I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 368 Complete Release

"All the domes have been destroyed by the released force. Now it is no longer possible to use the power of the 'well' to return to the ground. We can only go back through the emergency evacuation channel."

Siyang explained to everyone while driving the boat.

It seems that it has long expected that Paradise Island will collapse in the future.

As the chief architect of Paradise Island, Siyang had no opinion on this. He just picked up Mo Ling and the other two people on the boat and continued to sail forward.

"Paradise Island is about to be destroyed, won't you be sad?"

Mo Ling had personally felt the pain of painstaking efforts to build something, and he also knew the pain of turning it into ruins. He didn't understand why Siyang was still so calm.

However, Si Yang smiled when he heard Mo Ling's words.


As it spoke, it increased the speed of the boat.

"Hold on! I'll show you the real building."

The boat suddenly raised its bow, causing Mo Ling, who originally wanted to ask questions, to lie on the ground instantly.

The bow of the boat stirred up violent waves, and the white feathers hit everyone, and were instantly blown away by the wind and rolled into the sky.

A deep ship mark was cut in the ocean of feathers, and the waves swept away in both directions.

Some flickering lights and shadows kept appearing beside the ship, and then disappeared instantly.

"What are those?"

"It's the soul!" Siyang shouted loudly.

"The soul I added to the paradise island!"


As if in response to Siyang's cry, the sky suddenly shattered into countless fragments. These fragments were like peeling wall skin, falling from the high dome.

Although it was said to be fragments, they were terrifyingly large and hit the boat heavily.

"Do not be afraid!"

Siyang continued to shout, driving the boat to narrowly avoid these falling debris.

The huge dome fragment stirred up a huge wave, and the boat jumped into the sky riding on the huge wave.

At this moment, the boat seemed to be equipped with countless wings and floated into the sky.

Those lights and shadows wrapped around the feathers and surrounded the boat, gently lifting the small boat.

It was like a white halo surrounded by feathers, lifting the boat into the air.

"Lower your head!" Siyang suddenly shouted, then bent down.

The boat jumped up at high speed and suddenly plunged into a white space composed of countless lights and shadows. Then these lights and shadows began to continuously push the boat forward, and they followed closely behind and gathered behind the boat.

In this way, the speed of the boat is getting faster and faster.

Mo Ling only saw that the light and shadow around him were stretched into blurry lines, extending into the endless distance.

While traveling at such a high speed, the boat was very stable. Those lights and shadows closely adhered to the boat and even protected everyone on board.

They gathered into groups of feather light patterns, wrapping Mo Ling and others in the center. Mo Ling could even feel the slightest warmth.

As the light and shadow around him increased, the feather-like touch on Mo Ling's body became more and more obvious. Gradually, he felt as if he was lying on a soft feather quilt, extremely comfortable.

The whistling wind and vibration around him had completely disappeared, replaced by endless calm.

"Good night."

Mo Ling seemed to hear someone whispering soft words among the lights and shadows, but when he followed the voice and looked, all he saw were blurry lights and shadows.

"Is it an illusion?"

Siyang, who was in front of the boat, stood up again at some point.

It stood on the bow, surrounded by light and shadow, as if it was wearing a shining cloak, the cloak fluttering in the wind, while Siyang looked seriously ahead, looking forward to it with great expectation.

"We should be able to catch up."

In the distance, a white light appeared, which seemed to be the exit. Siyang's eyes lit up when he saw the white light.

"There will be bumps soon, so hurry up!"

The white light is getting closer and closer, becoming more and more dazzling, and the light and shadow around them are becoming more and more solid, tightly protecting everyone.

Finally, at the moment when the boat was completely engulfed in white light, Mo Ling heard a shattering sound.

It was a very faint cracking sound.

Like a stone on the roadside, it cracked gently.


The boat seemed to have broken through a barrier and arrived at a new place.

"Caught up! Look!"

Siyang urged excitedly.

Mo Ling quickly looked around, and the scene in front of him stunned him on the spot.

There are only two colors between heaven and earth.

black and white.

The sky is filled with black hell beasts, rolling like dark clouds, extending to the horizon.

The ground is a pure white paradise island. Countless lights and shadows break through the shackles of the white light stone, turn into feathers, and float in the air.

And their small leaf boat was in the black and white mid-air, surrounded by countless feathers.

These feathers were flying, floating into the sky, and then being swept up in the dark clouds, and they didn't know where they were going.

Black and white are so cleverly blended together that they are indistinguishable.

"All alive!"

Siyang looked at the feathers flying in the sky and the hell beasts in the sky, and smiled happily.


"Yes, since the Feathered One can be converted into a White Light Stone, and the White Light Stone can be turned into a Feathered One again, this is the ability of their race. As long as the energy is enough, the reincarnation of their race can be re-energized!"

Siyang jumped in front of Mo Ling and held Mo Ling's hand tightly.

"Those compressed spaces are the potential energy I left for them. As long as this energy is released, the white light stones on the entire Hell Island can be converted into featherers again!"

Mo Ling was a little dazed after listening to Siyang's words, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses.

"Are you ready?"

"Of course!" Si Yang patted his chest and said proudly: "I am the chief builder of Paradise Island, the most powerful builder of the Silk tribe!"

"I will not let these races that built Paradise Island die in vain!"

"Save their souls in the center of Paradise Island, and temporarily use them as the main control program. Convert the energy into white light stones, and then reserve the excitation energy to reawaken them at the right time!"

Siyang raised his hands and stood among the feathers floating in the sky.

"Those powerful races who are aloof have no idea that I have done such a thing under their noses. I told them that the main control program is to allow Paradise Island to have the ability to operate on its own, and the compression structure is to save the space of Paradise Island. The low power mode of White Light Stone is to reduce consumption! ”

"They all believed it! Haha!"

"They all believed it!"

The white light stone on the ground continued to disintegrate and break into pieces, turning into countless feathers rising into the sky, but the builder of this island was enjoying it.

Siyang jumped up and down on the boat, dancing with the floating feathers. From time to time, she jumped out of the boat and into the floating feathers, and was lifted back to the boat by the feathers.

Everything he had built with so much effort was crumbling, but Siyang didn't care.

It waved to the sky, and the dark cloud rolled out a tentacle, and several coal briquettes rolled onto its hand.

Siyang rubbed the briquettes excitedly. The briquettes wanted to escape, but were pulled back by it and tossed around in its arms.

After torturing the briquettes until they were exhausted and hopeless, it sent the briquettes back into the dark clouds.

After feeling so happy, Siyang was suddenly stunned again and reached out to touch the feathers spinning around it.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

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