I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 371 Reunion

Compared to the busy people on the island, the few people who had just returned to the town center from the lighthouse seemed a little idle.

The residents of the island set up many tents in the square as temporary shelters.

As soon as he arrived at the square, Li Luo was hugged by a figure running towards him.

The person who came was none other than Lin Nian. She examined Li Luo's body anxiously, pinched her face, and asked pretending to be angry: "Where did you go? I searched around the island. Haven't found you yet."

Li Luo turned around and pointed to the lighthouse in the distance: "Let's install the lights."

Lin Nian followed Li Luo's gaze and was a little surprised: "The fire thief still needs to install a lamp?"

She put her hand on Li Luo's shoulder and asked seriously:

"Are you still responsible for bringing light to mankind?"

Li Luo didn't know how to answer after hearing this.

"So... right?"

Lin Nian looked at the two people next to Li Luo warily.

A black creature of coal.

A... black robot.

Lin Nian was stunned when he saw this robot.

She seemed to feel something.

The machine looked at Lin Nian in a daze and bowed to her with great sincerity.

"Hello." A steady mechanical voice reached Lin Nian's ears.

Listening to this voice, for some reason, Lin Nian subconsciously replied: "Hello."

The hand on Li Luo slowly slipped away, Lin Nian slowly walked towards the machine, and then put his ear to its chest.

It was obvious that the robot had no heartbeat, but Lin Nian just listened.

The machine did not resist, but stood quietly, letting Lin Nian lie on its chest.

As he listened, Lin Nian actually laughed, with tears overflowing from his eyes.

The tears dripped on the mechanical arm of the machine and directly blurred the black color.

The black color on the machine's body slowly faded away like ink and dissipated into the night, revealing its pure white body.

Lin Nian stretched out his hand and grasped the mechanical arm of the machine. An invisible electric current jumped between their fingers, as if they were communicating something.

Lin Nian's expression also kept changing, as if he had seen something.

After the rhythmic current pulsed for a while, Lin Nian finally let go of his hand.

She looked at the machine that had faded to black and sighed:

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Long time no see, Lin Nian." Ji Tai replied calmly.

Listening to the machine's words, Lin Nian shook his head violently and took a step back, away from the machine.

"You shouldn't have reminded me... I will report you to the authorities, and then you will still not be able to escape the fate of being destroyed."

Her tone suddenly became very excited, and she was trembling as she spoke, as if she was struggling.

However, the machine still looked calm: "You won't report me."

"How do you know? When I destroyed your consent form, it also had my signature on it." Lin Nian said, his voice trembling more and more.

"Moreover, I personally sent you to be destroyed, have you forgotten? I could have taken you to escape at that time, but I still sent you to be destroyed without hesitation. I can do such a thing a second time! "

Lin Nian kept retreating, while the machine kept a distance from her.

"That's not really what you're thinking."

"Why not? In order not to be ostracized by the institute, in order not to offend the official, in order to escape the pressure at home, and for my own honor, I destroyed my best friend..."

When Lin Nian said the word "friend", he got stuck again and just kept retreating, finally hitting a tent.

"Human beings are not perfect. They will have all kinds of distracting thoughts. Driven by these distracting thoughts, they will make choices that they regret. Moreover, what you did was very correct under the circumstances at the time, but it just slightly went against your original intention. "

Ji Tai kept a distance from Lin Nian and said to her calmly:

"Even if you don't destroy me, you will regret it because you have been punished by human society, and that may threaten your personal safety. At the same time, my destruction is still unavoidable."

"Between sacrificing two people or sacrificing one person, you choose the one that causes the least damage."

"But..." Lin Nian wanted to retort, but was interrupted by the machine.

"But that will make you feel very guilty. You feel that you have betrayed your 'friends' and your companions who trust you so much, so you have been blaming yourself for this, and you have even begun to believe in the baseless conspiracy theories in the company."

"This makes you blame yourself even more and feel that it was your inaction that harmed me, so you fall into infinite guilt."

"Sometimes you even fantasize and feel that if you tried your best to save me, I might be able to escape the fate of being destroyed, but your reason tells you that this is impossible, so your heart is in a confrontation between emotion and reason. , became extremely entangled..."

The machine directly read out all Lin Nian's inner thoughts.

Lin Nian looked at the machine with moist eyes, an expression of indignation on his face:

"You know it all and you still say it!"

Ji Tai spread his hands and said: "The memory has just been restored. You must find an outlet. Those guilts are flooding into your heart. You will be ashamed to face me, but you can't run away. You can only say that you want to 'report' me. You want me to retreat on my own, but you know it is impossible, you can only humiliate yourself..."

Seeing that the machine was still thinking about what he was thinking, and was still deconstructing and analyzing his previous behavior, Lin Nian finally couldn't help it, rushed forward, made a fist with his hand, and hit the machine hard on the head. Knocked on the ground.

"Shut up!"

"My niece is still here, please keep your voice down!"

"It's also a perfect machine! You don't even understand this kind of human nature!"

Her fist hit the alloy shell of the machine. Not only did it not cause any damage to the machine, it also made her hand red.

After venting his emotions, Lin Nian finally calmed down.

This painful memory was integrated into her body without any side effects under the guidance of the machine.

Lin Nian was not really angry at the station. The emotional impact of the memory had just faded away, and she blushed with embarrassment when she thought of her gaffe.

She looked up at the still calm machine, then suddenly lowered her head.

"I'm sorry." The apology was too quiet to be heard.

But the machine still agreed softly.

Under the light that was not too bright, Ji Tai and Lin Nian stood so quietly. The crowds coming and going around them did not affect the two reunited friends...

"I need a body." The machine said to Lin Nian.

"Okay." After recovering his memory, Lin Nian agreed directly.

"But we have to wait until the island settles down. Not only do we not have suitable equipment now, but it may take a long time for the power to be restored." Lin Nian turned to look at the ruins in the distance and said with some worry.

The machine still lowered its head and looked at Lin Nian seriously.

"It's okay, I'll wait for you."

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