I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 370 Light

Mo Ling just bathed in that light.

This time, the light will not hypnotize or dazzle the eyes. It just hangs quietly on the top of the lighthouse, bringing the purest light to everyone on the island.

For a moment, all eyes on the island were turned to the lighthouse.

But not long after, these curious eyes slowly moved away.

At the same time, Mo Ling's thoughts seemed to follow the light of the lighthouse and spread to the entire island. He saw the people who were busy:

Cyclists are placing supplies on their vehicles to deliver to those in need.

The receptionist is guiding people to find the remaining items among the ruins.

The chef is directing the volunteers to collect the food scattered on the ground.

Beggars helped set up tents for temporary living in the square.

These people with different identities are still exerting their own heat, and everyone has their own role.

Mo Ling looked at these busy figures and felt extremely coordinated.

From the moment he landed on the island, Mo Ling couldn't adapt to everything on the island, but at this moment, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind -

Human beings seem to be composed of identities.

Suffering builds different human identities, and these identities, like puzzle pieces, form a society.

From beginning to end, there is no difference between humans and ants.

It’s just that the division of labor is much clearer, and there is a lot of so-called free will.

"It's just dust crawling in the abyss."

These identities came together, became increasingly blurred under the light, and actually merged together.

Mo Ling seemed to see a gray slime-like creature squirming in the dark abyss, crawling farther and farther, with gray slime falling behind, leaving a long trail.

That's a group called "humanity".

He couldn't help but reached out and grabbed it, but he felt cold.

When he came to his senses, he found that he was sitting on the bed, facing the metal wall, and his hands were already on the wall for some reason.

That cold feeling came from the inner metal wall...

At the same time, Li Luo, who was outside the square, suddenly felt a coldness on his neck.

She suddenly felt that something in the sky behind her was looking at her.

In other words, there is something staring at the entire island and the entire human race.

It was an extremely terrifying glance, without any emotion, as if everything in the world had become the same.

That gaze can even pierce his own body and everything in his field of vision. All matter and thoughts are invisible under that gaze.

The chill on his neck became more obvious, and a biting chill spread throughout Li Luo's body.

Li Luo stiffened and slowly looked behind him——

The cold cube is floating quietly in the air, motionless...

She took a deep breath and waved her hand to the cube, which slowly floated down.

Li Luo's hands were shaking a little. She hurriedly found a can of Coke from her bag and placed it on the cube.

After a while, the Coke disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Was that just an illusion?"

She touched her neck, and the cool breeze after nightfall made her feel a little dazed.

After tucking away his collar, Li Luo felt the chill on his body slowly recede, and his body gradually warmed up.

"It's quite cold at night in Paradise Island, please keep warm." The machine on the side looked at Li Luo's movements and said with concern.

Li Luo turned to look at it: "Did you feel cold just now?"

The machine answered her question seriously:

"I'm a robot, I can't get cold."

Seeing the serious answer from the machine, Li Luo suddenly felt embarrassed.

Maybe, it's really just an illusion?

far away.

The residents of the island gathered together spontaneously and began to discuss the disaster on the island.

Under Paradise Island's final "rationalization" correction, they only felt that they had experienced a terrible storm.

"The dark clouds swallowed up all the light, and the terrifying tornado swept across the entire island, destroying almost all the buildings on the island. Fortunately, there were no casualties."

In the abyss, such a disaster is considered minor, but reconstruction may take a long time.

Most of the residents on the island are very lucky that they are still alive.

Most of them understand the horror of the abyss, and they are very lucky to be able to survive.

What else is there to be dissatisfied with in the rest of your life?

The policeman during the day hurried to the lighthouse, found Siyang, and asked him about the light that covered the entire island.

"Is that what you did?"

Siyang nodded: "My secret identity is to do this."

The policeman waved his hand quickly: "You don't need to tell me your secret identity! I know you all have missions. I just want to make sure. I need to make a record."

There are still many people busy on the island. After the disaster, many things need to be dealt with, and the police is one of them.

"I will report the lighting issue and let the authorities handle it."

"No problem." Siyang nodded.

After learning about the lighting in detail, the police expressed friendly concern for the safety of several people, and then hurriedly dealt with other matters.

Even though Paradise Island is no longer pure white, the people on the island still maintain that strange courtesy. Even though they are facing a foreigner, the policeman did not show any alienation, but showed him Enough trust.

It even feels a bit too "simple".

Li Luo thought that his group would be investigated, but he didn't expect that it would just pass.

Siyang, on the other hand, looked at the policeman's retreating back, thoughtfully.

"He should have recognized me long ago." It muttered softly.

"Do you know him?" Li Luo asked curiously.

"I've helped him many times..."

Siyang slowly told the story between it and the policeman:

"He is the only policeman on Paradise Island."

Paradise Island is located on the third level of the abyss. It is a relatively special human island because it is not actually an officially recognized island. Most of the residents on the island gather spontaneously.

There are only a few official personnel on the island, and the policeman is one of them.

He was responsible for almost everything on the island, big and small.

When there is a shortage of manpower, omissions often occur, and this policeman seems to be a bit slow and cannot handle many things well.

As the guardian of the island, Siyang often helps this human being who is also the "guardian of the island".

He often uses white light stone projection to transform into various races and help the policeman handle things on the island.

"I tell him every time that I have a secret identity..."

The policeman had the same reaction every time, and Siyang didn't feel anything was wrong. She just felt that he was easy to deceive.

Looking back now, Siyang realized:

"It turns out that it's me who's easy to deceive."

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