creature-Hell Beast. "

Seeing this, Si Yang's mycelium instantly gave out a chill.

"Hell Beast, is it fake?"

Just a cover?

A passerby who often appears at various "crime scenes" has been portrayed as a murderer who kills and sets fires and is extremely vicious!

This "murderer" can unite the "neighbors" who have been arguing all the time and jointly maintain the safety of the "community".

Point the spearhead to the outside, and the inside will be safe and worry-free.

Seeing this, Si Yang instantly understood everything.

It did not doubt the truth of this matter, because during its travels, it had seen with its own eyes the races destroyed by war, and the deserted islands that were left with only ruins. Many sea areas and islands became dangerous and terrifying because of the aftermath of the battlefield.

After the Hell Beast appeared, almost all races put aside their estrangements and hatreds and united to deal with this nearly "invincible" terrifying enemy.

It was only under this premise that Paradise Island could be built so quickly.

Siyang's hand was trembling a little, its hyphae were twitching continuously, and there was a problem with the accuracy of the control.

It tremblingly turned the book to the next page.

As it goes, Page Three tells the story of the creation of Paradise Island, where the "hope" of being able to deal with the Hellbeasts unites all races and no one will mess with it.

After the Battle of Paradise Island, these races also began to think about the importance of peace. Under the aftermath of the threat of the Hell Beast, peace also lasted for a long time.

Although there are still some small-scale conflicts in the Infinite Sea, most races have realized the benefits of peace and will no longer easily start wars.

"Our race was one of the executors of this plan at the time and was responsible for the propaganda, so this history has been left behind. Now most races have slowly learned about the inside story, but they all tacitly acquiesced, and no one I will delve into the past.”

Hearing this, Siyang nodded blankly:

"Yes, everyone is happy, and there is no need to delve into it further."

The young man also nodded:

"Yes, everyone is happy."

"The war is over, everything is fine..." Siyang said in a daze.

"Of course, everything is fine."

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