I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 369 Collapse and Rebirth

The feathers caressed Siyang's face as if in response.

Countless white feathers soaring into the sky swirled around Siyang, covering the dark body made of coal. The light intertwined and gave it a pair of angel-like wings.

At this moment, the distinction between black and white is no longer important.

Some feathers came to Mo Ling's side. They were spinning around the square head, seeming to be studying this strange creature.

They also gathered around the machine platform and Li Luo.

These feathers are like a newborn baby, full of curiosity about everything.

They gently touched Li Luo's nameplate, slowly smoothed Li Luo's messy hair, and then slowly floated into the air.

The machine remained motionless, letting the feathers circle back and forth around its body, looking very calm.

It seemed that he had already seen through everything.

Not only the people on the boat, but also the residents on the ground were surrounded by flying feathers.

The white buildings and ground on Paradise Island are slowly turning into feathers, because everything is made of white light stone.

Feathers gently lifted some residents in danger and carried them to safety.

The white bricks on the ground slowly thinned, and finally turned into soft feathers. They rolled up into the air, leaving only the soil underneath.

Some buildings dissipated with only a little frame left, some buildings disappeared without a trace, and the white light stone parts on the outside of some buildings gradually disappeared, and the human buildings inside were revealed.

Slowly, the earth is no longer pure white, and Paradise Island slowly reveals its original appearance under the white light stone.

This is an ordinary island, nothing special.

The residents of the island were lifted by feathers and slowly stepped on the soil.

They were all extremely curious about the changes on the island, but they didn't seem to be afraid at all.

“This is the last ‘rationalization’ of Paradise Island.”

Siyang looked at the residents and said calmly.

"Will their memories be restored?" Mo Ling asked.

"No, they have been taken away by the hell beasts." Siyang said helplessly: "I can't help them."

"Perhaps they will gradually realize that their memories are not right later, but how to retrieve these memories depends on themselves..."

At this time, Mo Ling also remembered the painful memories he had read on Hell Island.

Thinking about it now, it's still a bit suffocating.

He shook his head: "So be it, this may be a good thing..."

The sea of ​​feathers slowly rose up and rolled into the dark clouds.

The sky, intertwined with black and white, surges and floats into the distance.

The feathers that gathered around everyone reluctantly left everyone and flew into the sky.

Without the support of feathers, Siyang fell on the boat again.

He looked at the dark clouds that were drifting away and waved his hand.

The dark clouds seemed to have been paying attention to it, and suddenly a hole opened.

A dazzling ray of sunlight fell from the sky and shone on Siyang's body.

Siyang was bathed in the sunlight, like a statue of a god, motionless.

It wasn't until the dark clouds slowly faded away and turned into a black streak on the horizon that Siyang sat down gently on the boat.

The boat was feathered on top of a tall tower.

The spire originally supported by the white light stone has dissipated, leaving only a flat section, just enough to lower the small boat.

"This is the first building built by humans when they came to Paradise Island - a watchtower, or lighthouse."

"They guide their companions here, allowing subsequent ships to come to Paradise Island, and also allowing more and more ships to come here."

"Later, because the route was determined, the lighthouse was no longer used, but I still kept the tower when I renovated it..."

Siyang said with some nostalgia.

It pointed to a well-preserved building in the distance and introduced to everyone: "That's the hospital."

"Because when it was first built, the building was white, and I didn't make too many modifications. I just covered the surface with a layer of streamlined white light stone."

"At that time, people on the island were still often injured, so I moved some of the medical auxiliary functions of Paradise Island there. However, they should all be gone now."

Mo Ling followed Siyang's gaze and saw that Paradise Island at this time looked like ruins after the war, with almost all the buildings incomplete.

Fortunately, the residents are all fine. They are just walking on the muddy ground where the white bricks have been lost, discussing how to rebuild.

After the dark clouds dispersed, the sun shone down again, covering the paradise island among the ruins with a golden glow.

The island is no longer pure white, but has a different kind of beauty.

The sun had already set in the sky, and its reddish afterglow illuminated the entire island somewhat vaguely. The shadows of the incomplete buildings were slowly lengthened and fell to the ground, giving the paradise island finally a shadow.

People shuttled among the shadows and came under the setting sun again, feeling an indescribable sense of desolation.

But compared with the pure white island, it is a bit more real.

There was no despair on people's faces, but rather a sense of joy after the disaster. They ran around, looking for their acquaintances and caring for each other.

Some of my friends even laughed loudly while standing in front of the dilapidated and completely uninhabitable building.

Siyang looked at the humans coming and going in the sunset, and sighed: "Although humans are a weak race, they are really resilient. Maybe this island will be rebuilt before long."

After the entire paradise island falls apart, the humans on the island may have to spend a lot of energy to rebuild, but if the people are still there, everything will be fine.

Siyang asked a few people to leave the boat first and came to the ground of the lighthouse. He patted the boat and turned it into a white stone.

"This may be the last white light stone on the island."

"What are you going to do with it?" Mo Ling asked curiously.

"The night is not far away, use it to illuminate the dark night."

Siyang placed the stone in the center of the lighthouse and knocked it with his hand. The white light stone suddenly expanded and turned into a huge lamp.

The setting sun in the distance had unknowingly sunk into the sea, turning red, leaving only half of the body still glowing.

The sea surface is sparkling, and the reflection of the setting sun is rippling, laying a warm red carpet on the collapsed island.

"about there."

Siyang watched the half of the setting sun slowly sinking into the sea, and the darkness slowly swallowed the island.

"You guys should go down first. The light is very bright and may hurt your eyes."

In this way, several people arrived not far from the lighthouse.

On the lighthouse, Siyang's black figure was a little blurry.

It placed its hand on the white lamp and tapped it gently.

In an instant, a dazzling white light illuminated an entire island that was about to lose its light.

Light comes again.

"Its daybreak……"

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